A Conversation for The Coral Reef Cafe & Watering Hole

Recruiting for the Caf'

Post 21


A chef it is then. My specialty will be soup. I like to cook soup.

Recruiting for the Caf'

Post 22

Insane Endeavour

Ooh, soup! What type of soup?


Recruiting for the Caf'

Post 23


I'm still thinking about that.

Recruiting for the Caf'

Post 24

The Fish

How about "mussel soup"..., with a dash of kelp?

smiley - fish

smiley - smiley

Recruiting for the Caf'

Post 25


That was one of my suggestions. Yes, I'll work on that one immediately.

Recruiting for the Caf'

Post 26

Insane Endeavour

Yum! smiley - smiley


Recruiting for the Caf'

Post 27


Working on this recipe will be fun.

Recruiting for the Caf'

Post 28

The Fish

smiley - smiley

We'll all enjoy being your "Guinea Pigs" Nicc.

All the ingredients you need are probably lying about in the kitchen out the back...

smiley - fish

Recruiting for the Caf'

Post 29


Thanks, I'll work on it now. *goes into the kitchen and sees a huge mess* Yikes, I'll have to clean up this place first.

Recruiting for the Caf'

Post 30


Don't forget krill. Every fish likes a nice helping of krill.
smiley - fish

Recruiting for the Caf'

Post 31

Insane Endeavour

So when are we actually opening? smiley - smiley You can't *really* have a café without any customers...


Recruiting for the Caf'

Post 32


Hopefully soon - I've put a little advert in the presidential campaign - hopefully it'll help. smiley - smiley

Recruiting for the Caf'

Post 33

The Fish

Mmmm, Krill! Lovely stuff!smiley - bigeyes

Thanks BB!smiley - smiley

We could open now if people don't mind all this mess and only half a menu...smiley - winkeye

smiley - fish

Recruiting for the Caf'

Post 34


*door crashes open*

Hello chums, I'm Eelgon Moray, internationally renowned goldfish bowl inspector and gourami gourmet. I'm here to inspect your premises and award it a starfish rating partly based on the size of the bribe I'm offered.

*inspects the mess*

Hmmm, your piano needs a tuna, I've smelt a tench, there's a fly fisherman in the soup, and the tarpon dispenser doesn't work. I'm afraid you're floundering, better get your skates on. This plaice is on a parr with Skitty Skateys Salmonella Services Cafe.

*goes to leave*

I shad return remora and expect to collect a few squid in bribes.

Cleaning up a bit...

Post 35

The Fish

smiley - smiley

Not bad! 8 Puns in one post! I'm impressed... smiley - bigeyes

You can have all the "squid" you like, you'll just have to catch them first!smiley - winkeye

smiley - fish

*finds mop, and starts to clean up...*

Cleaning up a bit...

Post 36


*smug that his advertising found one customer*
So, what more do we need before we open???

Cleaning up a bit...

Post 37


A door?

*ducks and runs*

Cleaning up a bit...

Post 38

The Fish

*Skillfully discusses door in direction of Wumbeevil, whilst avoiding the ducks...*



I don't suppose you could bring back that door with you could you Wumb'?smiley - bigeyes

smiley - fish

Cleaning up a bit...

Post 39


Hi, I'm back. I was sitting looking at my letterbox, when I spotted this economy size catflap. What do you think? Won't it just be the perfect portal to your premises?

Of course in line with the seafood theme, we'll have to change its name from catflap to fi... err, finest seafood entry point.

Cleaning up a bit...

Post 40

The Fish

smiley - smiley

That's ok Wumb' you can call it a "Fish Flap" if you want smiley - winkeye I don't mind...

Although I don't think anyone else of larger dimensions is going to fit through... Our human market may be significantly effected!smiley - smiley

smiley - fish

*Get's tools, dills hole in wall, fits "Fish flap" into wall*

*tests Fish flap*

Hmm, quite a good fit...smiley - smiley

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