A Conversation for Ask h2g2

Translations please?

Post 1

Pink Paisley

So this is the story.

I play in a band and we have just started to play Rufus Thomas' 'Walkin' the Dog'.


Cover versions are available.

One of the guitarists commented that he had been singing this to himself and found that the words to Pssycho Killer fit. In part. And then suggested that we insert a Psycho Killer verse and then suggested doing it in French a la Talking Heads.


So my mission is to collect the following verse:-

Walking the dog
I'm just a walking the dog
If you don't know how to do it
I'll show you how to walk the dog

In foreign languages.

Your help please.


Translations please?

Post 2


Walking the dog\ paseando al perro

I'm just a walking the dog/ sólo estoy paseando al perro

If you don't know how to do it/ si no sabes cómo hacerlo

I'll show you how to walk the dog / te enseñaré cómo se pasea al perro.

smiley - biggrin

Translations please?

Post 3

You can call me TC

Does it have to scan?

if not here's the German.

Ich gehe Gassi
ich gehe Gassi mit dem Hund
Wenn du nicht weißt, wie das geht,
dann zeig' ich dir wie man den Hund ausführt.

If it does, give me a moment.

Translations please?

Post 4

Icy North

قم بجولةللكلب
أنا مجرد المشي الكلب
إذا كنت لا تعرف كيفية القيام بذلك
سوف تظهر لك كيفية المشي الكلب


Translations please?

Post 5

You can call me TC

What is this fixation with having songs sung in different languages?


And this is a favourite of ours. My son sung it for his wife at their wedding:


WTF? Don't the links work in preview in Pliny? I've removed the "s" but it doesn't help. Will just have to keep my fingers crossed that they work. When at home, I will check them again in Ripley.

Translations please?

Post 6



Sometimes it is justified. The Clash. Spanish Bombs


Translations please?

Post 7


That was a cover. These are the Clash:


Translations please?

Post 8


Here's a French one.
It can have the same number of syllables as tr English if you take out a few silent Es (cue parentheses) :

J(e) promen(e) le chien
Je promen(e) juste le chien
Si tu n(e) sais pas comment on fait
J(e) t'apprendrai a prom(e)ner le chien

Translations please?

Post 9


This is my attempt at Japanese - much adapted to fit the syllables.

inu o sanpo
tatta inu o sanpo
ga shirimasen toki
moshi shiru nakereba
inu o sanpo miseru

Translations please?

Post 10

Pink Paisley

This started off as a stupid conversation with band mates.

Now it's a matter of honour....

Thanks for your contributions so far.


Translations please?

Post 11


Are you walking the dog f-f-f-far-f-f-f-f-far-far, or just round the corner?

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