A Conversation for h2g2 General Hospital

Intensive Care

Post 81

Drop Dead Gorgeous Demonic Babe

EV... if you need anything toasting hold it next to me!

Intensive Care

Post 82

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

*smiles at DDGDB* You can keep me warm anytime... smiley - winkeye

Intensive Care

Post 83

Drop Dead Gorgeous Demonic Babe

well, a demons got to do what a demons got to do... smiley - winkeye

*holds EV close, radiating heat...*

Intensive Care

Post 84

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

Ooh, careful, Babe... any hotter and you'll set off the...
*the fire sprinklers suddenly burst into life*

Intensive Care

Post 85

Joe aka Arnia, Muse, Keeper, MathEd, Guru and Zen Cook (business is booming)

*clouds of steam rise from 7 inches above Joe*

Intensive Care

Post 86

Drop Dead Gorgeous Demonic Babe

thanks... I needed cooling off...

*steam covers EV and Babe for a few moments...* smiley - winkeye

Intensive Care

Post 87

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

Saves all the trouble of taking a cold shower. smiley - bigeyes

Intensive Care

Post 88

Drop Dead Gorgeous Demonic Babe

smiley - winkeyesmiley - bigeyes


smiley - sadface

Intensive Care

Post 89

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

*hugs DDGDB and strokes her wings*
Don't fume, babe, it doesn't suit you... smiley - smiley

Intensive Care

Post 90

Fashion Cat

*watches the little steam session from afar, smiling that happiness has finally broken the coldness from DDGDBs heart*

Intensive Care

Post 91

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Is FC in here?
*leaves a huge bouquet of flowers and a get well soon card signed from St.GB & St.Bob....mend quickly hon.smiley - smiley
But other than that you had a great holiday?

Intensive Care

Post 92


Nurse:*looks over FC sympathetically* You'll be wanting to make an appointment in the fracture clinic over that, pet

Intensive Care

Post 93

Fashion Cat

oh tell me about it Joanna! Apparently its too soon for them to cast it but an online clinic would be great. Especially if it could all get done before the wedding... aaargh!

Intensive Care

Post 94


*A porter comes along, sits you down in a wheel chair and takes you to the lift http://www.h2g2.com/F52268?thread=72885&latest=1 *

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