This is the Message Centre for There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

The weather report not from Austin

Post 1

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

Seven or eight months ago, Mrs Gosho (Blue Valentine) and I decided that although we'd had some very happy times together, it wasn't really working and we should eventually part. We carried on living in the same apartment though because neither of us could afford our own place seeing as how we were pouring all our money into the eBay business at the time.

That seemed destined to go on for a while until a few months ago when Mrs Gosho's mother died and left her a sum of money in the way of life insurance.

In the meantime we'd both met someone else, which was a bit awkward for her because the bloke she's now seeing lives in Austin, and she felt a bit uncomfortable about bringing him home with her soon to be ex-husband around. That wasn't a problem for me though because I met my new squeeze the same way that I met Mrs Gosho - online. In fact I met her right here at Hootoo smiley - biggrin Many of you know her quite well smiley - whistle

So it can now be told - the person that Frenchbean has been alluding to in her journal threads is Gosho smiley - biggrin And I'm sitting here in the wilds of Scotland instead of the wilds of Texas... damn, it feels weird after five years in the Lone Star State smiley - cdouble I arrived Wednesday morning at the end of a very long journey including three flights and two car journeys, one of them seriously longer than the other... but then Texas is bloody big place, there are no direct flights from Austin Bergstrom airport to the UK, and it's a long way from Austin to Dallas.

There was a somewhat tearful goodbye between the former Goshos at Dallas-Fort Worth airport, but we both knew that it had to happen smiley - sadface

There was a somewhat happier meeting between the new Goshos at Edinburgh airport about 20 hours later smiley - loveblush

And now here I am in a cottage just outside Perth with my new squeeze smiley - bigeyes, who will (confusingly) henceforth be called Mrs Gosho (must get on to Galaxy Babe about updating the Hootoo romances page smiley - tongueout), and making plans for our trip to Australia early in 2005, because as many of you know, Frenchbean has planning to return to Oz for a long time. Gosho will going with her smiley - ok

So, the weather report from Perth - bloody cold smiley - brr But it's nice and warm indoors... and not just because we've got the heating cranked up smiley - loveblush It needs to be after all that time I've spent in the sub-tropical warmth of Texas.

Oh, and apologies to all of you who are also in the 'lightning' thread in Frenchbean's journal for leading you all on by playing the innocent smiley - blush, but we figured that I had to really, otherwise some of you might have tumbled smiley - yikes

The weather report not from Austin

Post 2

Gnomon - time to move on

Congratulations, Gosho! smiley - bubbly

Look after Frenchbean for us. If you don't we'll send the heavies around. I'll bore you to death while ZSF sucks your life force out with her Reiki fingers.

(sorry, ZSF!)

The weather report not from Austin

Post 3

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

Okay, most of your post is clear, Gosho (are you still Gosho, or are you going to be Mr. Frenchbean smiley - winkeye?).

But now there's that business about the weather in Perth. To me, perth is a place in Australia (Unless it's a place in New York State, immortalized in a Tom Lehrer song about pollution--"The breakfast garbage that you throw out in Troy, they drink at lunch in Perth Amboy--but I digress, because I am semi-insane smiley - online2long).

When you talk about the weather in Perth, do you mean that Scotland has a city by that name? smiley - huh

The weather report not from Austin

Post 4

Gnomon - time to move on

Where do you think the one in Australia is named after? smiley - laugh

The weather report not from Austin

Post 5

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

I seem to be asking a lot of questions today. smiley - erm

The weather report not from Austin

Post 6

Gnomon - time to move on

Zarquon's Singing Fish is a practitioner of Reiki. She uses her healing hands to put life force into people. (I hope I've got that right).

The weather report not from Austin

Post 7

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant


Honestly, I've never actually *seen* Scotland, so I can't prove that it's there. I have, however, seen "Brigadoon," so I *know* it *isn't* there, at least most of the time. Maybe it's in another dimension which none of us can perceive. Maybe the same is true of Scotland as a whole (I've just finished reading excellent Guide article on Time...).

Anyway, I have lived 56 years assuming that Australia's Perth was an original name, taken from the Perth tribe of aborigines. Honest!

The weather report not from Austin

Post 8

Ami of zx - no badgers here!

Hi Paul H!

