A Conversation for Ask h2g2

What's your favorite S.E.P?

Post 1


What's your favorite S.E.P? (somebody else's problem)

For me it's got to be the homeless.

I see them... And i am like... Someone got to do something about this!! NOT ME! But someone!

What's your favorite S.E.P?

Post 2


Syria at the moment.

What's your favorite S.E.P?

Post 3



What's your favorite S.E.P?

Post 4

You can call me TC

I think it's more a case of not knowing what to do. I certainly wouldn't know what to do about Syria. And if I see someone homeless, how do I know if they are genuinely in need through no fault of their own or if they are looking for money for drink or drugs that will only exacerbate the problem (OK - that's a very simplistic view, but there are several kinds of homeless).

I read a very interesting article this week. It was an interview with a retired policeman giving good advice about how to behave if you were in a train or tram and witnessed someone getting beaten up. People try and keep out of it - the more so when there are a lot of people in the carriage.

He gave tips on how to behave to avoid getting beaten up oneself, and on what to do to prevent others getting picked on, or how to defuse the situation if bullying has started. Even if you have just sat behind your newspaper and pretended you weren't there, he suggested what you can still do once the perpetrators have gone.

Mind you - it still helps if you are male and 6' yourself.

smiley - shrugsmiley - shrug

What's your favorite S.E.P?

Post 5


My favorite example of the S.E.P. field are the cycling safety adverts awareness tests on Youtube. Look for DoTheTest videos.

What's your favorite S.E.P?

Post 6


Mind you - it still helps if you are male and 6' yourself.<

I'm big guy - not 6 ft but wide and powerfully built (he says modestly smiley - winkeye) - this can make me a target for thugs as they see me as a challenge. It doesn't help - it's a hindrance. A visit to charm school might though smiley - winkeye

When I was a student and on the way home one term I and lots of other people witnessed a fight between two tramps in the square outside my college. A young guy beating up an old guy - (fair? smiley - rolleyes). Anyway, myself and quite a lot of big rowing types (6 ft 4 to 6 ft 10 was their height range) all stood about watching, bravely not knowing quite what to do smiley - sadface

It took someone' middle aged mother to give the young guy a good tongue lashing to stop it.

It helps if you're female more in my experience, male thugs are (mostly) less likely to have a swing at a woman. smiley - bigeyes

What's your favorite S.E.P?

Post 7

Milla, h2g2 Operations

To be honest, I haven't seen any S.E.P's lately. Not sure why that is.

smiley - towel

What's your favorite S.E.P?

Post 8

Sho - employed again!

people in public places accompanied by a toddler who has a tantrum. So happy it's not me. I always give them a sympathetic shrug and carry on my merry way.

What's your favorite S.E.P?

Post 9


I'm with you there Sho. It's such a relief to hear a young child kicking off when you know for certain that it isn't yours.

Not much fun for the person whose child it is, mind, but there's almost a collective sigh of relief from the other parents nearby.


What's your favorite S.E.P?

Post 10

Sho - employed again!

exactly, been there, done that, got the (sicked upon) t-shirt. And it's interesting to see the reactions of other people. Those who have been through the toddler-tantrum phase with their own offspring wince and (mostly) have sympathy.

Those who haven't are often just irritated and do that Tutting thing.
smiley - smiley

What's your favorite S.E.P?

Post 11


Oh, we're still in the toddler-tantrum phase, so when I'm on my own it's a relief to know that the child making that racket can't possibly be mine, because they are elsewhere (hopefully not) inflicting similar on their mother.


What's your favorite S.E.P?

Post 12


I used to be a serial tut-ter.being a stepfather, I never went through the toddler experience. Now I'm a grandfather my attitude has changed entirely. I even find myself smiling at the wee beggars sometimes smiley - smiley

What's your favorite S.E.P?

Post 13

Sho - employed again!

I demand photos... swl? smiling?

*take cover everyone, the world is about to end*
smiley - run

(otoh: I am frequently a SEP myself when I am in the midst of one of those "my 15 year old is having a tantrum" scenarios)

What's your favorite S.E.P?

Post 14


smiley - crosssmiley - biggrin

What's your favorite S.E.P?

Post 15


Screaming-mad toddlers crying and puking
Mental-bitch girlfriends jealously rebuking
Scratches down cars and great obvious dings
These are a few of my favourite things

Fat people dying of cardiac issues
Loud people dabbing their black eyes with tissues
Other folks' problems that give me big grins
These are a few of my favourite things

When the dog bites
When the bee stings
When kicked in the 'nads
I simply remember they're all S.E.P.
And then I don't feel so bad.

What's your favorite S.E.P?

Post 16

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

smiley - ok

smiley - cheers

What's your favorite S.E.P?

Post 17


shooda sent that to smiley - thepost Hoo

smiley - applause

What's your favorite S.E.P?

Post 18


I can just imagine Julie Andrews singing Hoo's version to the von Trapp kids smiley - ok

What's your favorite S.E.P?

Post 19

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

Upon deeper reflection of the SEP question I have to admit
with mixed pride that I have no problems. Every problem I've
encountered seems to have been somebody else's problem.
smiley - biggrin

What's your favorite S.E.P?

Post 20

Just Bob aka Robert Thompson, plugging my film blog cinemainferno-blog.blogspot.co.uk

In terms of S.E.P.s I have some disdain for, HS2 has got to be high up there. The high speed rail link would benefit a lot of people, and cause problems for only a few, and yet that's enough to make it controversial.
In terms of S.E.P.s I really feel for, depression comes high on my list. Having never experienced it myself, it slightly scares me to imagine friends having it, because it's irrational and so there's not really much you can do or say to help them...

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