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'Post Posting'???

Post 1

Mu Beta

Now I'm sure all this downtime is doing wonders for the site design, but who's bright idea was it to re-name the 'submit posting' button, and is the Society for Good English chasing them yet? What's wrong with just 'Post'?


'Post Posting'???

Post 2


I hadn't noticed that. But I see your point, although it does kind of fit with the 'Preview Posting' button....

'Post Posting'???

Post 3

Mu Beta

But 'Submit Posting' was perfectly adequate. 'Post Posting' just makes me grimace smiley - yuk.


'Post Posting'???

Post 4


I would think that 'Submit' implies that something needs to go for approval, whereas 'Post' is a freer kind of verb... also, it's more indicative of what's actually going on and so clearer to new users. It just sounds a bit odd... I use "Post Reply" on the forum system I'm writing, and so do a few other systems I've seen.

Of course, I know that postings do have to be passed by the Moderators, but it is post-Moderation, not pre-Moderation, so 'submit' is still the wrong word.

'Post Posting'???

Post 5


It doesn't look good. (What do I know, I'm not English)
But 'Post Reply' will be wrong every time you start a conversation! smiley - winkeye

'Post Posting'???

Post 6

Mu Beta

In my experience, all non-English people speak better English than we do (with the obvious exception of Americans).

Perhaps 'Post Submission' would be better. Might need a larger button, though...


'Post Posting'???

Post 7

Mark Moxon

There's a reason behind this! smiley - smiley We've recently genericised a lot of the message files which contain the text of buttons and so on, so (for example) we've been replacing sentences like this:

My Recent Edited Entries List


My Recent List

in the XSLT files. This means that we've set up a variable called m_editedentries that we've set to 'Edited Entries', so if we launch another DNA site that uses different terminology, all we need to do is change the variable for that site, and their terminology changes. We've done this for things like 'Researchers' (some sites want 'Users', some 'Members' etc), 'Guide Entries' and so on.

When going through the files, I changed the entry called 'Post Message' to 'Post ', which then translated to 'Post Posting'. Jim spotted this, as did I, and I changed it back to 'Post Message' (which is what it said before the genericisation). Obviously the code deployed didn't include this change - not sure why, but there you go.

Another one to go weird is the missing space on <./>Info</.>, for similar reasons.

The upshot is that it should say 'Post Message', and I'll try to get it fixed. So you're right, and we've already fixed it... sort of. smiley - erm

'Post Posting'???

Post 8

Mark Moxon

And you should now find that it is fixed, along with the space problem in Info. Magic, eh! smiley - magic

'Post Posting'???

Post 9


No it's not! smiley - tongueout

'Post Posting'???

Post 10

Mark Moxon

You sure? Try this:


It says 'Post Message' for me... smiley - erm

'Post Posting'???

Post 11


Still says Post Posting to me. And I've just emptied my cache to make sure that's not the reason. Something about the database having to update? It should have had time for that now... smiley - erm

Also it still says "4099Edited Entries" at the Infopage smiley - erm

'Post Posting'???

Post 12

Mark Moxon

Aha! I think I know the reason - I only uploaded the changes to one server. Doh! Give me a coupla seconds...

'Post Posting'???

Post 13

Mark Moxon

There, done on all four web servers. How is it now?

'Post Posting'???

Post 14


Now it says 'Post Message>' smiley - tongueout

'Post Posting'???

Post 15

Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic.

Tut tut. And this is the one in charge? Dearie me. smiley - winkeye

'Post Posting'???

Post 16


Typotastic. smiley - laugh

'Post Posting'???

Post 17

Mark Moxon

It does? I can't get it to show that... but I'll re-upload the files and see if it fixes it. Is it still there?

If it is still there, can you let me know your browsers? I've just tried it in IE 5.5, Netscape 4.71 and Opera 6.0, and it looks fine... smiley - erm

'Post Posting'???

Post 18

Mark Moxon

Just had a thought - are you both Goo users? Might provide a clue...

'Post Posting'???

Post 19


I am using goo, on WinNT IE 5.5 and the ">" has just vanished. smiley - cheers

'Post Posting'???

Post 20

Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic.

yup. netscrape 6.0

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