A Conversation for LIL'S ATELIER
96Xth Conversation at Lil's
Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence Started conversation Dec 17, 2008
Welcome to the Atelier! Our forum page is at A304354 , and you really ought to check it out if this is your first visit; we're a lot more than a chat thread.
I don't know whether minichessemouse received an answer to this query, buried halfway through the conversation, but, just fyi, here's how to include the salonista badge on your personal space. Just include this code when you edit your home page:
Grateful thanks go to Happy Nerd and minichessemouse for helping me with the scribing. As it's drawing close to the holidays, Chloe helped create extra special gifts for these two salonistas. *Chloe steps forward with wicker hmpers for both mini and Happy Nerd. the hampers contain special tee shirts with "SCRIBE 95X" on the right breast as well as the traditional feathered quill pen, an assortment of roasted nuts and dark chocolate and a bottle of Cristal champagne*
Special congratulations at the top of the thread to Z for becoming MRCP, to Agapanthus for that A+ and to GDZ for the engagement. to you all!
And without further ado, here is our recapitulation of what happened in Conversation 95X. Grammar may be wanting in the parts your hostess wrote: it veered between simple listing and more elaborate descriptions.
We begin our reprise of the previous conversation with Happy Nerd's contribution to the scribing:
Asteroid Lil began the 95Xth conversation by posting a summary provided by a crack team of volunteer scribes.
Minichessemouse showed up first, earning a FTTF mug. The other prompt salonistas arriving by the first LED were:
Irving Washington
Doctor Zomnker
Montana Redhead
Witty Moniker
Santragenius V
Bald Bloke
As steam rose from the the IIEM and the samovar, more salonistas arrived for good food, randomly generated beverages, and witty conversation.
Mr. Dreadful
Amy P
Marv the Grate
Happy Nerd
David B
d'Elaphant (and Zeppo his dog (and Gummo, Zeppo's dog))
The Sun and the Star (Solnushka)
Blue-Eyed BiPedal Bookworm from Betelgeuse
In an amazing double play, Minichessemouse darted in and nabbed post 42.
Topics included bookshelf organization, arts and crafts, virtual singing, house naming, chimney sweeping, snow, rainbows, wireless technology, Titanic staring David the Singing Librarian Owl, hexadecimal, tornados, ales and lagers, the finer points of grammar, txt spk, and paper poppies.
Zomnker bought a ring for J. Hypatia's mother laughed. Todaymueller went flounder fishing. Post-modernists didn't understand statistical analysis. (Statistical analysts probably don't understand post-modernism, either. - scribe).
Z caught a cold and gathered sympathy. The Sun rested her twisted ankle on a pile of cushions. Z practiced medicine, Minichessemouse practiced the guitar, and Faith practiced Christmas carols.
Happy Birthday to David and Kerr.
As our countries observed the day known variously as Veterans Day, Armistice Day, and Remembrance Day, salonistas shared many personal and family war-time experiences.
Topics covered in the next 1250 posts included:
a continuation of reflections about Armistice/Veterans Day.
unions -- do they help or hinder, or are they obsolete? Very strong opinions were expressed.
Z worries about whether he talks too much about medicine and was promptly implored by the whole salon to please keep talking about medicine.
migraines and the trigeminal nerve
Lil very abruptly loses her job, along with all other non-permanent employees in the state of NM.
name choosing
A memory quiz: http://neutralx0.net/home/mini04.html
the new NHS and medical care (or lack thereof) in the US
When GDZ announces that the engagement ring has been presented and accepted, other salonistas describe their own contract symbols and other jewelry.
We all get to see the singing Librarian in costume:
lemsip and other nostrums
"Peter's Anomaly" is also mini's anomaly. She is persuaded to create a guide entry on the subject. Picture:
Lil's tales of jury duty lead to an etymological discussion of voir dire.
There are requests for a "meh" smiley. The hostess wonders what such an emoticon would look like.
Incidences of vandalism at Hypatia's library generate a discussion on modern methods of child discipline and how they seem to differ from how we were brought up.
lentilla makes pumpkin soup and Lil makes Extremely Famous Baked Potato Soup, the recipe for which she later files in her journal. F23574?thread=6084665
Irv pulls a J.
