A Conversation for LIL'S ATELIER

72Xth Conversation at Lil's

Post 1

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

Welcome to the atelier, where we patrol the moat of etiquette, always ready to smack banners on the head with a spare oar. If you haven't been here before, do check our page at A304354 , where you'll also find a link to offsite art, more backstory, and a floor plan as well.

Can she scribe? Yes, she can! *Chloe steps forward with a plumed quill of pure white. It has a base of (legal) ivory with 71X inscribed in the base along with other ornate scrimshaw* Thank you Kelli for your notes, which I am quoting 99.8% verbatim, and I hope this award looks well with your other wedding impedimenta.

Here is what Kelli observed:

Hati visited the zoo to look at frogs.

The first quiz was a synaethesia test, followed quickly by GDZ's invitation to measure yourself on the fascism scale, unsurprisingly perhaps, many salonistas turned out to be liberal airheads although some were disciplined but tolerant and a few were whinging rotters!

An early group hug was triggered by Hati having a bad time.

FG met a nice guy smiley - blush and went on holiday to Arizona , New Mexico, Colorado and Utah, and made us all jealous of her tan when she returned.

Ormondroyd turned 5 in hootoo years.

Caerwynn gained an insight into the specialness of the h2g2 community through her involvement with another online community, Ben too was thinking about this when she bottled out of meeting her women's writing group. This sparked some general discussion about how wonderful we all are smiley - biggrin

Egon got a 2:1 for his degree in American Studies and Politics smiley - bubbly and we wondered about what is studied in British Studies in the US.

B4 finally showed up to tell us he has changed jobs to a more responsible position and wolfgang came along shortly afterwards; who will earn the cattle prod?

Discussion of haircuts

Lil raised the topic of Women in art, showing us an irreverent picture of Mary. This sparked some discussion about what is and is not offensive in art, including the image of Myra Hindley made up from child handprints. Hypatia told us about her first hand
experience of a catholic icon which led to some discussion of places that have made salonistas feel something spiritual.

Marv speculated about opening an 80's themed restaurant which got us talking about a favourite subject - food!

Hypatia has been called for jury duty in the next county - she'll be trying to get out of it.

Kelli was talking about wedding planning again - this time trying to find a way to give charity favours and got lots of great suggestions from the atelier, we also discussed charities in general.

MR booked a romantic weekend away. smiley - blush

The Iron Maiden returned to the salon after an absence; welcome back!

GDZ and TIM had birthdays.

Z instigated a slightly uncomfortable discussion that forced us to acknowledge that our parents might have actually, you know, done IT to get us.

We celebrated as Teuchter's Husband has been offered a new job.

We discussed the benefits that come with age and generally decided that we are happy being the age we are now.

The perennial problem of teenagers is causing Hati some heartache, and GDZ disciplined his younger kids which led to discussion of appropriate punishments. Somehow this strayed into BDSM territory - I think we have Z to thank for that smiley - laugh

The Prodigal Gw7en came back to the Atelier to say hello, earning a jolt from the cattle prod.

We talked about the difficult of being able to get a good night's sleep and some possible remedies, including valerian, melatonin, and (my favourite) Ben's suggestion of hot milk with rum in it.

FG had a holiday in Arizona.

Ideno joined us for a chat, and turned out, after some confusion to be the Muse of Bondage.

Ben damaged her neck and shoulder somehow and has been in considerable pain.

Kerr Avon made an unexpected appearance.

We talked about the weather forecast for the approaching winter - it is apparently going to be a chilly one.

The third quiz of the thread was to discover what file extension we are, brought to the atelier by GDZ. The atelier has a wide variety of file types so we should have every eventuality covered!

Kelli said she was going to POETS on a Friday (P!ss Off Early Tomorrow's Saturday) and the salonistas displayed their talent for communication through verse.

We discussed our favourite bands to see live.

The salonistas hotly discussed the linguistic shift of the word 'gay' which led to a wider discussion on the politics of sexuality and the way that meanings of other words have changed over time. This discussion also touched on using PC language. Some salonistas argued that they should have the right to use language that offends others, whereas others said we should be
more aware of how our choice of language affects how other people may feel. We also talked about the use of what is now considered to be racist language in literature and talked about revisionism.

Z has gone through some more exams (one of which required a highly specialised piece of equipment - a Smarties tube!) and has attempted to choose a job.

GDZ met a nice woman.

Hypatia has been grappling with the architects and designers for the library in order to avoid spending a fortune on fancy chairs and get what the library really needs.

We talked about carrot soup.

Agapanthus is having a difficult time, as is Ben when a hoped-for job didn't materialise.

FG was involved in a car crash when somebody drove into the side of her car. Thankfully she is ok, if a little shaken, but her car is looking the worse for wear.

The American salonistas talked baseball and celebrated the Redsox winning.

That is what Kelli observed.

Additionally, we wave a collective goodbye to Candinook, who stopped in on her way out of Hootoo Island. Good luck in the future and y'all come back now, y'hear?

And so we re-assemble in the salon to see what the new conversation brings. Be welcome and make yourselves comfortable.