As the (as far as I can tell) only Perth, Australia person here, I can assure you that Perth isn't an original name, it's from Scotland indeed. I believe that the person who gave the place the name was from there or knew a nice girlie from there or something.

Since you're a curious person, the "perth" tribe (although this is a misnomer, it's a language group rather than a cultural/family one) of Australian Indigenous people is called Nyoongar. They lived all over most of South West Australia. If you want more info, hop on my personal space and i'll send you some links.

And congratulations Gosho and the new Mrs Gosho, come on down to Australia soon and have heaps of fun!

Ami of zx

The weather report not from Austin

Post 9

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

I stand corrected. smiley - blush

Anyway, yeah, congratulations to Goshbean and Frenchgosh--er, you know what I mean. smiley - erm

The weather report not from Austin

Post 10


smiley - biggrin Lovely news. Just lovely. smiley - hugsmiley - smoochsmiley - bubbly

So, when will you actually be tying the knot?

The weather report not from Austin

Post 11

Gnomon - time to move on

Ooh! Knots! smiley - handcuffs

The weather report not from Austin

Post 12

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

Forget me knots! smiley - wow

I just love blue flowers. smiley - smiley

The weather report not from Austin

Post 13

Mudhooks: ,,, busier than a one-legged man in an ass-kicking contest...

Congratulations to you both!

Dang, too. This means that we won't have Gosho's valued "insider's" take on American issues..... However, I think we can all survive. Sighhhh....

Now I am going to be utterly confused over just which Perth is being referred to, especially after the move to Aus. (refresher.... Perth ,Scotland; Perth, Australia; and Perth, Ontario). At least the actual weather in Perth Australia could not be confused with the weather in the other two Perths ('cept in summer (ours and Scotland, which, even more confusedly, is the other Perth's winter).

Anyhoo.... Accept my Muddiest Congrats.

The weather report not from Austin

Post 14


Ah-ha! I had a suspicion that there was something that we were not being told. Now if I'd known about the 'Lightning' thread from the beginning as opposed to the last hour or so, I reckon I would have clocked you straight away smiley - winkeye

Either way, many congratulations to the pair of you. It couldn't happen to a nicer feller.

Oh and you've now got absolutely no excuse what-so-ever for avoiding the next London meet smiley - ok

The weather report not from Austin

Post 15


-1C forecast tonight for Perth, Scotland smiley - brr

Fortunately, the fire's lit, the drink is flowing and there's venison casserole for dinner, so we'll be fine smiley - smiley

smiley - ermsmiley - huh
Well, this is a weather thread isn't it, Gosho? smiley - huh

The weather report not from Austin

Post 16


Hi, Gosho,

Well you succeeded in keeping that quiet alright smiley - smiley.

Congrats to you both. Hope all works out as planned and that you have a wonderful life together. You certainly seem well suited, if GSOH is anything to go by - is that where your nickname came from?

Look forward to hearing more about you both in the near future, then when you leave us to go to Oz.

smiley - dragon

The weather report not from Austin

Post 17


WELL I'll go to the foot of our stairs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (as they say in Yorkshire)smiley - biggrin

I never saw that one coming.....and Gosho, I don't reallly think you give a monkey's wotsit about Cheapo flooding, now do you?smiley - winkeyeDearie me, the fibs.

Oh I am just sooooooooo excited and pleased for you both, Frenchbean and Mr Gosho. Even though we've not known each other long, I think you're both fantastic and together will be fantasmagorical!

*Jules stops for a breather and to gain a little perspective*

smiley - cheers you guys!

The weather report not from Austin

Post 18

Zarquon's Singing Fish!

smiley - wow Gosho and Fb!smiley - rose Congratulations! smiley - bubblysmiley - ermDo you know, Gosho, I considered you, but dismissed you because of Mrs Gosho!smiley - bigeyes

I couldn't do *that* with reiki, Gnomon 1 smiley - laugh Reiki is for healing only!

Paul H - I've been compared to many things in my time, but never to a Dementor! smiley - biggrinsmiley - ghost

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

The weather report not from Austin

Post 19


Erm, where are Dewey and Flossie going to live? USA or Oz cats?

The weather report not from Austin

Post 20


Blimey, Gosho, how insensitive of me, sorry.smiley - sadface I was just wondering, is all.

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