A Conversation for h2g2 Announcements

Thursday 9 February, 2012: h2g2 Announcements.

Post 21

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

smiley - bigeyes
And shadow puppets!
But the plots are usually pretty thin.
smiley - winkeye

Thursday 9 February, 2012: h2g2 Announcements.

Post 22

Mr. Dreadful - But really I'm not actually your friend, but I am...

smiley - groan

Thursday 9 February, 2012: h2g2 Announcements.

Post 23

Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor

Does nobody want to become a Community Artist? smiley - erm

Thursday 9 February, 2012: h2g2 Announcements.

Post 24

You can call me TC

I'm worried at the shortness of this thread. The old Announcements threads used to grow so fast you couldn't keep up.

Thursday 9 February, 2012: h2g2 Announcements.

Post 25

Lanzababy - Guide Editor

Spot's Honest Iago's comment there smiley - biggrinsmiley - ok

We'll be in touch!

Thursday 9 February, 2012: h2g2 Announcements.

Post 26

Mrs Zen

We have had ones move that fast, TC. I think it ebbs and flows. Some Announcements are more momentous than others.

I also think people are waiting for the meet.


Thursday 9 February, 2012: h2g2 Announcements.

Post 27


> I'm worried at the shortness of this thread. The old Announcements threads used to grow so fast you couldn't keep up.

I'm not overly concerned. This announcement has had 441 unique page views and a total of 572 views as of now. Even better, four researchers have volunteered as either a subeditor or an artist.

Keep it coming, folks. smiley - smiley

Thank you.

Happy Nerd
Comms Team

Thursday 9 February, 2012: h2g2 Announcements.

Post 28


smiley - space
eek smiley - yikes

what else can you see that we can't?

Thursday 9 February, 2012: h2g2 Announcements.

Post 29

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

smiley - shhh She can tell if we're wearing funny underwear. smiley - run

Thursday 9 February, 2012: h2g2 Announcements.

Post 30


Your underwear isn't *that* funny, Dmitri.

Thursday 9 February, 2012: h2g2 Announcements.

Post 31

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

smiley - rofl

Thursday 9 February, 2012: h2g2 Announcements.

Post 32


It might be if he was wearing any.

Oops, might have let something slip there smiley - winkeye

Thursday 9 February, 2012: h2g2 Announcements.

Post 33

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

Y'all are mean...smiley - run

Thursday 9 February, 2012: h2g2 Announcements.

Post 34


Just the way you like us smiley - winkeye

Thursday 9 February, 2012: h2g2 Announcements.

Post 35

minichessemouse - Ahoy there me barnacle!

For ease of twitteryness we should have # hastag for meet related tweets,

mostly so that the official h2g2 twitter accounts can promote the meet to all the hootooziens who have jumped ship to facebook and twitter.

I am of the opinion that #table42 is a suitable tag, and having done a search it prompted one solitary result, so it's pretty exclusive.

What do you think?


Thursday 9 February, 2012: h2g2 Announcements.

Post 36


#Table42 sounds very sophisticated. smiley - smiley

Thursday 9 February, 2012: h2g2 Announcements.

Post 37

Gnomon - time to move on

In the Shakespeare's Head, which is the normal location for London meets, Table 42 is just inside the door on the left hand side. We usually try and occupy it, but don't always succeed.

(In London, the pub tables often have numbers so that the waiters can deliver food to them).

Thursday 9 February, 2012: h2g2 Announcements.

Post 38

Prof Animal Chaos.C.E.O..err! C.E.Idiot of H2G2 Fools Guild (Official).... A recipient of S.F.L and S.S.J.A.D.D...plus...S.N.A.F.U.

smiley - smileytable 42 was also used in various Hull meetssmiley - smiley

Thursday 9 February, 2012: h2g2 Announcements.

Post 39


Table 42 in the SH is wherever we are, never mind where the bits of wood are. It's 2Legs you're looking for, not 4 legs.smiley - smiley

Thursday 9 February, 2012: h2g2 Announcements.

Post 40

Gnomon - time to move on

He's usually 0Legs by the time I arrive.

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