
Er Hello... very new to all this but am sure I will get it soon enough....I wont be able to spend a lot of time on this front page, due to time restrictions in RL... so please bear with me... it is a shame Junior farley has started sleeping at nights as having him on my knee at the computer when he couldn't sleep was a time when I made a lot of real good friends in Mustardland...

Hmmmm I don't know how many friends will make it from the old ML... I hope everyone does ... I know change is scary... but at the end of the day that is all it is ... *Change*... Anyone really challenged by change should read the little book ... "who moved My Cheese" by Spencer Johnson,Kenneth H. Blanchard. ( Just google it and buy it from The Big River)... that book has helped me more than any other.

Right will prolly come in here and play later ... but for now I would be grateful if anyone does read this to let me know ( HOW???????????) so I know if I am doing it right...

Lodasa Luv'N'Stuff

Charley x


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Charley Farley

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