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What is Ginger Beer?

Post 1

SashaQ - happysad

I am pondering this question, as I have also been given some Apple Cider that tastes like plain apple juice but just with a hint of fizz. There's no label on them as they were a homemade thing, but I'm wondering if there is any alcohol in them, or if Ginger Beer etc is actually produced differently from ale smiley - ale and so are non-alcoholic...

What is Ginger Beer?

Post 2

SashaQ - happysad

Ah, I found the Entries on Ginger Beer in the Guide A634664 so it seems it is just the length of time that the drink is brewed for that makes the alcohol form...

As the cider is quite sweet and only slightly effervescent, that probably contains hardly any alcohol either.

What is Ginger Beer?

Post 3

Gnomon - time to move on

Normally all the sugars in ginger beer are turned into carbon dioxide so there is no alcohol.

In America the term cider is used for fizzy apple drink whether it is alcoholic or not. In the UK cider is always alcoholic but not always fizzy. I don't know about homemade stuff.

What is Ginger Beer?

Post 4

You can call me TC

Is there a difference between ginger beer and ginger ale, I have always wondered...?

What is Ginger Beer?

Post 5

SashaQ - happysad

Ah smiley - eureka That makes sense about the Apple Cider indeed - the person who made it is from the USA smiley - ok

What is Ginger Beer?

Post 6


There is a difference between ginger ale and ginger beer. Ginger beer is a proper brewed drink. It usually has a real taste of ginger - often quite fiery and with a bit of a kick. Ginger ale is your standard fizzy, sugary drink, coloured with caramel colouring and maybe a homeopathic amount of ginger flavour in it. It's ok as a mixer, but it's pretty much your standard fizzy "pop".

What is Ginger Beer?

Post 7

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

Traditional apple cider is not carbonated, nor is is alcoholic. However, if you buy it and let it stand a few months, some of the sugars may turn into alcohol. Sparkling apple cider has had carbon dioxide put int it. Applejack has been allowed to ferment long enough to be seriously alcoholic.

What is Ginger Beer?

Post 8


I think what we refer to as cider over here is known as "hard cider" over there - which sounds a bit funny to our ears, as it isn't a very high-alcohol beverage compared to spirits or wines. A beer-type thing, but fermented from apple juice rather than grain.

What is Ginger Beer?

Post 9

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

In the U.S., apple juice and cider are made in different ways, so they taste different.

What is Ginger Beer?

Post 10


I remember my disappointment when, after a couple of hours shovelling snow, we were offered "hot apple cider", and given something completely bereft of alcohol. smiley - biggrin It was still gratefully accepted though, it was *cold*!

What is Ginger Beer?

Post 11

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

Mulled cider can be quite nice. I made some for a party a year ago. It has cinnamon and cloves in it.

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