A Conversation for The Campsite
pitch 42
purplejenny Started conversation Nov 17, 2001
*a purple tent appears on an unmown patch of long comfy grass, on a slight tilt, with a sparkly white h2g2 flag flying*
The tent is zipped up, its occupant sleepy
pitch 42
Fred Smith Posted Nov 17, 2001
Good Morning purplejenny. Nice tent you have here. Theres a party going on in Titania's Wigwam currently. Feel free to join in if you want.
pitch 42
Dancer (put your advert here) Posted Nov 17, 2001
Hi PJ, It is nice to have Pitch 42 occupied
Feel free to stop by anytime I know I'll feel free to stop by with you every now and then.
pitch 42
purplejenny Posted Nov 18, 2001
Hello Fred, hello Dancer.
I just couldn't help but bags the coolest pitch on the site. Nice of you to drop by. Let me show you round the tent - look, its purple (obviously) and in a round sort of igloo shape. I like this porch its got, so that you can sort of sit half in and half out, which faces east for the sunrise.
Inside its really cosy and warm, I've got lots of cushions and throws and duvets, quilts and blankets. Its quite chilly out, but once you are all snuggled up in there its toasty!
I like pitch 42. Becase of the slight slope, I can actually roll out of bed.
pitch 42
Dancer (put your advert here) Posted Nov 18, 2001
Well, you know, life is in a bit of a downward slope (well, it actually depends from where youre looking.
pitch 42
purplejenny Posted Nov 18, 2001
yes Dancer, I think I know exactly what you mean. We all have different moods on different days. I'd like to hope that the isn't on a downwards spriral, I agree that it is for the human race but think that things can change for the better provided enough people commit to change for peace and justice and love and fun.
It does depend on how you look at it. I was a bit glum the other day, then went on a whim (well, actually a bus) to Sadlers Wells to see the Rambert Dance Co perform 'The Look of Love' to music by Burt Baccharach. It was beautiful, entertaining, uplifting, and the following night went to Brighton, boogied the blues away and saw the most amazing shooting star.
And I've just come back from a massive peace rally in Trafalgar Square where i met a girl called Ben and some friends and saw the most amazing speakers and felt an intense positivity.
pitch 42
Dancer (put your advert here) Posted Nov 18, 2001
Oh, I love agcB
I didn't see any of the meteor shower as it was too cloudy, and too cold to stay out and wait for some visibility
pitch 42
purplejenny Posted Nov 18, 2001
Oh alright. Please, make yourself comfy. Have a cushion or 4.
No ungentlemanly conduct though.
pitch 42
Just Bob aka Robert Thompson, plugging my film blog cinemainferno-blog.blogspot.co.uk Posted Nov 18, 2001
What does it take to make Tom Cruise happy? About $50 million.
What does it take to make Samuel L. Jackson happy? A 4-minute scene with Yoda and a purple light-saber. This is true, I saw it on Parky last night. Purple is obviously the choice of the stars!
pitch 42
purplejenny Posted Nov 18, 2001
Purple is the choice of the discerning rainbow admirer. Purple is a state of mind. Purple is a the most intelligent shade of the colour blue, with the redness of passion mixed in.
*puts tape player on, Muse's feeling good in playing*
you know how I feel
pitch 42
Just Bob aka Robert Thompson, plugging my film blog cinemainferno-blog.blogspot.co.uk Posted Nov 18, 2001
Hey, it's getting to the good bit that sounds like he's talking through a handkerchief. You know what I mean.....
*He does the kind of unenthusiastic nodding of the head that would get you killed in a moshpit*
I do love all things Muse.
pitch 42
purplejenny Posted Nov 18, 2001
flying high you know how I feel
Sun in the sky you know how I feel
Reeds driftin' on by you know how I feel in the sea you know how I feel
River running free you know how I feel
Blossom in the tree you know how I feel
I'm feeling good
pitch 42
Just Bob aka Robert Thompson, plugging my film blog cinemainferno-blog.blogspot.co.uk Posted Nov 18, 2001
pitch 42
purplejenny Posted Nov 19, 2001
tape change - Avalanches
That boy need therapy
tape change 2, planet by the sugarcubes
The universe is oh so big I feel dizzy when I think about it
*snuggles deeper into the duvet
pitch 42
Just Bob aka Robert Thompson, plugging my film blog cinemainferno-blog.blogspot.co.uk Posted Nov 22, 2001
Asleep for three whole days. That's impressive! Sort of makes a mockery of my student lifestyle. I think I'm being audaciously lazy if I get up at 1.30 pm.
pitch 42
purplejenny Posted Nov 22, 2001
I'm confused... mleap mleap mleap (thats the noise my mouth makes when i open an close my mouth when i just woke up)
Hey - I'm on a campsite! I can see the trees and the grass and stuff!
Mornin everyone.
*gets up, puts a very fluffy jumper on over the leggings and vest, and pops off to brush her teeth.*
Key: Complain about this post
pitch 42
- 1: purplejenny (Nov 17, 2001)
- 2: Fred Smith (Nov 17, 2001)
- 3: Dancer (put your advert here) (Nov 17, 2001)
- 4: purplejenny (Nov 18, 2001)
- 5: Dancer (put your advert here) (Nov 18, 2001)
- 6: purplejenny (Nov 18, 2001)
- 7: Dancer (put your advert here) (Nov 18, 2001)
- 8: Dancer (put your advert here) (Nov 18, 2001)
- 9: purplejenny (Nov 18, 2001)
- 10: Just Bob aka Robert Thompson, plugging my film blog cinemainferno-blog.blogspot.co.uk (Nov 18, 2001)
- 11: purplejenny (Nov 18, 2001)
- 12: Dancer (put your advert here) (Nov 18, 2001)
- 13: purplejenny (Nov 18, 2001)
- 14: Just Bob aka Robert Thompson, plugging my film blog cinemainferno-blog.blogspot.co.uk (Nov 18, 2001)
- 15: purplejenny (Nov 18, 2001)
- 16: Just Bob aka Robert Thompson, plugging my film blog cinemainferno-blog.blogspot.co.uk (Nov 18, 2001)
- 17: purplejenny (Nov 19, 2001)
- 18: Just Bob aka Robert Thompson, plugging my film blog cinemainferno-blog.blogspot.co.uk (Nov 22, 2001)
- 19: Dancer (put your advert here) (Nov 22, 2001)
- 20: purplejenny (Nov 22, 2001)
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