A Conversation for The Café

Caretaker Counter Part 8 v.2

Post 61


*is replying to herself

.. nobodys here today...

*considers tracking down Vlad- I miss Ook smiley - sadface

*asks IIEM to keep the mochas coming...

What do you mean ive had enough, ill tell you when ive had enough !!

Caretaker Counter Part 8 v.2

Post 62


Ahh, DD smiley - smiley fancy a game of something or other? I dont believe we've been introduces, I'm somat-

Oh, i have a question for the group- is it ok for me to go by my real name in here, i dont like refeerring to myself as somat...

~ m

Caretaker Counter Part 8 v.2

Post 63

Demon Drawer

No several people I know do refer to their real names. Joanna, Smiley Ben, Shazz and of course most of TPTB. smiley - smiley

Caretaker Counter Part 8 v.2

Post 64


Good smiley - smiley Well then, im Michelle , pleased to meet you ::shakes hand::

Caretaker Counter Part 8 v.2

Post 65

Demon Drawer

Hi Michelle I'm DD however my real name is on my old homepage which can be accessed from my homepage. smiley - smiley

Caretaker Counter Part 8 v.2

Post 66


illusive, i dont knw if i can be btohered following the link trail to find out your real name... maybe later

so, what have youbeen up to today?

Caretaker Counter Part 8 v.2

Post 67

Demon Drawer

Went to town baought a few videos, didn't do a lot just recovering for a very upsetting weekend. smiley - smiley

Caretaker Counter Part 8 v.2

Post 68

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

Tomorrow I hope I have a page up with some mugs. Gonna look pretty silly until we have a dozen or more, though.

It is quieter without Ook, isn't it. Ferrari hasn't shown up since Irv went away and Mike A doesn't come here because the threads are too long for his limited online time. I guess I'll bring Mindspring in with me tomorrow.

Quiet evening!

Caretaker Counter Part 8 v.2

Post 69

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

Very quiet.
*leafs through newspapers*

Caretaker Counter Part 8 v.2

Post 70

Redbeard (Thanks to all who supported The Celery!))

*walks in, pauses with blank stare while catching up with backlog*

Hi, Lil! How you doing today? You look a little better. ?

I'm looking forward to seeing the mug shots! smiley - winkeye I see you've had some new people here today. That's fun. But I feel a little sad without Ook sitting back there playing scrabble. I miss him already! But surely he'll be back to visit.


Caretaker Counter Part 8 v.2

Post 71


*looks up from drawing board*

Hi Redbeard smiley - smiley

Caretaker Counter Part 8 v.2

Post 72

Redbeard (Thanks to all who supported The Celery!))

How you doing Cakewalker? smiley - smiley

Hmm. Lil must be out painting mugs.
IIEM, Redbeard's Brew, please. *IIEM produces coffee*

'Drawing Board' Cakewalker? Working on models?

Caretaker Counter Part 8 v.2

Post 73


Working on two things:
a bay section (big drawing showing construction - a headache when you're at that point in your architectural education where you still don't know what all those wood fillets actually do smiley - sadface )
a Japanese Garden, which I'm really enjoying. I've not got into transmission of life energies - I think I'll leave that until I have some more time. However, I've come up with some contemporary versions of Japanese landscaping using wood shuttered concrete, limestone and copper. The Japanese place large rocks in their gardens and surround them with raked gravel in circular patterns resembling the ripples on water. The rock signifies the earth. I've kept the rock but raked gravel would last about 2 and a half minutes in a public open space, so I've got contrasting concrete set in ripple patterns with strips of copper highlighting some of the ripples. Not sure about the colour combination - I always have to ask advice on that as I'm colourblind.

Caretaker Counter Part 8 v.2

Post 74

Redbeard (Thanks to all who supported The Celery!))


Aren't you afraid that someone's going to come by with a rake and try to change the concrete patterns? smiley - bigeyes I like the idea of the copper to highlight the ripples. Too bad you can't keep the actual gravel/rake concept, even in some bordered raised location out of traffic paths. If this is intended to be a place to sit and enjoy the garden, it would be great to have the option to actually do the raking... I understand that the process of doing so is supposed to be a combination of relaxation, meditation, and discipline, or something like that!

Caretaker Counter Part 8 v.2

Post 75

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

Interesting description Redbeard. Sounds a bit like me sitting on a sandy beach wearing a silly sunhat smiley - bigeyes

Caretaker Counter Part 8 v.2

Post 76

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

We could hand out rubber rakes...

I have read that the Japanese perceive the rocks as active: rocks pursuing rocks, rocks confronting rocks.

An appropriate moment to offer green tea.

I've been reading Isaac's Storm today, and the time quite got away from me.

*heats water for tea*

Caretaker Counter Part 8 v.2

Post 77

Redbeard (Thanks to all who supported The Celery!))

*picturing løønytünes«« in a silly sunhat* smiley - smiley
Hi, Loony! Hi, Lil!
*imagines rocks confronting rocks and decides it's a subject for Kliban to ponder*
I'd love a c|~| of green tea! Need a change from coffee.

I've been working on a mini-project here. Realized that there's a lot of places I like to find quickly, or recommend to newcomers.. yes, I've been having fun trolling the 'new today' folks... smiley - smiley, and I keep forgetting where the key links are, so I started an h2g2 Quick Reference Guide.
http://www.h2g2.com/A344756 I'd love to hear what you think.

Caretaker Counter Part 8 v.2

Post 78

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

*pours tea* {#} {#}
Anyone else?

Others have attempted to do what you're doing, but it's a devil to keep up. It's why I turned my home page into a story of sorts; all context for embedded links to people and places. But quite personal ... and in need of updating.

Caretaker Counter Part 8 v.2

Post 79

Redbeard (Thanks to all who supported The Celery!))

Thanks for the tea.

Yeah, I figured others must have done something with link lists, but I've tried to limit it, to avoid the constant updating hassle. Most of the links, like to all the GuideML help pages and the h2g2 welcome pages and stuff, are part of the structure of h2g2 and are less likely to go obsolete as fast. That's why I'm not including any individual researchers or any text. One of the frustrating things for me the first week was knowing that I'd seen a page for GuideML FAQ, but I had to go through 4 or 5 pages to find it again.

Caretaker Counter Part 8 v.2

Post 80

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

And it's not the speediest site around, is it.
*sips tea*

I have mug designs from Demon Drawer and Looneytunes, ut I think I'll paint in the morning. cos I want to finish Isaac's Storm tonight. I don't want to swap out the Kliban till BluesSlider has seen it...

So I reckon I'll put the IIEM back to autopilot and turn in.
See you tomorrow!

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