A Conversation for M2M2 - The H2G2 Lesbigay Area

Channel 4's gay stuff (UK centric)

Post 1

Primeval Mudd (formerly Roymondo)

A little late in the day to be mentioning this but Channel 4 are doing a gay season for the anniversary of the 1967 Homosexual Reform Act.

Among other stuff there was a smashing programme last night about Peter Wildeblood, and tonight there's a drama called 'Clapham Junction'. The latter didn't go down too well on Newsnight's Late Review, but the Late Review reviewers are usually wrong about pretty much everything so their opinion shouldn't put anyone off.


I'm a tad perplexed that the C4 page is in their 'health' section though.

Channel 4's gay stuff (UK centric)

Post 2


The Very British Sex Scandal was fantastic, wasn't it? Made a very nice antidote for a day spent reading Harry Potter. Looking forward to Clapham Junction tonight. Quite pleased Channel 4 have decided to mark the anniversary when no other broadcaster has mentioned it.

I think there's a specific section on the website for the season, I'll go and have a look smiley - run

smiley - runwww.channel4.com/gayseason redirects to this: http://www.channel4.com/culture/microsites/0-9/40_years_on/index.html. It's exactly the same page, but at least it's culture

Channel 4's gay stuff (UK centric)

Post 3

Primeval Mudd (formerly Roymondo)

Yeah, A Very British Sex Scandal was gripping. I was almost completely ignorant of the whole thing: I knew who Wildeblood was but nothing of the events themselves. The chap should have a knighthood.

It is a tad irksome that the anniversary has passed under the other networks' radars.

Channel 4's gay stuff (UK centric)

Post 4


I'd never even heard of Wildeblood, which is a bit disturbing considering the campaign for equality for gay men was the subject of my dissertation last year.

I agree that he should have been given a knighthood and be far more celebrated.

Channel 4's gay stuff (UK centric)

Post 5

Primeval Mudd (formerly Roymondo)

I'd only heard of Wildeblood through being corrected about something I said at a Union post-AGM drinkie! It's difficult to know how accurate the programme was but my heart was in my mouth during his silence before saying 'Yes.'

Channel 4's gay stuff (UK centric)

Post 6


Clapham Junction was pretty good as well - a bit disjointed despite the fact that the events were supposed to be connected, or at least have links, but quite good.

It did annoy a bit with the idea that no gay man can actually have a happy life - not one of the stories ended happily - and that all gay men are inherently tarts and go cottaging. Even the married bloke was cheating on his wedding day. But then happy people don't make a good drama, do they?

Channel 4's gay stuff (UK centric)

Post 7

Demon Drawer

I think the whole point of Clapham Junctions disjointness was to emphasis the point that the lives in question touched and drifted apart only to come together in some sort of situation that had shattering effects.

A Very British Sex Scandal was channel 4 style documentary at its best, really shed a lot of info and background sort of stuff into a dramatisation. Excellent

Channel 4's gay stuff (UK centric)

Post 8

Mort - a middle aged Girl Interrupted

I taped Clapham Junction but haven't watched it - it is buried deep in my 2 vidoes of 'stuff to watch' smiley - erm

*note to self - watch it!*

Channel 4's gay stuff (UK centric)

Post 9

Mikeo the gregarious

I've got that 4 on Demand thingy ... all of the programmes (except the debate one) in the series are available and *were* free, but I think you now have to pay 99p to "rent" them (i.e. download and be allowed to watch them for up to 48 hours after first watching them).

I *still* haven't seen Clapham Junction, but I did get to watch the rest of the season and thought it was pretty good. (A Very British Scandal was excellent! smiley - smiley)

Channel 4's gay stuff (UK centric)

Post 10

Primeval Mudd (formerly Roymondo)

I had to remove 4oD after the BBC iPlayer mucked up Kontiki.smiley - grr

I wish I still had a working DVD or HDD recorder!

Clapham Junction's enjoyable but unfortunately plays to he Daily Mail preconceptions of gay chaps. Never mind, it was good to have that little season there.

Channel 4's gay stuff (UK centric)

Post 11

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

I only managed to watch Clapham junction, missed all the others smiley - erm I pretty-much thought Radio four's review of Clapham Junction was right, in so far as it didn't really quite know what it wanted to say or what it wanted to be... mind, was kinda enjoyable nonetheless smiley - erm

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