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Thinking - is it good for you?

Post 1

Cafe Terrace at night

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Thinking - is it good for you?

Post 2

Marjin, After a long time of procrastination back lurking

I think it would be good to ask this question in <./>askh2g2</.>smiley - smiley

Thinking - is it good for you?

Post 3


I believe it is good to be able to think and find out or it wouldnt be possible to set the h2g2 and make it usefull for us here..plus life would be misserable if we have to take everyday as it comes if dont choose and plan what to do and think about it :o)

Thinking - is it good for you?

Post 4

Tom Thacker

As a general rule...NO! Most of the problems I've encountered were because someone, sometimes even myself, thought.

Thinking - is it good for you?

Post 5

imsogreen ( in search of music related quotes )

don't do it, thinking will drive you mad!
(t)hinking (h)ead (i)s (n)ot (k)osher, (i)nducing (n)o (g)aiety!

Thinking - is it good for you?

Post 6


Thinking; takes much more then just saying"oh I thought it will be ok" if the problem turns out to be wrong moves you made. smiley - smiley

Thinking - is it good for you?

Post 7


Thinking; takes much more then just saying"oh I thought it will be ok" if the problem turns out to be wrong moves you made. smiley - smiley

Thinking - is it good for you?

Post 8

CHeEky CHeRub

Thinking is good for you, it stimulates the mind smiley - yikes(without Red Bull), If more people did it there wouldn't be so much hassle in the world.smiley - doh This would also work if people listend to their thoughts.smiley - erm

CHeEkysmiley - cupid

Thinking - is it good for you?

Post 9


I think this subject is too good to be left in old postings box.lets think and keep it here for new postingssmiley - smiley

Thinking - is it good for you?

Post 10


Imsogren,the more you thing,the mader you go and great ideas rush tru your brain smiley - smileyjust write them down,who knows one can find a use for them some day.

Thinking - is it good for you?

Post 11

imsogreen ( in search of music related quotes )

slkej ;ij j;j;soeirjoijf asn <--- me going mad & writing them down... smiley - winkeye

Thinking - is it good for you?

Post 12


smiley - smiley<¬`)N*'., aha,dont think you are the only one smiley - biggrin


Post 13


This post has been removed.

Thinking - is it good for you?

Post 14


What about the people who hear voices that tell them to do monsterous acts

Thinking - is it good for you?

Post 15


Thought on its own is not bad, it is the acting on such toughts that can make the act of thinking bad. If a person does not think enough for themselves then those of us who think too much are here to balance out the equation, the sad part of this is that while our minds are like sponges that soak up all of the information around us (even if it is on a subconscious level)most of what is out in general circulation is totally useless crap, thus lowering the quality of thought whilst quantity of thought has remained constant.

As children we are taught not to think for yourselves, that adults are better qualified to think for us. As adolesents if our thoughts run contrary to those of our parents or elders it is seen as being rebelous. In adulthood we are resigned to the fact that no matter what our thoughts those in power will do whatever the hell they want to any way. And finally in old age independant thought is seen as eccentricity. Thus creating a circular agrument that thought is in no way a freedom and that from birth to death our thoughts are regulated by a society that does not care.

Thinking - is it good for you?

Post 16

imsogreen ( in search of music related quotes )

smiley - biggrin so optimistic (!)

Thinking - is it good for you?

Post 17


Thinking is good for you if you are thinking origional thoughts - things you thought of yourself and things that matter. If you are thinking things that have been put in your head by advertisements, the media, and stupid politicians that have no common sense then your brain is rotting more with each thought.

Thinking - is it good for you?

Post 18


Politicians suck. Not all of them, but most do. The problem certainly isn't that people don't think enough, but that they don't do what they think is right cause noone else does. Most politicians also belong to this group. Nothing to tell, but much to say.smiley - skull

Thinking - is it good for you?

Post 19

Naturally Argumentative

The problem here is that we're all thinking that our thoughts will be good. The problem is that what seems like a good idea to some people could be bad for others. Thinking without intelligence can lead to all sorts of problems.

Thinking should only be done in moderation and under strict supervision. You never know what might happen otherwise.

Thinking - is it good for you?

Post 20


If thinking was only done under strict supervision, wouldn't that be much worse than if somebody had an bad idea he considered good? Supervision of thinking means destroying all the creativity of the human mind.

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