A Conversation for The Coral Reef Cafe & Watering Hole

May I Place an Order?

Post 21

Researcher 179388

Do ramblings have to be passed by the moderators?

Can't see anything offensive in haddock and chops. Cod, possibly as it is over fished and Bird's Eye aren't using it in their fish fingers anymore.

Personally I feel that Maris Piper potatoes make the best chips, double frying for that crispy golden look.

I have got plenty of experience in ramblings!

smiley - fish, what is your shoe event horizon?

May I Place an Order?

Post 22

Dizzy the Void

[Zero] That's it, I'm outta here. [exits]

May I Place an Order?

Post 23

The Fish

Apparently so... smiley - erm

They started back when the beeb took control, On all the posts from November last year, working backwards. Last I heard they've only just reached september... smiley - bigeyes

My Shoe Event Horizon is the point in life when i realise I have too many shoes, and yet still have a desire to get more... smiley - sadface This driven by me being fussy, which I don't like. Unlike my good friend Bluebottle, who has one pair of shoes... and they are, alas, falling apart. smiley - cry

I also have far to much off everything else... which is depressing. Because what's the point in having everything, but never having the time or need to use them. Why do people think that possesion is a solution??? smiley - erm

I wonder if I could swap all my gadgets and tech'no kit and just random outdoori' stuff for a house... Which I need more urgently right now... Hmm.........


Personally I reckon one of the Moderators had a bad relationship with a Karp once, and he still holds a grudge. smiley - winkeye

smiley - biggrin
smiley - fish

May I Place an Order?

Post 24


No, I now have one pair of shoes which aren't falling apart. I got paid, so I bought a pair of shoes yesterday for £9:99 at Shoe Zone, and so far they haven't fallen apart (the old ones are in the bin). Bit tight round the heel, though.... I expect they'll wear in. They'll have to, I can't afford another pair...

But still, the menu was a conversation created last year before September, and so has not returned. Which is very depressing, as many of my favourite conversations are sharing its fate.smiley - wah


May I Place an Order?

Post 25

Researcher 179388

Are you sure you can too many shoes? I think the real problem is lack of space to store them.

*goes off into a reverie on remembering the beautiful pair of red mules with a bow across the front seen in a shop window whilst undergoing retail therapy this morning*

May I Place an Order?

Post 26

Dizzy the Void

[SFX: Spoo]

May I Place an Order?

Post 27

The Fish

Well done my old friend! Good for you smiley - biggrin

Yes... they get boring after a while... smiley - sadface

It's why retail theropy doesn't work! smiley - smiley The proplems behind it are personal, not practical... smiley - biggrin

smiley - cool
smiley - fish

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