A Conversation for Manchester Meet - Saturday February 18th 2012

Contraband Central of Manchester 2012

Post 21


smiley - biggrin Great! smiley - ok

... By the way, I wanted to add that I won't be smuggling cheese either, but if anyone would like me to bring something (that is, something *other* than disguting animals or cheese), let me know and I'll see what I can do. smiley - ok

Contraband Central of Manchester 2012

Post 22


I didn't know the French made anything that wasn't disgusting smiley - winkeyesmiley - tongueout

And that will probably be my first, and last French joke. I actually love the country, especially the les Landes region.

Contraband Central of Manchester 2012

Post 23


Well, at least we don't make marmite. smiley - tongueout
I've never really been to the Landes area, I'm from the North-East. smiley - shrug

Contraband Central of Manchester 2012

Post 24

MMF - Keeper of Mustelids, with added P.M.A., is now in a relationship.

>>at least we don't make marmite.<<

Only because we beat you to it!

And if anyone sees Titiana, please give her my eternalThanks, and there'll be at least one drink waiting for her, and a HUGE hug, when I see her. smiley - smooch

A real lifesaver!!!

smiley - cheers

Now, everyone, just send messages that it is a smiley - snowball free weekend, so I can enjoy everyone's company!


smiley - musicalnote

Contraband Central of Manchester 2012

Post 25


Marmite is proof that some people will eat *anything*

Horrid stuff.

Contraband Central of Manchester 2012

Post 26


Frenchie, if you fancy something a touch more civilised to start the weekend off, d'you fancy the Cornerhouse? (http://www.cornerhouse.org/) I can meet you there pretty much any time in the late afternoon?

They've got a smallish bar, a bit of a restaurant thing too.

Contraband Central of Manchester 2012

Post 27


"civilised"? I'm French, I don't understand "civilised"! smiley - laugh

... Seriously, though, I trust you entirely, we can meet wherever you say is nice. smiley - ok

Contraband Central of Manchester 2012

Post 28


Cornerhouse is a nice place to start smiley - winkeye What time shall we say?

Contraband Central of Manchester 2012

Post 29


It was the zen's, and we need as much as you can carry...

Contraband Central of Manchester 2012

Post 30

Ripley the unau

*a short, sturdy character wearing a wide-brimmed fedora and a trenchcoat sidles up to MMF, handing him a sealed envelope vanishing as discreetly as he arrived*

The message reads:

'Merchandise' acquired and being prepared for transport. The name of the courier will not be revealed until shortly before delivery. This message will self destruct in 10 seconds.

smiley - bleep.....smiley - bleep.....smiley - bleep.....

Contraband Central of Manchester 2012

Post 31

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~


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