A Conversation for The Bull Outhouse

ML Communal Friends' List

Post 41

H2G2 Mustardland Mustering Station

Hi MizzE! I've added you to the list of ML friends (hope that's ok, no probs if not), you can find it if you click my name and scroll down the page.

smiley - winkeye Katy Tulip

ML Communal Friends' List

Post 42

Dusty Substances

I'm probably being very dim ... but what is a guide entry? Do you mean a message or a thread? And if so, why don't they just call them messages or threads?

I've been here several days now and I have less sense of the point of this place than I did when I arrived. I have a huge sense of 'the emperors new clothes' that basically we are all congregated into something that is essentially a total void.

I'm probably sounding grouchy - I'm not, I'm just fairly disillusioned. I will hang on to the hope that Mustardland 2 will have some sort of cohesion and thrust to it. Sorry guys. Dx

ML Communal Friends' List

Post 43

Charley Farley

Hi Katy, couldn't get to keep the original CHarley Farley so added something that hopefully will have me singled out.... don't seem too bad over here... think I agree with MT that most of this stuff is pretty self explanatory and given time we should be ok...

Take care and thanks to both of you path finders


ML Communal Friends' List

Post 44


Hello, Denise

Well I haven't written any guide entries but I've sent messages (or taken part in conversations) and they are called "posts" on my page.

Eilis smiley - peacedove

ML Communal Friends' List

Post 45


Hello I think I might exist in another incarnation simply as YOBvonTrapp but that disappeared so I used hyphens instead- please could you add me to the friends list...

I'm very confused btw....


ML Communal Friends' List

Post 46

Peet (the Pedantic Punctuation Policeman, Muse of Lateral Programming Ideas, Eggcups-Spurtle-and-Spoonswinner, BBC Cheese Namer & Zaphodista)

Hey, YOB-V-T!

If you wander to:


...you'll be able to edit your "Nickname" and use spaces as required. smiley - ok

ML Communal Friends' List

Post 47

Empress of Blandings

Oo-er! I'm frightfully confused. All very strange and I feel lost. Wail! What is this about "ML Communal Friends' List"? What do I do?

[Peeping in through the door][Unsure whether or not to come in] smiley - cry

ML Communal Friends' List

Post 48

Peet (the Pedantic Punctuation Policeman, Muse of Lateral Programming Ideas, Eggcups-Spurtle-and-Spoonswinner, BBC Cheese Namer & Zaphodista)

Greetings, your porkiness!

See my posting above for a way to get rid of unsightly underscores...

Just by leaving your name here you will be added to a page that keeps track of all the Mustardland refugees, (U1485019) so we don't lose each other.

If you follow the "Brain Candy" thread, there are instructions for (hopefully) turning the pages here to a lovely shade of mustard, should you feel so inclined.

Good luck! smiley - ok

ML Communal Friends' List

Post 49


Ah, maybe this is where I apply...

Please add me to the Mustard list.


ML Communal Friends' List

Post 50

H2G2 Mustardland Mustering Station

Hi again, YOB! Anytime you change your name, it'll change it automatically all over the shop, so you're ok!

smiley - smiley Katy

ML Communal Friends' List

Post 51

H2G2 Mustardland Mustering Station

Hi and welcome, EoB!

You're on the list now, just click my name above and then scroll down the page that comes up. You can chat to people in the Outhouse (or the more liquidy attachments smiley - smiley ), or go and visit them by clicking their name on the List. You can read and post in any existing thread you come across by clicking on the title, or start a new one by clicking the 'discuss this entry' button in whichever Space you visit.


smiley - smiley Katy Tulip

ML Communal Friends' List

Post 52

H2G2 Mustardland Mustering Station

Hi Douglas - you're on the List too now!

smiley - smiley Katy Tulip

ML Communal Friends' List

Post 53


I might be being thick here, but is there, somewhere, a list of everyone's names who has signed up, because if there is I just can't find it.

I've clicked on every link and thread and I just can't find a list of names! smiley - ermsmiley - sadfacesmiley - wah

luv QB xxx

ML Communal Friends' List

Post 54

Portia Antrobus

Hi Cubes

If you go back to Katy's first message at the top of this thread, you'll find the link.

It's a bit like wading through treacle here at the moment. Am trying to get my head round it but have to break off every so often to hit it against a brick wall!

ML Communal Friends' List

Post 55

Peet (the Pedantic Punctuation Policeman, Muse of Lateral Programming Ideas, Eggcups-Spurtle-and-Spoonswinner, BBC Cheese Namer & Zaphodista)

Or just click on "Mustardland Mustering Station..."'s name and scroll to the bottom of the screen. smiley - smiley

ML Communal Friends' List

Post 56

H2G2 Mustardland Mustering Station

Hi Portia, hi Cubes!

Cubes, click on my name 'Mustardland Mustering Station - visit the Bull Outhouse at A3876131', and it'll take you straight to the page with the list (scroll down to find it). There's also a link in Peet's Intro in The Outhouse (if you can't find it straight away, put 'Bull Outhouse' in the H2G2 search engine, and it'll give you the link.

Btw, whenever you visit a page, be it the Outhouse, the MusteringStation, or anyone's Persoanl Space: if you'd like a mayo like list of all the threads on there, click the 'Click here to see more Conversations' button, and a new page will open up. The thread with the latest reply will be at the top (like in the Lockin).


smiley - smiley Katy

ML Communal Friends' List

Post 57

H2G2 Mustardland Mustering Station


:D Katy

ML Communal Friends' List

Post 58


Ah thank you everyone, I've found it!

Think I will bookmark it to be on the safe side!

Thanks again smiley - smiley

luv QB xxx

ML Communal Friends' List

Post 59

Peet (the Pedantic Punctuation Policeman, Muse of Lateral Programming Ideas, Eggcups-Spurtle-and-Spoonswinner, BBC Cheese Namer & Zaphodista)

Hint, a "-" inbetween ":D" gives " smiley - biggrin"

ML Communal Friends' List

Post 60

Peet (the Pedantic Punctuation Policeman, Muse of Lateral Programming Ideas, Eggcups-Spurtle-and-Spoonswinner, BBC Cheese Namer & Zaphodista)

See, QB's got it! smiley - tongueout

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