A Conversation for h2g2 Announcements

Thursday 9 February, 2012: h2g2 Announcements.

Post 1

h2g2 Communications

Calling All Subeditors

Do you have a good grasp of grammar, composition, and GuideML? The Guide Editors need researchers like you to volunteer as Subeditors. Please send an email to guideeditors AT h2g2 DOT com or leave the Guide Editors a message on their personal space (U14916653).smiley - biro

Paint Your Way Into The Guide

Can you create original visual narratives to accompany and enhance Guide Entries? If you paint or draw, conventionally or using software, join the Community Artists and illustrate the Guide to Life, the Universe and Everything. Please send an email to artists AT h2g2 DOT com or leave a message for the Arts Editors on their personal space (U14916409). smiley - artist

Reserve Your Seat At The Manchester Meet

Have you made plans to come to the hoopiest social event ever? More than 42 researchers are preparing to descend on Manchester Saturday, February 18th, 2012. Celebrate the saving of h2g2 among froods. Toast h2g2 with a Pan-galactic Gargle Blaster. smiley - pggbRSVP here: F22118095?thread=8284976.

Thursday 9 February, 2012: h2g2 Announcements.

Post 2

I'm not really here

Do we have to go through the 'prove who you are' thing for subs?

Thursday 9 February, 2012: h2g2 Announcements.

Post 3

Lanzababy - Guide Editor

No, this doesn't apply to Sub-editors or Scouts, Mina. Thanks, that was a good question. smiley - smiley

Thursday 9 February, 2012: h2g2 Announcements.

Post 4


Who monitors that they have a good grasp of grammar etc?

Thursday 9 February, 2012: h2g2 Announcements.

Post 5


That would be the guide editors.

Thursday 9 February, 2012: h2g2 Announcements.

Post 6

I'm not really here

Stick my name forward then if you need people. Can't promise how much I can do, especially as we're about to go into half term, but I'll give it a go.

Thursday 9 February, 2012: h2g2 Announcements.

Post 7

Gnomon - time to move on

Thanks, Mina.

Thursday 9 February, 2012: h2g2 Announcements.

Post 8

Lanzababy - Guide Editor

Excellent, thanks Mina! smiley - biggrin

Thursday 9 February, 2012: h2g2 Announcements.

Post 9

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

Grammar, check
Composition, check
Guide ML, I can't make head nor tail of it. Sorry.
I would have been willing to proofread when my eyes were better, but nowadays I don;t even spotmy own typos. smiley - sadface

Thursday 9 February, 2012: h2g2 Announcements.

Post 10

Gnomon - time to move on

I could teach you GuideML quickly, paulh, but it's not worth it if you can't spot typos. Thanks for thinking about it all the same.

Thursday 9 February, 2012: h2g2 Announcements.

Post 11

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

It would not be a quick process, trust me.smiley - winkeye

Thursday 9 February, 2012: h2g2 Announcements.

Post 12

I'm not really here

Most people can't spot their own typos, it's why even experienced authors have people to edit their work. smiley - biggrin

Thursday 9 February, 2012: h2g2 Announcements.

Post 13

Mr. Dreadful - But really I'm not actually your friend, but I am...

I can spot all my own typos... typically about .05 seconds after I click 'Post'.

Thursday 9 February, 2012: h2g2 Announcements.

Post 14

I'm not really here

THere's always one... :p

Thursday 9 February, 2012: h2g2 Announcements.

Post 15


What is a 'visual narrative'? I've never come across the term before in connection with artists.

(I have that funny feeling though I'll never fit in in a million years...don't worry...but seriously it sounds *so* bureacratic and off putting to me.

Thursday 9 February, 2012: h2g2 Announcements.

Post 16

Baron Grim

I think "illustration" is a perfectly good word. smiley - winkeye

Thursday 9 February, 2012: h2g2 Announcements.

Post 17


I was a Sub-Ed, I could pick it up again.

Thursday 9 February, 2012: h2g2 Announcements.

Post 18


So do I. Let's for god's sakes call a spade a spade.

Then everyone knows where they are with their written entries.

The drawings I did for my now withdrawn entry were all about 'relationship' with text not ornaments like illustrations so often are.

I won't be applying...people will be relieved to know.

But really...I hate this latest fad/fashion for calling things by names like 'visual narrative'. It artificially mystifies things giving an aura...

It's designed to *alienate* people who think like me and attract other sorts of people.

Don't worry I'm unsubbing.

Thursday 9 February, 2012: h2g2 Announcements.

Post 19

Mr. Dreadful - But really I'm not actually your friend, but I am...

'Visual narrative' is actually being used incorrectly in the OP. A visual narrative is exactly what it sounds like: a story told mostly or entirely through visual means (i.e. pictures rather than words). A silent film is a visual narrative, as is a comic with little or no speech.

Thursday 9 February, 2012: h2g2 Announcements.

Post 20

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

" can spot all my own typos... typically about .05 seconds after I click 'Post'." [Mr. Dreadful]

That happens to me a lot, too.

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