This is the Message Centre for Captain Malcolm Reynolds

Premod for Life??

Post 9901

McNamara That Ghost

They're effectively Arsenal now Jack.

smiley - grr

Premod for Life??

Post 9902

McNamara That Ghost

Citeh, I mean.

Premod for Life??

Post 9903

Captain Malcolm Reynolds

Jack, City will implode long before they see any success. I reckon you've got more chance of winning the league again before City win it.

Nasri and Co will want to leave by the end of the season. smiley - grr

Premod for Life??

Post 9904

McNamara That Ghost

That's the thing though, if they leave it's only ever going to be on loan unless they want to take reduced wages, which is fairly unlikely.

Premod for Life??

Post 9905

McNamara That Ghost

Right, I am doing one now anyway so have a good one people.

smiley - ale

Premod for Life??

Post 9906


Even Citeh can't throw THAT amount of money into the squad without hoovering up a few trophies. smiley - erm

It wasn't funny when Chelsea did it to knock us off our perch but it'll be funny when Citeh do it to you. smiley - grr

Premod for Life??

Post 9907


Bye Mac. smiley - ok

I'm going to do one too.

Talk tomorrow. smiley - ok

Premod for Life??

Post 9908


Morning all. smiley - ok

Friday! smiley - biggrin

Premod for Life??

Post 9909


Morning Jack

I'm hanging my Scottish head in shame after last night smiley - sadface

Much as I dislike both Rangers and Celtic I still want them to do well in Europe. MASSIVE FAIL.

Premod for Life??

Post 9910


Morning Mos. smiley - ok

All the Scottish teams have exited Europe before the end of August. But there's still one Irish team left. smiley - ok

Unfortunately it's not Bohemians. smiley - grr


Post 9911

McNamara That Ghost


A well earned smiley - doh for all involved in Scotland.

Also, however, congrats to Shamrock Rovers!

smiley - ale

Premod for Life??

Post 9912


I've been congratulating Rovers fans all morning, Mac.

Through gritted teeth. smiley - grr

Premod for Life??

Post 9913

McNamara That Ghost

I doubt you'll need to do it for too much longer.

smiley - grr

Premod for Life??

Post 9914


Cool. Are they in the Europa League proper then aye?

Premod for Life??

Post 9915


They are, Mos. Beat Partisan Belgrade to get there.

Better than being thumped by Swiss and Slovenian teams. smiley - whistle

And I know, Mac, but still... smiley - grr

Premod for Life??

Post 9916


Very well done to them. I'm a Dundee Utd fan and we got knocked out in the previous round by some Polish mob, well 2nd in the Polish League they were. They were lucky of course.

Premod for Life??

Post 9917

McNamara That Ghost

Rovers are in Pot Four Jack so they're going to get obliterated.

smiley - grr

Premod for Life??

Post 9918


Of course they were. smiley - whistle

Anyway, I have a site visit to make so I'll say goodbye. Not exactly looking forward to this week's Arsenal game but I feel fairly sanguine about our inevitable defeat. Sometimes it's the hope that really kills you and this week we've no hope. It'll be interesting to see who Wenger plays though. Still think you should show up at OT with a pair of boots, Mac. smiley - ok

Have a good weekend. smiley - ok

Premod for Life??

Post 9919

McNamara That Ghost

I'll see what I can do Jack. I'm not sure I want my first game with Arsenal to be a horrendous defeat though. smiley - grr

Have a good one Jack. smiley - ale

Premod for Life??

Post 9920


Monday morning. smiley - grr

No bank holiday in this part of the world. smiley - grr

And I'm being destroyed by all the United fans in the office. smiley - grr

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