A Conversation for The Café

Caretaker Counter Part 8 v.2

Post 21

Redbeard (Thanks to all who supported The Celery!))

*gathers up papers, rinses mug and places on shelf*
I just realized how long I've been here. Time to do some other things smiley - smiley See you later.

*feels tug on shirt*
Oh, Ook... I'm sorry... I promised you some scrabble today... I'll stop by later tonight and take you on, OK?
Ook: Ook!

Caretaker Counter Part 8 v.2

Post 22

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

*Comes in with carton of donuts and the papers*
*checks condition of IIEM*

IIEM, bananas, melons and mangoes please.
And an A L Special.

It's a holiday day in several countries.

Caretaker Counter Part 8 v.2

Post 23


*Staggers in bleary-eyed from thread chasing*

Hi everyone!

Hey Ook. *Big hug* Wow you're getting strong these days. That'll be all the Cantaloupe.

"Ooook. Ook -oo- Ooooook!"

Ok fella, let me see.
*Inspects scrabble board. Hmmmm. "Zephyr". For an ape that could only just spell "Butt" last time I was here, that's pretty impressive.


IIEM, (or Lil[Hiya]) a cup of COFFEE for me and a Mango Tea for the blue furry one...

It's good to be backsmiley - winkeye

Caretaker Counter Part 8 v.2

Post 24

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

Vladimir! *hugs Vlad*

I sure would like to hear what excuse you have for not showing up before now. Ook has missed you so.
----------->c{~} coffee for you
-----------> <``> mango tea for Ook.

Caretaker Counter Part 8 v.2

Post 25

Demon Drawer

I need some English Lunchtime Tea now. smiley - smiley

Caretaker Counter Part 8 v.2

Post 26

Is mise Duncan

I could do with a soothing Camomile tea, if there's any going...I've just got a carroway (sp?) seed stuck under my one and only filling, and it does not tickle ;-(.

Caretaker Counter Part 8 v.2

Post 27

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

english TimeZone tea, DD smiley - winkeye -------> c(~)
Yes we have chamomile tea! ----------> c(^)

Hello Duncan. Have you been here before? Fillings *shudder* are no joke.

Caretaker Counter Part 8 v.2

Post 28

Is mise Duncan

"Long time listner, first time caller" is, I believe, the best description....well, you know how reserved us Brits can be smiley - winkeye.

Caretaker Counter Part 8 v.2

Post 29

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

Well, welcome.
I'm afraid I may be fading in and out again today -- I keep getting ring-no-answers when I try to get online, and it takes several attempts. And it's only mid-morning! So I apologize in advance for any failure in my vertical hold.

Caretaker Counter Part 8 v.2

Post 30


*wanders in, waves to everyone*
Hi Vlad, where have you been? Ook certainly seems pleased to see
you, judging by the way he won't let go of your leg smiley - smiley
* helps self to tea *
Anyone else for anything?

Caretaker Counter Part 8 v.2

Post 31

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

I'll have more coffee, thanks.

Caretaker Counter Part 8 v.2

Post 32


*pours fresh coffee for Lil*
I'm not in for too long i'm afraid smiley - sadface
I see Irv has popped in for a while.

Caretaker Counter Part 8 v.2

Post 33

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

Well, it's nice to see you.

Looks like I can't depend on NPR for background music today. Just a bit too much Sousa for my tastes. The Grofe and Ives and Copland is fine, but Sousa ... and patriotic hymns by the Robert Shaw Chorale ... no, enough.

Caretaker Counter Part 8 v.2

Post 34


Hello people,

I still feel ill, dont suppose the IIEM could rustle me up some form of cold/flu cure ???

Well, i had my biology exam today which was ok, also had a heart to heart with my best friend so im feeling kind of better about our relationship smiley - smiley

I see Irv was in- nice to finally see him (although i couldnt actulally see him)...

Anyways, a mocha would be nice- anyone around here just now fancy a chat or should i take Ook on at tiddlywinks again?

Caretaker Counter Part 8 v.2

Post 35


*Hugs Lil*

Isn't this a peculiar time for you to be on duty?

I've just been on holiday from w**k so I couldn't pop in for a coupla weeks.
I read quite a bit of the back log but there were only so many scrabble games I could take.

Ook, maybe I'll teach you to play Backgammon.


Duncan, welcome to the cafe.

Aaaahhh... now to see if I get simulpost.

Caretaker Counter Part 8 v.2

Post 36

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

Here's a mocha and two Advil Sinus Blasters: c(~) . .

That's the nondrowsy formula. Hope you feel better.

*Ook lets go of Vlad's leg to grab the tiddlywink game*

Somat, Vlad is Ook's spiritual papa. He ordered a Blue Sumatran from the IIEM when it was working strangely and brought about Ook instead of coffee.

Vlad has virtually abandoned him to us ... it's good that you showed up when you did, Vlad, cos I was considering filing for ape support.

I am about to log out for a while and do some stuff around the house. I'll try to be back in a couple of hours, according as my ISP behaves itself.

The IIEM is now on autopilot.

Caretaker Counter Part 8 v.2

Post 37


Yep, time for me to go too!
Try and get back in later on tonight. No guarantees though.
Sorry, didn't see you there. Hope the biology exam was OK, oh and congrats on the job smiley - smiley (having read the backlog)
See you all later.
Vlad, is Ook staying here or are you taking him with you?
Just curioussmiley - smiley

Caretaker Counter Part 8 v.2

Post 38


Hello Somat. Pleased to meet you.

Mmmm. I think I may take Ook with me for a while as he needs to see stuff other than the Cafe and the woods/ the porch for the sake of his education.



C'mon, piggy time!

*Ook climbs up and wraps his arms round Vlad's neck, humming.*

Well, I'll see you guys in a coupla days time!

Caretaker Counter Part 8 v.2

Post 39

Garius Lupus

Hello, folks. Finally got caught up on the backlog - for some reason, I feel compelled to read it all! This time, as I was reading through Part 8, I took a quick glance down the thread map and saw that the current forum was Part 8. Good, I thought - when I get to the end of this thread, I will be caught up. Then, horror of horrors, the last post on the thread points to a new thread. AAAAAKKKKK. Another long thread ...

Well, actually, it's not that bad. I do enjoy reading them. It's just that it means I have less time for conversation.

Could I have a majik tea, please (addressed to Lil or B-17 if they are back, or to the IIEM, if not)

Caretaker Counter Part 8 v.2

Post 40


Hello everyone smiley - smiley
*grabbing a chair* (ha! I got the good one!)
Just popped in for the first time as I really need a nice cup of coffee now. Can I please have a big mocchacino with mountains of whipped cream and lots and lots of chocolate sprinkled on top? I'll pay for it with a nice smile and a wave to everyone smiley - smiley

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