This is the Message Centre for Charley Farley

hello charley

Post 1


Nice to see your name, we never meet these days ; perhaps this is a good omen. You sounded peeved that your little darling is now sleeping better, surely not?

This can be fun, but different.

hello charley

Post 2

Charley Farley

Hi Martine... lovely to see you, not peeved just hankering afer "other times"

They were happy days when Max would come and sit with me... it makes me smile to think of it and the silly things we used to get up... Of course Both Norm and I still had our Mums back then... ah Nostalgia ain't what it used to be!

Yes I think this is a good omen, a chance to renew old aquaintances and have fun again... I really lost interest in ML... the constant vigilance via the troll busters really did take the sparkle of it all for me... trust is a very special and fragile thing... so let us hope we can make the new ML a safe and happy home for our large and disparate family...

Loadsa Love to you, and all of yours

Charley x

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