This is the Message Centre for BDG

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Post 241


Cheers smiley - tit

Couldn't find your lovely bluetit, but seeing if I can guess it.......

By the way, how do I open my own message centre instead of using BDG's? (You're going to be overwhelmed with questions.....)


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Post 242

Traveller in Time Reporting Bugs -o-o- Broken the chain of Pliny -o-o- Hired

Traveller in Time bluesmiley - tit on page < A588323 >
"Link to your page: < U2020509 > smiley - wow nice number.
Clicking < <./>AddThread?forum=5741210&article=16630274</.> > will create a new thread in your Message Center.

you already have found how to change from the default message on your Personal Space smiley - ok.
< <./>GuideMl-Clinic</.> > for more decoration smiley - smiley see you there. (no matter what page, I am informed of most) "

Leave a Message Place

Post 243


I've done it Traveller smiley - tit!!!


Leave a Message Place

Post 244

Traveller in Time Reporting Bugs -o-o- Broken the chain of Pliny -o-o- Hired

Traveller in Time smiley - tit as promised everywhere (virtually that is)
"Can see it smiley - biggrin.

smiley - cool Hello. . .
smiley - scientist hello
smiley - doctor heLLo
smiley - bluebutterfly "

Leave a Message Place

Post 245


I don't see why we cannot create a guide entry for R2 & N&CA how is it against houserules?

People have forums here for all sorts of stuff that is unrelated to h2g2 directly don't they? Why should Radio be any different?

The BBC promised when we went DNA that we would not loose our boards as far as I and many others are concerned that promise has been broken smiley - sadface

Leave a Message Place

Post 246

Traveller in Time Reporting Bugs -o-o- Broken the chain of Pliny -o-o- Hired

smiley - tit off to the car smiley - bus
Read and study Smij' s post pointed to on several threads

Hello All NACA refugees

Post 247

Welsh Gardener

Testing. Testing.

Anyone else made it across?

WG smiley - rose

Hello All NACA refugees

Post 248


I'm here but we can't operate a forum for N&CA on hootoo

I've posted the link on my page it's here

Will you be a moderator WG? I think you would be good I don't want to step in and do that bit. I know people think it won't be necessary but from what I know from other boards that have been set up occasionally it is. Would be a big help if you would.

Look forward to seeing you there.

Hello All NACA refugees

Post 249


You a mod, WG smiley - laugh

No, I can live with that. Strict but fair!

Take care

Bc XXX smiley - elf

Hello All NACA refugees

Post 250


Hi BDG.smiley - fish A couple of hour sgo, I thought I'd just look in to HooToo before going to bed. Found your Message centre thread. Been reading what's gone on with the boards, and found your new board. Took me half-an-hour to sign up, but I made it. Hope you didn't mind me putting a message there. I'll pop in now and then, if thats smiley - ok. Why are smilies different on every board,smiley - huh I messed one of them up in my message. Going to smiley - zzz now Pamela smiley - dragon

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