A Conversation for The Café

Caretaker Counter Part 8 v.2

Post 41

Garius Lupus

Hello JubJub. I think the cafe is on self-service at the moment. Watch, this is how you do it:

IIEM, I want a big mocchacino with mountains of whipped cream and lots and lots of chocolate sprinkled on top.

*GL hands the steaming cup to JubJub*

Here you go, and welcome to the cafe.

(IIEM = Infinite Improbability Espresso Maker)

Caretaker Counter Part 8 v.2

Post 42

One-eye, KoD, gent, MuG, randomly available

Am I allowed in here?
I'm really green

Caretaker Counter Part 8 v.2

Post 43


ahhh, thanks Garius, that was purrfect smiley - smiley
I think I'm gonna stay here for a while, lift my feet up and think of everything silly and useless...

Caretaker Counter Part 8 v.2

Post 44


just curious.. where has irving washington vanished to?

Caretaker Counter Part 8 v.2

Post 45

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

You can think of anything silly you want, just please don't wish for it or else the IIEM will make it. That's how we got Ook.

And if you DO wish something into existence, please understand that we follow H2G2's First Law of Continuity here: Whatever is brought about must be accounted for logically.

Thinking of an exploding bomb for example, would end this thread, possibly this cafe. Definitely you, because Garius is a part of Crater Labs Inc. and has a wristwatch you wouldn't believe. But that's another story.

I've lost track. Everybody is allowed here, no matter how green they are. Step forward you! Introduce yourself!

*turns IIEM over to manual, just in case Jubjub gets flighty*

So we don't have Ook, at least for a while.

Caretaker Counter Part 8 v.2

Post 46

One-eye, KoD, gent, MuG, randomly available

Well, then I guess I'll take a cup of pot-black coffee, with some chocolate-chip biscuits on the side, please!smiley - smiley

Introduce myself?
Well, ain't much too say, I'm fra Norway.
terribly dull place, that.

Caretaker Counter Part 8 v.2

Post 47

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

Oh, but we've been needing a Norwegian!
Here you are -----------> c|~| = =
Pleased to meet you. I'm Lil and I'm helping to run the place while the proprietor, Irv is on holiday. The regulars and other patrons will introduce themselves as they come by.

So how long is the sun up for lately? Are you city Norway or rural Norway? I hope you are tolerant of blue parrot and fjord jokes...

Caretaker Counter Part 8 v.2

Post 48

One-eye, KoD, gent, MuG, randomly available


*sips coffee*

thats good!

I'm a member of the rural species. And yes, I'm extremely tolerant
of every kind of joke about Norway, as I am originally Danish. (Moved too Norway when I was 5 yrs.) So, you actually get a kind of 2-in-1 bargain with me. And, you can even joke about Denmark too, if you like!
And the sun sets about nine-thirty pm (CET)

nice biscuits!

Caretaker Counter Part 8 v.2

Post 49

One-eye, KoD, gent, MuG, randomly available

By the way:

Any other forums where I can meet interresting/kind/nice people like yourself?smiley - smiley

*takes another sip of coffee*

still hot!

How do you get your coffee this good?smiley - smiley

Caretaker Counter Part 8 v.2

Post 50

One-eye, KoD, gent, MuG, randomly available

*eats biscuit*

This was a short visit, but i'll be sur to stop by later!

Loved the atmospheresmiley - smiley

*drinks up*


*makes funny face from burnt tongue*

Caretaker Counter Part 8 v.2

Post 51

Demon Drawer

*DD is amazed how well this thread has moved on today*

Everyone enjoying the day off work then. smiley - smiley

Caretaker Counter Part 8 v.2

Post 52

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

Eh,DD, yeah, nice people keep stopping by.
Lissen, you're a regular, what kind of a mug have you got for your refills? Describe it so I can paint it; I'm doing them all for a page we're going to call Mug Shots.

Also, it occurs to me we could have copies of our mugs for our home pages, just to show we are regulars here....

What are you up to besides hide-and-seek? How's the restaurant?

Caretaker Counter Part 8 v.2

Post 53

Demon Drawer

I actually have a big one, I like a lot of tea at one sitting. With some short of witting saying on it. Like 'I hate W***' or something. smiley - winkeye

Caretaker Counter Part 8 v.2

Post 54

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

*sigh* these verbal people.
*patiently* DD, what _colour_ is it?

More tea?

Caretaker Counter Part 8 v.2

Post 55

Demon Drawer

Yellow. smiley - smiley

Caretaker Counter Part 8 v.2

Post 56

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

Yellow, with black print and no pictures.
*refills DD's mug*
*pours self a cup*

Caretaker Counter Part 8 v.2

Post 57

Demon Drawer

Sounds about right. Thanks for the tea. smiley - smiley

Caretaker Counter Part 8 v.2

Post 58


I am back....

*notices Ook is missing....

Darn, no one to play scrabble with... Anyways, I'm , So, hi hello and welcome to anyone who has just appeared :o)

*asks IIEM/Lil for yet another mocha- with whipped cream for a change if thats ok?

I'll be inthe corner if anyone needs me :o)

~ m

Caretaker Counter Part 8 v.2

Post 59


*is replying to herself

.. nobodys here today...

*considers tracking down Vlad- I miss Ook smiley - sadface

*asks IIEM to keep the mochas coming...

What do you mean ive had enough, ill tell you when ive had enough !!

Caretaker Counter Part 8 v.2

Post 60

Demon Drawer

I think I'll have what your having. smiley - smiley

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