A Conversation for The Feline and Fiddle

c|_| the third

Post 321


Are you insinuating something? smiley - winkeye

c|_| the third

Post 322

AEndr, The Mad Hatter

would you like a ...?

c|_| the third

Post 323


I think that got my circuits kickstarted, thank you.

And yes please, mad hatter, I am.

|¯Þ |¯Þ |¯Þ

c|_| the third

Post 324

Dancing Ermine

Could I have a |_| please?

And MarVin you are what?

c|_| the third

Post 325

AEndr, The Mad Hatter

me too

c|_| the third

Post 326

Dancing Ermine

Menza's not here just now so I'll sort out the drinks

|_| wasn't it? And one for me too.

c|_| the third

Post 327


Is it self-service?
Or will someone give me another |_|?
*Goes for pathetic girly look*
*Doesn't quite manage*

c|_| the third

Post 328

AEndr, The Mad Hatter

thank you

i'll be off to bed shortly

kitty will be fine there, he's old enough to look after himself

c|_| the third

Post 329

Dancing Ermine

I'll get you a |_|, back to my position as the occasional temporary barperson.

Kitty might be old enough to look after himself, but does he have the right ID to get served?

c|_| the third

Post 330

AEndr, The Mad Hatter

he doesn't drink alcohol, and is old enough to be in a pub if not drinking, so he should be fine. anyway, he has kind of adopted the forum and firkin so is probably classed under "pub pets" and exempt.

c|_| the third

Post 331

Fate Amenable To Change

Right.. bit of Sunday lunchtime drinking .. Anyone around to pour? No? Oh well.. worked in a bar before.. dare say I can remeber how to pour a decent pint smiley - smiley

Grumpfuttocks eh? A new one on me too

Yumm smiley - smiley

c|_| the third

Post 332


Can you pour an indecent pint?

Sorry, that wasn't worth typing. I'll come in again.

*walks out of door, puts on false beard, comes back in again*

Fate! Pint of your finest, most decent beer. Thankyou. Has anyone seen SPB around?

c|_| the third

Post 333

Dancing Ermine

If you are refering to EV's friend the drinks machine, I haven't seen it in quite a while.

I might as well pour you a c(_) nif no-one else is about.

c|_| the third

Post 334


We tend not to talk about the SPB too often, it generally had adverse effects. smiley - winkeye

c|_| the third

Post 335

Dancing Ermine

Any specific adverse affects?

c|_| the third

Post 336


Flesh eating zombies last time out I think.

Do you think its about time for a move?

c|_| the third

Post 337

Dancing Ermine

As in changing fora?

I can load this fairly quickly at the moment, but that may be due to the university web connection being rather deserted today.

c|_| the third

Post 338


Well I moved it anyway, it was taking a while for my modem to load the page. So bring your drinks and follow me. smiley - smiley



Post 339

AEndr, The Mad Hatter

i hear a dim rumbling sound


Post 340


I think this is the last one. And it only took me 1 Hour and 1 minute to find them all. smiley - smiley

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