A Conversation for Manchester Meet - Saturday February 18th 2012

Contraband Central of Manchester 2012

Post 1

Milla, h2g2 Operations

So, I'm bringing Citronpeppar, for whoever feels so inclined.
Titania is bringing Vick's Blue for MMF.
Anything else that could be brought in from around the globe?
smiley - towel

Contraband Central of Manchester 2012

Post 2

minichessemouse - Ahoy there me barnacle!

I'm bringing some orange Fizzy stuff from across the northern border. I can also bring other Scottish things, including plush green monsters from inverness, but that requires a tartan shortbread shop so I need to know a little in advance.

Not sure what else I can bring form Scotlans though smiley - erm

minismiley - mouse

Contraband Central of Manchester 2012

Post 3

Witty Moniker

Salt water taffy, anyone?

Contraband Central of Manchester 2012

Post 4

Malabarista - now with added pony

I refuse to smuggle leprechauns, just saying...

Contraband Central of Manchester 2012

Post 5

Secretly Not Here Any More

Thank smiley - bleep. I thought this was going to devolve into a thread asking if I knew where we could source a shooter, half a pound of heroin and some questionable magazines.

For the record, the answers are "no", "no" and "use the internet".

Contraband Central of Manchester 2012

Post 6


Wythenshaw, Wythenshaw, any news agent of supermarket stocking the likes of "Hello!" and "Ok!" smiley - winkeye

Contraband Central of Manchester 2012

Post 7


I believe you'll find that 'Take A Break' is much more questionable than those two. smiley - winkeye

Contraband Central of Manchester 2012

Post 8


I'd rather not find thank you very much. smiley - tongueout

This whole celebrity culture thing baffles me.

Contraband Central of Manchester 2012

Post 9


You me both. Despite the danger of being tarred as a 'conspiracy theorist', I suspect that the whole celeb obsession along with 'fashion' and (dare I say) football and other suchlike is merely a means to keep the masses too pre-occupied to think about the stuff that's really of importance in the world.

Contraband Central of Manchester 2012

Post 10

Secretly Not Here Any More

I think it's far more sinister than that. It's a way of ensuring people continue to try and live beyond their means in order to measure up to a manufactured ideal.

Contraband Central of Manchester 2012

Post 11


No, no, you've got it all wrong. Consumerism is just part of the whole distraction thing. Keep people in hock their whole lives and they won't/can't think about doing anything productive to make the planet a better/fairer place for everyone on it. smiley - winkeye

Contraband Central of Manchester 2012

Post 12

Bald Bloke

Are you suggesting that religion is no longer the "opiate of the masses" or are the masses worshipping new idols?

Contraband Central of Manchester 2012

Post 13


The masses hold masses to me nowadays smiley - winkeye

You definitely coming then chuck?

Contraband Central of Manchester 2012

Post 14


smiley - lurk Well, let me warn you all, I am *NOT* bringing a suitcaseful of frogs. Or snails. There!

Contraband Central of Manchester 2012

Post 15

Secretly Not Here Any More

C'est merde.

Contraband Central of Manchester 2012

Post 16


Superfrenchie, I'm glad. I've eaten both and snails are just pointless while frogs are too much work for too little meat. Also both animals are horrid.

Is it Thursday you get in? If so, d'you want showing pubs, bars, coffee houses?

Contraband Central of Manchester 2012

Post 17

aka Bel - A87832164

Best read A87739672

Contraband Central of Manchester 2012

Post 18


Pastey, your last argument is the only one I ever use. smiley - laugh
Yes, I'm arriving on Thursday 16th. I'm not much of a going-out-er, and I wouldn't want you to go out of your way for me or anything, really, but I would be happy with a bit of socialising if you're offering. smiley - smiley

And Bel, thanks for the reminder. smiley - biggrin I had read the article this morning, but didn't have time to comment at the time, so now it's done. smiley - orib

And Mr 603, (...excuse me for a minute while I get my pedant hat from the back of the wardrobe) in French we would say "c'est _la_ merde", because it's a noun so we need the article. No big deal, though, getting understood is what matters. smiley - smiley

Contraband Central of Manchester 2012

Post 19

Milla, h2g2 Operations

I just realised that I completely forgot *who* asked for citronpeppar... was it the Zens, or did they still have a large stash? Was it someone else?
Hands up if you want a small jar (about 75 ml?) or big jar (200 ml?) (can't remember sizes exactly even)

smiley - towel

Contraband Central of Manchester 2012

Post 20


Frenchie, I'm *always* socialising smiley - winkeye

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