A Conversation for FU on tour. Part 2: The intergalactic years

Seen any good movies lately?

Post 1


Just thought I'd start the ball rolling.

Seen any good movies lately?

Post 2


not for a while I'm afraid... this fu down thing seems to have curbed my moviegoing.

Seen any good movies lately?

Post 3


Hi everyone. Saw Lake Placid on Sunday. Pretty damn fu. And short, which makes a change.

Did anyone actually *see* the second croc at the end? Someone just shouted "there's another one" and there was a big explosion. Perhaps they ran out of money in the end.

Seen any good movies lately?

Post 4


FUNNY that was supposed to read. Where is the edit function on this??? (Not that I'm complaining - great idea Barquing).

Seen any good movies lately?

Post 5


Oh yeah, maybe I'd better reveal myself. Phineas isn't actually my real name. It's tanyaj.

Seen any good movies lately?

Post 6


Tanya > Pretty sure I saw the 2nd croc, though now you come to mention it I don't remember seeing them at the same time...


I liked it when the croc ate the bear...

Kevin and Perry Go Large

Post 7


Saw this last night, courtesy of the UGC Pass Thingy. I'm at a loss to understand the good reviews to be honest. Okay, "good" reviews is perhaps exaggerating, but they've been more than tolerant - perhaps because everyone loves Kathy Burke (who is excellent, and the best thing in the film). Basically a one-joke movie (and an immensely flattering "one-joke" at that), which doesn't really hang together. Enfield said he was shooting for a Wayne's World / American Pie-type film, but both of those films are far superior to this.

*Spoilers Follow*

There are two bits that are particularly funny: Rhys Ifans shot-gunning tequila through his eyeballs while yelling "T**t!"; and the spoof of the 'getting ready to go out' montage, which contains the film's biggest gross-out moments (which you find yourself laughing at despite yourself). That's it though. Just two. Well, okay, that and Perry's excuse about the "lizards". But that's it. Biggest complaint is the happy ending - do Kev and Perry really deserve a happy ending? Surely not...

Kevin and Perry Go Large

Post 8


That said, I never thought I'd see a reference to Zabriskie Point in K & P...

Working class actors

Post 9


Anyone read that drivel (umm where was it.. S&S???) about working class actors and actresses not getting the recognition they deserve (linky to this thread = Kathy Burke)

I was highly offended that just because someone has a strong regional accent that means they are automatically working class.

Mainly cos my accent is as rough as a bears arse but I am ded posh me.

Anyways, whoever it was, cited Sarah Lancashire (Raquel in Corrie) as an example. But I know for a fact that she is also dead posh (but with accent to match) cos she went to my school and I met her at a charity do-dahh. Just because someone acts in a famous northern working class soap, talking with a lancashire accent, doesn't automatically make them a "working class" actress. It makes them an ACTRESS. full stop

I'm sorry, but I have no idea what the point of this rant is.

i'll shut up now.

Venus Beaute

Post 10


Being taken to see this tonight courtesy of a french oil company. Any one seen it?


Post 11


Saw this after work yesterday, cycled to the cinema and it was boiling hot in there so I struggled to keep awake for the first 20 minutes or so. It was ok but the really crap dubbing was a major barrier - almost all the voices sounded muffled and inappropriate with the possible exception of Beningni's Detritus. In fact, hurts me to say, but he was probably the best thing in it, and the dog. It was all a bit sub Monty Python, understandably I know, as it was translated by and used the voice of Terry Jones as Asterix. I'd have much prefered to have heard the French voices but I accept that not many kids are going to relish sub titles. I'm not at all sure there's much point in translating cartoons in this way. So, amiable enough but pretty weak.


Post 12


Does that mean this is on in Colchester? I'm totally anti-dubbing too (why couldn't they release two versions?), but if it means the film makes it into multiplexes, then that's a tiny consolation...


Post 13


Indeed it is on in Colchester - although I don't think it really qualifies as a 'multiplex' as its no more than a beautiful 1930s Odeon savagely sliced up into bizarrely shaped screens. I don't suppose you remember the old Cameo in St Johns Steet - that was a great little cinema, its a bike shop now.

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