72Xth Conversation at Lil's

Post 2

Santragenius V

Well - how nice and clean it is here smiley - smiley

72Xth Conversation at Lil's

Post 3

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

*as Chloe blushes over a rare compliment -- translucent bots are so rarely noticed -- Matina brings Santragenius an Irish coffee in a First-to-the-Forum mug, along with a tee shirt*

72Xth Conversation at Lil's

Post 4


I think this is the earliest I have ever been to a new conversation. smiley - smiley

Excellent scribing, Kelli. smiley - applause

72Xth Conversation at Lil's

Post 5

Santragenius V

smiley - biggrinThanks Matina - smiley - cool cup! How nice for once to be at this side of the Atlantic when a new forum opens - makes entering quickly somewhat easier smiley - smiley

I did actually forget some of my manners - smiley - blush - well scribed, Kelli smiley - ok

72Xth Conversation at Lil's

Post 6

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

Definitely excellent scribing. One thing I left in but disagree with so I could spring a new art conversation reprise smiley - evilgrin -- Kelli described the Lopez work as irreverent. I didn't think it was that, and the artist didn't mean it to be that, but some people thought it was irreverent and used that as an excuse to try and have it removed. Perception, perception!

72Xth Conversation at Lil's

Post 7

Good Doctor Zomnker (This must be Tuesday," said GDZ to himself, sinking low over his Dr. Pepper, "I never could get the hang of Tuesdays.")

Teach me to take a short nap! Going to read the intro now.

72Xth Conversation at Lil's

Post 8


All that much in just one conversation!
And some people think that hootoo is just a bunch of lost smileys and virtual beer.

Not that I mind a few smiley - smiley or smiley - ale myself, perception as Lil says is everything smiley - winkeye

72Xth Conversation at Lil's

Post 9


I made the first page!

smiley - biggrin

72Xth Conversation at Lil's

Post 10

kelli - ran 2 miles a day for 2012, aiming for the same for 2013

Thanks for the lovely quill! I wonder if it will do for the 'signing the register' bit of our wedding? It would look lovely in the photographs smiley - ta

Anyone doing anything exciting at the weekend? Mine is full of chores and looking after the beasties so I could do with sone vicarious excitement! I know some of you will be meeting in Birmingham, anyone else having any fun?

smiley - puffk

72Xth Conversation at Lil's

Post 11


Hey, hey hey! I just got a letter excusing me from jury duty. Yea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

72Xth Conversation at Lil's

Post 12


Oh, Toc - Dewey is a great name for the new kitty. smiley - ta (I would have eventually thought of it, I'm sure. smiley - erm)

72Xth Conversation at Lil's

Post 13


Hurrah. When I did jury duty it was a lot of sitting around waiting to see if you'd be called.

I'm now off for a weekend meet in Birmingham, so see y'all later!

72Xth Conversation at Lil's

Post 14


I'm looking forward to the weekend meet as well though it won't be the most enjoyable one I've ever been to, as in financial terms I'm up s**t creak without a paddle. My NHS bursary still hasn't arrived.

Hey Ho, fortunately this morning I got a phone call from my bank manager asking me to go to a 'valued customers party to celebrate the refurbishment of my branch''

That's when I knew I was in more debt that I should be.

I decided to take advantage of being a valued custormer and went in and asked for an extension to my overdraft, as they can't extend in any more in branch I have to wait until Monday to see if the faceless suits at the lending centre will approve it.

She didn't see any reason why they shouldn't. But I'm still going to be on edge until monday.

72Xth Conversation at Lil's

Post 15


Ooh, look, someone has plumped all the sofa cushions. I shall sink into them gratefully.

72Xth Conversation at Lil's

Post 16

Montana Redhead (now with letters)

Wow, it's been a while since I've seen the first page of a conversation....

Z and Amy, DR's father is, in fact, a bit of a loon. He's an ex Hell's Angel biker dude turned evangelical Christian, who just so happens to have some seriously twisted guilt over being a bad father issues intermingled with a bad case of the impatience.

Anywho, apparently DR told him that she was going to get the car registered this week *if* she could afford it, and he apparently did not hear the latter half of the statement, and made arrangements for the car to be brought to her this weekend, and agreed that he would help her register it through his insurance company. I guess that because it is a new engine, and had originally been registered as a diesel, but is now NOT a diesel, going through the offical state offices would have been a huge hassle, and his offer saves DR something like 500 bucks. So her father's timeline, as much hassle as it is, is the best route to take

I called a mutual friend, and she is going to contribute 100 towards the 250, which makes me able to breathe. DR's father's offer is very nice, he just has pi$$ poor timing.

72Xth Conversation at Lil's

Post 17

marvthegrate LtG KEA

I am suprised that emissions laws in CA will allow for an enginge change like that. But the strict letter of the law in Utah (with only slightly less harsh emissions laws) you can't swap the motor at all, unless it is for the same moter exactly.

72Xth Conversation at Lil's

Post 18

Montana Redhead (now with letters)

Marv, that's why they have to go through his insurance carrier. The VIN was registered as a diesel, and because it's no longer a diesel, it's all messed up. And in addition, it wasn't registered for some time, and so there's extra fees...I don't see why she doesn't just register it as a new vehicle, myself. Although with the already registered VIN, that would be a problem, wouldn't it?

72Xth Conversation at Lil's

Post 19

dElaphant (and Zeppo his dog (and Gummo, Zeppos dog)) - Left my apostrophes at the BBC

Am I on the first LED? smiley - wow
smiley - dog

72Xth Conversation at Lil's

Post 20

Mrs Zen


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