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'Post Posting'???

Post 21

Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic.

why so't'as. smiley - biggrin

'Post Posting'???

Post 22

Mark Moxon

Phew! smiley - ok

'Post Posting'???

Post 23


*reads post 18*

Now, is THAT a stupid question? smiley - laugh

smiley - winkeye

Erm.... Mark, wouldn't it make good sense if the preview button also said 'message' instead of 'posting'? smiley - smiley

'Post Posting'???

Post 24


Now you are just getting picky. smiley - winkeye

'Post Posting'???

Post 25


smiley - tongueout

'Post Posting'???

Post 26


They should say the same thing I think...

'Post Posting'???

Post 27

Mark Moxon

What, like they do now? smiley - whistle

(I hope, anyway!)

'Post Posting'???

Post 28


Ah, Mark, you are truly wonderful!

smiley - gift

'Post Posting'???

Post 29

Mark Moxon

Pleasure. After all, both buttons have said the right thing on the dev server for ages, so there's no reason they shouldn't be correct on the live server too... smiley - smiley

'Post Posting'???

Post 30


Indeed. Congratulations, Mr. Moxon!

'Post Posting'???

Post 31

Mark Moxon


smiley - smiley

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