A Conversation for The Crossed Purposes Pub

Crossed Purposes: July 2001

Post 201


There's smiley - coffee, smiley - tea and smiley - bubbly available!

Crossed Purposes: July 2001

Post 202

A Wolpertinger (OMFC)

Sßbïçâ dâ Wôlpërtïngïsh¿

Crossed Purposes: July 2001

Post 203


Sultandude! smiley - runsmiley - smoochsmiley - hug

*Trips over Kes's foot but still manages to leap into Sultandude's arms and gives him a big hug, spilling her coffee over his towel*

I thought you'd deserted us! How are you me old mucker? smiley - bigeyes

*Sees Kes nursing a squashed foot*

Oops! Sorry Kes! smiley - blush

Crossed Purposes: July 2001

Post 204


*Hops around*
Don't mention it! I have one foot left on the other side ...
Wolpert ..... Sorry - my keyboard isn't up to it ...but welcome anyway!

Crossed Purposes: July 2001

Post 205


The backlog is done!
Estonian capital is Tallinn.
I'd love to have some smiley - coffee, please.
I'm not sure if we have met, Lady K.
*drops a curtsey while a little cactus drops out of her pocket*
Oh, good morning everybody.

Crossed Purposes: July 2001

Post 206

A Wolpertinger (OMFC)

*starts to hop around, because it thinks it's part of the salutatory*

Thängs! smiley - smiley

Crossed Purposes: July 2001

Post 207


What would you like to drink? ...and do stop the hop .. or you'll spill your drink! smiley - winkeye

Crossed Purposes: July 2001

Post 208

A Wolpertinger (OMFC)

Økåÿ smiley - smiley
Çän ï häƒ ä smiley - tea ¿

Crossed Purposes: July 2001

Post 209

A Wolpertinger (OMFC)

Häƒ sûm håtïƒ nûts ¿

Crossed Purposes: July 2001

Post 210


Hatifnats? smiley - yikes

Crossed Purposes: July 2001

Post 211

A Wolpertinger (OMFC)

ÿes. bëstëst nûts òƒ wörld smiley - bigeyes

Crossed Purposes: July 2001

Post 212


smiley - huh

Crossed Purposes: July 2001

Post 213

A Wolpertinger (OMFC)

smiley - laugh
Hëhë, Wolpertinger jùst kidding. Wolpertinger ïs veggie änÿwäÿ.
smiley - smiley

Crossed Purposes: July 2001

Post 214


smiley - smiley ...Nice joke. Here's your smiley - tea .

Crossed Purposes: July 2001

Post 215


'feels relieved, preens herself, powders her nose, sips smiley - coffee*

Crossed Purposes: July 2001

Post 216


Hi and welcome to a fellow veggie, Wolpertinger. smiley - hug

*Places a tray of smiley - coffee on the bar so people can help themselves*

There's soymilk, cream, dairy milk, sugar there too... smiley - bigeyes

*Sneaks a shot of brandy into her own smiley - coffee*

Crossed Purposes: July 2001

Post 217

A Wolpertinger (OMFC)

Merci beaucoup!
*drinks the tea, then eats the cup*

Crossed Purposes: July 2001

Post 218


That hungry hey? smiley - bigeyes I suppose it's a good thing that we don't use bone china in here! smiley - biggrin

Crossed Purposes: July 2001

Post 219


Maybe some smiley - strawberry+smiley - cake?

Crossed Purposes: July 2001

Post 220

A Wolpertinger (OMFC)

Thänks ä lôt. I'll trÿ to speak without the döts and rôôƒs now.
I saw many veggies around here smiley - smiley I like that.

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