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Windows 10 and OneNote - help needed

Post 1

Sho - employed again!

ok. there are rules.
The first person to say "don't use Windows" is going to have their heart dug out with a spoon. And it's a very blunt spoon.

The question:
#2 Gruesome updated her laptop to Windows 10 having waited to see if it seems ok (everyone she knows who uses it is fine with it)
now she is trying to open OneNote but it just gets stuck with the kriggely circle thing going round and round.

Does anyone know if there are any issues with it?

Windows 10 and OneNote - help needed

Post 2


I think I recall there was an update for windows 10 that one note needed.

I do not want windows 10 I am happy my current version as and I will get it with the next machine anyway, things like this confirm that.

Here is a link that may help

The Beginner's Guide to OneNote in Windows 10
Aug 20, 2015 - Microsoft has revamped many of its internal apps to match both the design aesthetic and increased functionality in Windows 10,

smiley - smiley

Windows 10 and OneNote - help needed

Post 3

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

My local computer place installed Windows 10 recently. I haven't noticed any problems.

Windows 10 and OneNote - help needed

Post 4

Sho - employed again!

Interesting, bob, thanks. I think she's been using it for a few weeks with no issues, someone elsewhere suggested a "repair" so I'll explore both avenues.
Thank you smiley - kiss

Windows 10 and OneNote - help needed

Post 5

Icy North

Windows 10 laptop went into a ghastly infinite blue screen loop the other week. I only fixed it by invoking hyperspace (or something). I don't trust it.

Windows 10 and OneNote - help needed

Post 6

Milla, h2g2 Operations

I've gotten super help from the online chat support from MS.


Mutual patience helps of course, but they have never failed me (and I've chatted with them tree or four times now).

smiley - towel

Windows 10 and OneNote - help needed

Post 7

Sho - employed again!

thanks for the link - we have received a few tips, if they don't work, MS chat it will be smiley - smiley

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