A Conversation for h2g2 General Hospital

Intensive Care

Post 21

Satan - Lord of the Underworld

(hangs around in case MK dies)

Intensive Care

Post 22

Fashion Cat

*tries to reach Matt but cant get past an apparent wall...*

grr.... *opens her wings and flies off to get His help*

Intensive Care

Post 23

Drop Dead Gorgeous Demonic Babe

*smiles innocently as her wings open*

*she bows before her lord....*

well, I'm taking each man as I find him... smiley - winkeye do you like the uniform? smiley - bigeyes

Intensive Care

Post 24

Saint Petunia (Patron Saint of Free Spirits, and Keeper of Treasure) (come see important info and links on my page)

*Not a well wisher, so still in the room smiley - winkeye*

He looks pretty close to the end to me. I'll start the rites.

*Opens beer can, puts drinking straw in opening and sets the beer on M.K*'s bedside table. Opens another can and takes a long drink herself*

Alright then. Be well, M.K*. I'll go outside now and see if I can't distract Death, whom I saw hanging around a moment ago. I bet I can get him over to the End of the World Party, there're more bodies to pick off there. Oh dear, I almost forgot the final rite of the last rites. I called in sick the day they trained the rites. Here we go, then.

*Grabs M.K* and gives him a nice long kiss, which lasts until ddgb grabs her and throws her out*

Intensive Care

Post 25

Fashion Cat

*flies back and sees Matt with a demon and Old Nick*

Nooo.... he cant..... not now....

Intensive Care

Post 26

Joe aka Arnia, Muse, Keeper, MathEd, Guru and Zen Cook (business is booming)

*strings go into a discord as SATAN enters*

*woodwinds go into a series of diminshed notes*

*strings go back to the slow, rhythmic chords*

Intensive Care

Post 27

Matthew Kershaw

* M.K finally passes out at entirely the wrong moment !!! smiley - bigeyes *


Intensive Care

Post 28

Drop Dead Gorgeous Demonic Babe

*throws Petunia out... but remembers her name as a potential temptress... after all, she did just kiss a newly fianceed man... smiley - bigeyes*

hmm... i'll get back to you Petunia! smiley - winkeye

Intensive Care

Post 29


*Flies in with a campaign leaflet*

Quick! Vote for me before you die!

'Vote for me and get...' erm... 'free professional medical advice!'

Intensive Care

Post 30

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

*attempts to deliver a bunch of grapes to MK, but can't get close enough for some reason, so throws the grapes in his general direction*

Intensive Care

Post 31

Fashion Cat

*sees Petunia kiss Matt*

*bursts into floods of tears and throws large, heavy objects at the barrier....*

Intensive Care

Post 32

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

Very tactful, Peregrin, that's a vote winner and no mistake. smiley - smiley
*attempts to comfort FC*

Intensive Care

Post 33

Satan - Lord of the Underworld

Bwahahaa! I love these intense moments of extreme emotion.

*Breathes fire in random directions. Destroys the machine that goes 'PING!'. Singes the feathers of Peregrine. Waves his demonic fork in the direction of ddgdb, making her look even more sexy than normal, tempting MK even more. Or would do if he was consious enough to notice*

What exactly is wrong with him anyway? I haven't found out yet.

Intensive Care

Post 34

Joe aka Arnia, Muse, Keeper, MathEd, Guru and Zen Cook (business is booming)

*brass section comes in at the wrong moment after stepping out the lift and plays a march*

*Everyone stops and stares before throwing stuff at him and they leave*

Intensive Care

Post 35


Ouch! I was only trying to help.
Yes, what is wrong with M.K*? I heard a rumour that he's had a heart attack.

Intensive Care

Post 36

Fashion Cat

*GOD-ALmighty (yes.. The God) channels powers through his Arch... she easily destroys the barrier and restarts her beloved's heart....*

Intensive Care

Post 37


don't you want people to wait in the waiting room? http://www.h2g2.com/F52268?thread=72724

Intensive Care

Post 38

Joe aka Arnia, Muse, Keeper, MathEd, Guru and Zen Cook (business is booming)

*doctor throws the orchestra out again but not before they play a love theme*

Now then, walks up to MKs bed as he flatlines.


Intensive Care

Post 39

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

What about the machine that goes ping?

Intensive Care

Post 40

Drop Dead Gorgeous Demonic Babe

*smiles at SATAN*

*reaches out, wondering whether to stop his heart for good... after all, he would make a great playmate for when she got bored...* smiley - winkeye

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