Z is trying to pass a driving test, any driving test.
Kelli sees a . WA believes it may have been the ISS.
Facebook and the phenomenon of social {inter}networking, its impact on our normal expectations of privacy
Z passes THE EXAM and adds the letters MRCP to his name.
Ben finds the most addictive link in the conversation: http://www.text118118.com/livefeed.aspx
Pheroneous reprises the topic of Asian food, then wonders what might be the most boring present one could receive. This immediately drifts to 'worst xmas present ever'.
Ben experiences a data sinkhole, accidentally deleting vast amounts of stuff from her computer.
Pheroneous extols the Holga camera.
Irv gets the vote of the hostess for the funniest link, on the subject of gift-giving:
Panic attacks
The Archers
Thanksgiving arrives and, as is traditional, Amurrican salonistas dutifully make lists of what they cooked and/or ate.
MR puts a brownie recipe up at post 1182.
hyphenated names
celebrity/royal obsessions
As the season turns, salonistas turn to thoughts of Christmas and decorating. Some will, some won't.
border crossing in Europe and in the USA (state to state)
Ag gets an A+ on her thesis. more
Clothing sizes and the failure of the industry to acknowledge non-uniformity of shape in humans.
Dedications to deities at the front of books
For posts 1500-1900 minichessemouse takes the tiller and reports:
This section of conversation started with a discussion abut "Healer's Knee". An LARP-specific syndrome -- who knew?
MR wants a new back and gentle 's are given to make her feel better. Many salonistas sympathise.
Runescribe brings up the topic of migranes, and is told to get a doctors note.
Hypatia's dog stars in the christmas parade.
Z is sent lots of for his next driving test, and everyone hopes it is nothing silly like reversing round a corner that gets him a negative result.
Strangely reminisces about Levi's jeans.
The discussion at this point turned to roundabouts. Apparently they are rare creatures on the USA side of the pond. But we discover that there are such things as "jughandles" which look sort of roundabout-esque. The inability of some people to drive sensibly in unfamiliar areas is also discussed.
Ben wants to give the M6 a birthday cake as british motorways reach their 50th birthday.
Amy has gestational diabeties: 's are given, but no
The discussion gets back round to roundabouts again, and widens to include "traffic calming circles", cloverleafs as well as the famous "spaghetti" junction.
Lil is feeling the pinch and sympathy is willingly given.
A la carte cable/satellite channel packages are discussed; we like the idea, but realise it is not going to happen .
Musical notation and the difficulties of sight-reading tenor and bass clefs also feature in the discussion.
Apparently Grand Theft Auto is useful for learning to drive in the USA.
Christmas trees begin to appear. Well, it is December now.
Marv's mum is sent lots of 's and
by the salonistas.
Beatrice wants to hear the song she has written. Software for doing so is suggested.
Salonistas compare and contrast the desire to decorate with the urge to mumble "Bah! Humbug."
And now for the final part of the conversation, reported by your hostess:
What was most wonderful about the latter part of the conversation was the reappearance of so many old friends all at once. Garius Lupus sauntered in and immediately took over the industrial part of the Christmas decorating. He was followed almost immediately by Jedi Jade, and then by sea. Elder salonistas were swamped with auld lang syne.
A sumptuous goo spruce was brought in by CLI's bots, and traditional decorating commenced, in which salonistas each provided one or more decorations with special meaning to their personal history or nationality.
Sporky is the winner of the blue mohair trousers for the conversation, sidling in at post 2083.
The weather worsened all over the northern hemisphere (where pretty much all the salonistas live), and there was a general preoccupation with road safety.
Salonistas discussed comfort food and compared methods for making chicken soup.
Your hostess had hysterics when she followed the link provided by Ben (why is it always Ben?) to a line of designer purses:
At the end of the conversation it was all about food again, with variations on macaroni and cheese and the benefits of garlic.
And the salon, in all its decorated glory, is ready for a new conversation, with mulled cider, a full samovar, a motivated IIEM and cinnamon rolls fresh from the oven. Please make yourselves at home!
