This is the Message Centre for BDG

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Post 221


Hi Pamela

smiley - sorry not to have got back it was on the R4 Feedback programme today about it all if you are interested in listening again smiley - smiley

Needless to say the Head of the Message Boards said Helen had lost her thread and it hadn't been modded although it still is! smiley - doh See R2 S&M board for more info smiley - smiley

Hope your mum and dad are ok? Weather is still very cold isn't it? We've had a puppy who's wrecking the garden but she's gorgeous so looking forward to being able to take her out for walks soon.

Speak soon.

smiley - love BDG smiley - fish

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Post 222


smiley - tit thank you so much for your lovely comment on the Help Help thread today about the lost host it bought a much needed smiley - smileysmiley - hug BDG smiley - fish

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Post 223


Hi BDG,smiley - fish My set-top box can't get sound, so no listen again,But I did hear the repeat of the Feedback programme on Sunday. At least that presenter did admit they had been innundated with complaints, not just a few as Lesley Douclas seemed to say in her posting. But it does seem that Chris Evans is settled for Drivetime unfortunately for the Radio 2 listeners. As you said I don't think the BBC will listen to it's listeners
I wonder Chris Evans has read the messageboard.
I've lost the plot slightly. Who is taking over Chris's show?
I notice a few comments about a book about Johnnie. They say there is an official biography out in october , but there seems to be one out now. But the poster said his message was taken off because it was advertising.(I think it was John Hutchinson) Do you know anything about it ?

Hope your new smiley - dog is getting on alright. What kind is it?
smiley - love from Pamela smiley - dragon

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Post 224


Hi BDGsmiley - fish I've just been reading the Radio 2 message board and see Helen's mseesage is back.smiley - oksmiley - bubblysmiley - bubbly

I subscribe to a small monthly magazine Radio Review It's got about 200 readers, mainly old pirate radio enthusiasts, I think. I E.Mailed the editor and told him what was happening on the board,and about the Feedback programme,and said that I thought he might like to comment in the next issue. There is one due out soon, so it might be too late for that one , but I will let you know if he says anything.
Pamela smiley - dragon

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Post 225


Hi Pamela smiley - dragon

Yes it's back but a small step forward smiley - smiley Yes by all means send an article to your publication.

I've more or less had it with the BBC boards the R2 S&M one is behond a joke and despite numerous complaints from many respected posters over three years nothing ever gets done. This weekend has shown how ridiculous the whole situation is with the trolls out in force doing whatever they like. The CB has gone as well.

I shall pop in now and again to see what's happening but after my latest experience of yet another stalker from the R2 boards I've had enough. smiley - sadface

I'll get in touch with you via your website if that's ok?

Take care.

smiley - love B smiley - fish

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Post 226

Traveller in Time Reporting Bugs -o-o- Broken the chain of Pliny -o-o- Hired

Traveller in Time smiley - tit not read all conversations
"Do not forget to smiley - yikes offending posts, you know the italics on this site _will_ take any action, special if it is stalking from other boards. "

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Post 227


Hi BDGsmiley - fish Yes, you are welcome to E.mail me. Look forward to hearing from you. I don't know exactly what happened ,but you've obviously had problems again here. to hear that.
smiley - love from Pamela smiley - dragon

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Post 228


THat should have come out as smiley - sorry. I must remember to use the preview. Pamela smiley - dragon

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Post 229


Hi BDGsmiley - fish I just found the E.Mail you sent me in September, Will try and reply tonight ,if you have the same addy. Let me know if it's changed.
You wouln't believe the problems my Internet box has had with E.Mails. I'm thinking of joining the Luddites ,throwing it through the window, and buying a pen and a writing pad. smiley - laugh
Pamelasmiley - dragon

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Post 230


Hi Pamela smiley - dragonI wondered why you never replied smiley - laugh forgotten all about it. Did you see my reply to you in the Johnnie an Alright Kind of a Guy thread? Remembered it was Radio West.

I've managed to throw the stalker off with a little help from friends smiley - biggrin although its still around.

smiley - ta again smiley - tit I took your advice and smiley - yikes a few times trouble is it is very unrealiable on the R2 boards whether they will act and remove the posts, I know they would here but we don't have italics like you do in R2 land, remember the lone host that was left behind smiley - winkeye. What I've found is in the week it's ok but come Friday night and the weekend the board is a free for all.

I'm still restricting my posts but finding it hard to keep away altogether, gradually weening myself off the addiction smiley - winkeye

Speak soon.

smiley - love BDG smiley - fish

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Post 231


Hi, **B
Did you get my E.Nail on Tuesday.
I think I've got problems with it AGAIN smiley - steam
People are telling me they haven't heard from me and I have written.smiley - erm Pamela smiley - dragon

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Post 232


Hi Pamela smiley - dragon

smiley - sorry I haven't been in touch been very busy and hardly on the putter! Finally cured of my addiction I think plus the R2 boards are closed half the time and are just not the same as they used to be, most decent posters have stopped posting.

I got your email but I too have had problems my Outlook programme won't work at all so I can only use Outlook Express so I can't access your email address can you send me an email again and then I can reply more fully.

Look forward to hearing from you again soon.

smiley - love BDG X

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Post 233



They've closed your thread, what do we do now??


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Post 234

Traveller in Time Reporting Bugs -o-o- Broken the chain of Pliny -o-o- Hired

Traveller in Time smiley - tit everywhere on HooToo
"Try to focus on producing an Entry . .

No one expects you to come up with a finished work in a few hours, give it a try and show some good will. (We have had several attempts of invasion before. smiley - sadface)"

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Post 235


Who said anyone was trying to invade?

We were happy where we were before, now we're just trying to find somewhere like minded. There's not thousands of us, only a handful and some of us have already been posting on h2g2 for a long time.

If the BBC choose to close down extremely popular message boards, the boarders have to go somewhere. The fact that h2g2 could be perfect for us, and make us all more aware of the extra options available to us, seems to be being ignored!


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Post 236

Helen May

So much for the welcome Sandra.... I've been a member of hootoo since early 2004.

As you say it will only be a few as several have already said it's not for them.


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Post 237

Traveller in Time Reporting Bugs -o-o- Broken the chain of Pliny -o-o- Hired

Traveller in Time smiley - tit on his head
"Well, not an invasion perhaps. Still like BDG did; trying to create a Forum as a mimic for a board that is lost is not the purpose of HooToo.

The only way to stop hearing this 'invasion' talk is mingle with the Researchers and become a Researcher yourself smiley - smiley. It is not that bad, we do not bite (most of us smiley - evilgrin) smiley - ok "

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Post 238


Think I've found us again, but without any mention of Radio 2!


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Post 239


Traveller, (still need to find the smileys etc here)

We will mix and mingle, but it would be good if we can get a head start by getting people over. There's some good people to chat with, others obviously we can do without, but surely you must know talking about the few of us invading just upsets us, it's not our fault they're closing the boards!

I know I'll try to get my head around all the different bits on h2g2, I've poked my nose in a few times, but never got around to posting. This time should be different...


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Post 240

Traveller in Time Reporting Bugs -o-o- Broken the chain of Pliny -o-o- Hired

Traveller in Time smiley - tit on his head
"It is mainly the reaction of the Italics I am trying to explain and support. < F16034?thread=3725107&skip=142 >

smiley - biggrin Just do not mention Radio 2 in every sngle posting smiley - cheers

<<./>smiley</.>> all lowercase no spaces and following the link will get you to their breeding ground smiley - chick. "

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