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I know we're not supposed to say Belgium but can we say Waterloo?

Post 1

You can call me TC

As someone mentioned a few months back, it's odd that so many significant battles took place in the 15th year of the century. This year we have Agincourt and Waterloo.

A2875421 Napoleon Bonaparte 1805-1821 - From Empire to Waterloo
A5403881 The Battle of Waterloo, 1815

I just noticed that it is the anniversary of Waterloo this week.

What would have happened if it had turned out differently? Remember the Blackadder "Time Machine" episode where Baldrick drops the time machine on Wellington and when he gets back to the present day the currency is francs (although people appear to still be speaking English).

I know we're not supposed to say Belgium but can we say Waterloo?

Post 2


We'd be gardening in our Napoleon Boots.

We'd still be using steam trains and the restaurant car would serve excellent German food.

I know we're not supposed to say Belgium but can we say Waterloo?

Post 3

Icy North

We wouldn't have lots of statues: A23852144

I know we're not supposed to say Belgium but can we say Waterloo?

Post 4


Nobody would have heard about Abba.

I know we're not supposed to say Belgium but can we say Waterloo?

Post 5

You can call me TC

I was expecting someone to correct me on 1815 and 1415 being the 15th year of the century. Isn't it really the 14th, or the 16th, or something smiley - shrugsmiley - erm

I know we're not supposed to say Belgium but can we say Waterloo?

Post 6


You cannot mention the word "Excellent" & "German Food" in the same sentence.

I know we're not supposed to say Belgium but can we say Waterloo?

Post 7


Sauerkraut smiley - run

I know we're not supposed to say Belgium but can we say Waterloo?

Post 8

Pink Paisley

One of the Wombles would be called Napoleon.


I know we're not supposed to say Belgium but can we say Waterloo?

Post 9

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

"people appear to still be speaking English" [TC]

That's because English is the official language on every planet in the galaxy *except* 70% of Planet Earth. smiley - winkeye

I know we're not supposed to say Belgium but can we say Waterloo?

Post 10


Presumably that's the 71% of smiley - earth that's ocean...?


I know we're not supposed to say Belgium but can we say Waterloo?

Post 11

Sho - employed again!

there's also Agincourt, that was 1415. (25th October)

I know we're not supposed to say Belgium but can we say Waterloo?

Post 12

Icy North

I know it was in France, but please can we say Agincourt was fought at 2.15 PM.

I know we're not supposed to say Belgium but can we say Waterloo?

Post 13

Sho - employed again!

No. It was a military operation and the military operates on a 24 hour clock smiley - tongueout

I know we're not supposed to say Belgium but can we say Waterloo?

Post 14

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

"Presumably that's the 71% of earth that's ocean...?" [Bluebottle]

I was thinking of the part of Earth that's composed of....earth. smiley - erm

[Tries to do quick calculation in head.....70% of 30% is 21% smiley - online2long

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