96Xth Conversation at Lil's
Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence Posted Dec 17, 2008
*Matina brings Strangely Strange an Irish coffee in a FTTF mug*
96Xth Conversation at Lil's
Good Doctor Zomnker (This must be Tuesday," said GDZ to himself, sinking low over his Dr. Pepper, "I never could get the hang of Tuesdays.") Posted Dec 17, 2008
Well, I made the first page anyway.
96Xth Conversation at Lil's
Agapanthus Posted Dec 17, 2008
*Shuffles past blowing nose, in a fug of Vicks and cough syrup*
the scribes!
I feel terrible. Stupid cold.
96Xth Conversation at Lil's
STRANGELY STRANGE ( A brain on a spring ) Posted Dec 17, 2008
Blimey, I can't believe it, I was first and got a mug too with a drink!
96Xth Conversation at Lil's
Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence Posted Dec 17, 2008
Is that the first time you've snagged the FTTF mug, Strangely? Congratulations!
96Xth Conversation at Lil's
Irving Washington Posted Dec 17, 2008
in. Whew! Back in town in time to catch a new convo in the first LED! Yikes. Now to go read backlog!
96Xth Conversation at Lil's
Montana Redhead (now with letters) Posted Dec 17, 2008
lovely scribing, all!
96Xth Conversation at Lil's
David B - Singing Librarian Owl Posted Dec 17, 2008
*flies in and admires the scribing*
I can now explain my decoration on the Goo Spruce, having held off on some exciting news (though some Salonistas already know) until I held the contract in my hands, which I now do...
I hung an oriental lamp on the tree as I have been offered, and accepted, my first paid role on stage. I'll be performing as the Genie of the Lamp in Aladdin in January. The production is a traditional British pantomime, and stars Ben Mills, a former X-Factor finalist, and Mark Arden, a comedian and actor known for YV shows such as London's Burning (which I am familiar with) and Teenage Kicks (which I'm not). I am jolly excited about it!
I love performing, and enjoy each new opportunity I'm given. Being paid to do what I most enjoy in life is the icing on the cake! It's also good to get the opportunity to perform somewhere new, the Winter Gardens in Margate. Anyone been there?
Now, I was on the first LED when I started typing. I wonder whether I will be when I click 'Post Message'?
96Xth Conversation at Lil's
Z Posted Dec 17, 2008
Not FTF but at least first page. I haven't done that since I graduated!
96Xth Conversation at Lil's
Z Posted Dec 17, 2008
David - I wonder if we could come and see you in Margate - where is Margate? *looks on Google maps*
I have had my mother and brother for dinner, I ran out of things to say to my mother, after about 30 minutes, but she got on really well with my housemate. Which is nice because she needs a friend. And my Mother has, for the first time in her life booked a trip to see her sister in Holland, away from my Dad who's a bit controlling. I'm really pleased for her.
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96Xth Conversation at Lil's
- 1: Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence (Dec 17, 2008)
- 2: STRANGELY STRANGE ( A brain on a spring ) (Dec 17, 2008)
- 3: Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence (Dec 17, 2008)
- 4: Gw7en (V 2.0) (Dec 17, 2008)
- 5: Good Doctor Zomnker (This must be Tuesday," said GDZ to himself, sinking low over his Dr. Pepper, "I never could get the hang of Tuesdays.") (Dec 17, 2008)
- 6: Agapanthus (Dec 17, 2008)
- 7: STRANGELY STRANGE ( A brain on a spring ) (Dec 17, 2008)
- 8: Mrs Zen (Dec 17, 2008)
- 9: Mol - on the new tablet (Dec 17, 2008)
- 10: Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence (Dec 17, 2008)
- 11: Mrs Zen (Dec 17, 2008)
- 12: Irving Washington (Dec 17, 2008)
- 13: Montana Redhead (now with letters) (Dec 17, 2008)
- 14: Witty Moniker (Dec 17, 2008)
- 15: Montana Redhead (now with letters) (Dec 17, 2008)
- 16: Magwitch - My name is Mags and I am funky. (Dec 17, 2008)
- 17: David B - Singing Librarian Owl (Dec 17, 2008)
- 18: Z (Dec 17, 2008)
- 19: Todaymueller (Dec 17, 2008)
- 20: Z (Dec 17, 2008)
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