A Conversation for FU on tour. Part 2: The intergalactic years


Post 1


Anyone else tried the music side of Hollywood Stock Exchange? Bit anoying in that its all based on the US charts so you need to anticipate how the Americans buy music.

For a more British orientated take on the same idea, try http://www.popex.com which is very similar, but geared towards British music. My user name is Barquing (surprise!) in case you want to donate any funds...


Post 2


Does anyone know when East Is East opens in the States (and also how long it will take to see some cash when it does)? It's no wonder DJ is in hiding, you know. Invested heavily in East Is East on his recommendation and have remained bottom of the league ever since. Grrr...


Post 3


East Is East opened on the weekend we had our FU meetup: they'd just started reviewing it in the US press the day I flew back. USA Today was pretty impressed, at least. But it may only have been a limited release to start off with.


Post 4


Ah. That...is NOT good news. Ah well - looks like I just wasn't cut out for the Stock Market. Good thing I found that out now, really...


Post 5


According to http://uk.imdb.com/Business?0166175 it was, indeed, a limited initial release. Four screens, in fact. Start praying for that word of mouth...


Post 6


D'oh! Wait till I get my hands on DJ...


Post 7


I bought shares on DJ's recommendation too! He told me he sold his East is East shares after they went up - which they did because you and I pushed the price up! Never again...DJ (or PBradshaw, whatever), you should become a City Slicker on the Mirror. I hear there are vacancies.

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