A Conversation for Musicians Guild Membership Page

request to join

Post 1

funk master

Hi name's cal i play trumpet, drums, guitar, bass and piano. I sing in a band and enjoy rock/indie style music. i'm young and looking for a future in music, so i join in everything to do with it as i can. can i join?

request to join

Post 2

Danny B

Hi Camul smiley - smiley

I've already signed you up! If you check back to the main membership thread (F53961?thread=103935&latest=1) you should find my welcome message smiley - ok

Danny B.

request to join

Post 3


Little new to the lay-out of this. Sorry if this isn't the right place but...

My name is Graham
I play Clarinet (bass perfered), electric bass, little piano and drums
My all time favorite musician is Frank Zappa, although ICP is going strong with me right now.
Just wanting to talk about music and stuff.

request to join

Post 4

Danny B

Hi Graham smiley - smiley

You're in exactly the right place smiley - ok

Unfortunately, the Musicians Guild is having some technical problems at the moment, so I can't 'officially' add you to the membership list, but please do consider yourself a member - there is a badge at A434648 for you to put on your personal space.

smiley - cheers

Danny B.

request to join

Post 5


Really odd, I posted twice asking to join yesterday but my messages have vanished!

I am a musician - yet another flautist (ABRSM Grade 8) have played with the band of HM Royal Marines (proudest moment!)
Also play just about anything else I can get my hands on and would love some bagpipes!

I love female singer / songwriters such as Eva Cassidy, Tori Amos, Sheryl Crow, to name but a few but really anything from Pink Floyd to Bjork and i'm happy.

I'm not really after anything from the Guild, it's just nice to mingle with like-minded peoplesmiley - smiley

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