A Conversation for Talking About the Guide - the h2g2 Community


Post 1

Bambi - Keeper of Crystals and Royal Heart Royal (The Stag of Balwyniti)

A friend of mine was telling me how whenever she hears a piece of music she remembers a cartoon that no-one else seems to know. We've spent the last few days searching, but been unsuccessful.

The info we have is that it's a short cartoon, narrated by a yorkshireman.

It was about a boy called Bill who travelled around "collecting" people and one of the people he collected was (possibly) an old professor...

It's very 2d - there's not much movement and the colours are watercolour type colours.

The music is the grand march from Aida - check out this link if you want to know what that sounds like:

Can anyone help? Please? It's driving us mad!!!!

Bambi smiley - reindeer


Post 2

Mort - a middle aged Girl Interrupted

Sorry I can't help you on this one - but there is nothing worse than trying to remember something like that is that! - it drives me crazy!!!

You may get a better response if you posted this at <./>askh2g2</.> as many researchers are subscribed to that page and you may find someone who can remember smiley - ok


Post 3

Bambi - Keeper of Crystals and Royal Heart Royal (The Stag of Balwyniti)

Thanks - will do!

smiley - reindeer

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