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What makes a classic film?

Post 1


I thought China Town by Robert Townes was brilliant upon first seeing it because of the two unexpected revelations (sea water and sister/daughter) but upon subsequent viewing, it had lost its sparkle. Other films like Charade, starring Cary Grant, Kelly's Heroes, starring Clint Eastwood, The Great Race, with Jack Lemon and Peter Falk etc. have the advantage of being episodic, so you want to see each piece again. I never found Independence Day worth watching the first time, let alone subsequently, yet Alien and Terminator two, still hold their fascination as have follow ups because of the basic premise of an unstoppable force, even though some were flops (Alien three for instance). So what do you think makes a good film that you want to watch over and over again?

What makes a classic film?

Post 2

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

Here are some things that might help make a film worth seiengagain and again.

--great scenery "Sound of Music"
--great comedy/great comedians "Duck Soup" "Sleeper," "Laurel & Hardy out west"
--great songs "Singin' in the rain," "Wizard of Oz," "South Pacific"
--great script "Casablanca"
--great dancing "Top Hat"
--Great acting -- take your pick, whether Meryl Streep or Katharine Hepburn, etc. "African Queen" had Bogie and Hepburn.

What makes a classic film?

Post 3


A convincing depiction of another civilisation: The Chess Players by Satyajit Ray.

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