A Conversation for Ask h2g2

The 42 Emoticon On Facebook,Gone.

Post 21


Hey, hang on...why has my post been hidden?

Was it thought to be 'offensive'?

What do people think the phrase:

'Come back' means when ending a sentence which is what the sentence in my post ended with?

If anyone *thinks* my post was offensive then they are totally and utterly wrong.

Personally, lil's post 15 with the sentence

With the * Yes, even Alfster got one!* took me back and I did consdier yiksing it as there is no reason to say they.

Lil - please explain what you mean by that comment as it seems, to me, very uncalled for.

I'll give you 24hours to explain what it means otherwise I will yikes the post as I find it offensive towards me.

Thank you.

The 42 Emoticon On Facebook,Gone.

Post 22


My post was post 5.

i.e. the one with the link to what the 42 emoticon was.

The 42 Emoticon On Facebook,Gone.

Post 23


As a reply to "Pastey: In Bacchus We Trust" : Yeah,I (kind of) thought that too,but it's not all the (or most of the) smileys are gone,it is just :42: If we take this as a list,for example "https://www.facebook.com/pages/How-to-make-chat-symbols/177737490684?sk=info",everything on this list works,except for the 42 one. (Believe me,I have tried :D) So this makes me think that whatever it is, it's done in purpose. (Or maybe I'm a bit paranoid ? :D)

The 42 Emoticon On Facebook,Gone.

Post 24


As a reply to "Pastey: In Bacchus We Trust"

Yeah,I (kind of) thought that too,but it's not all the (or most of the) smileys are gone,it is just :42:
If we take this as a list,for example "http s://ww w.facebo ok.c om/pages/How-to-make-chat-symbols/177737490684?sk=info",everything on this list works,except the 42 one. (Believe me,I have tried :D) So this makes me think that whatever it is, it's done in purpose. (Or maybe I'm a bit paranoid ? :D)

The 42 Emoticon On Facebook,Gone.

Post 25


Alfster,personally I do not think that your post was offensive :D Probably,it's just a misunderstanding :D

The 42 Emoticon On Facebook,Gone.

Post 26


Indeed, Oolon.

Unfortunately, I doubt it will be back 'the moderators are never wrong'.

The 42 Emoticon On Facebook,Gone.

Post 27

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

smiley - biggrin

Postings made on Saturday nights are never
quite so clever on Sunday mornings.

smiley - winekey

The 42 Emoticon On Facebook,Gone.

Post 28

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

Hi Alfster,

Post 15 was to let Oolon know that even 'Alfster' was once a newbie, and if you check your message centre I even welcomed you back personally on your return.

All newbies deserve respect for joining h2g2.com and endeavouring to become part of the Community.

If you feel my post deserves to be yikes'd that is your privilege. Should the Moderators uphold it I won't complain about it.

I will defend my newbies to the best of my ability within the House Rules.


The 42 Emoticon On Facebook,Gone.

Post 29


Gentlemen,gentlemen,can we get back on topic,please :D ?
I'd very much like to hear your opinions about the subject,why would they remove the 42 emoticon only,and let the others stay ? Does that make any sense ?

The 42 Emoticon On Facebook,Gone.

Post 30

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

smiley - bigeyes
>> Does that make any sense? <<

It probably does to anyone who bought FB stock.

That whole tower of cards is collapsing because
they are not at heart a community, just a big
website service that ignores individual rights
and tries to profit from the info they gather.

If I was a stockholder I would not allow a link
to another site like h2g2 which actually is what
FB only pretends to be.

smiley - biggrin

The 42 Emoticon On Facebook,Gone.

Post 31

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

That's *them" told. smiley - snork

Now, I don't know why FB retired that smiley - though I suspect Pastey's explanation makes sense - but I do know that smileys on *this* site never go away.

They just get rediscovered, reused, repurposed, misused, complained about, and added to. smiley - corncobsmiley - otamotsmiley - badgersmiley - applesmiley - badgersmiley - kropssmiley - footprintssmiley - stnirptoofsmiley - winekeysmiley - suitcasesmiley - tekcor

*Where's my smiley?*

The 42 Emoticon On Facebook,Gone.

Post 32


Tinfoil hats are to be taken seriously, not things to be levitatious about.

The 42 Emoticon On Facebook,Gone.

Post 33

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

I levitate regularly. smiley - whistle

The 42 Emoticon On Facebook,Gone.

Post 34


>>There was an interesting radio interview with John Lloyd the other week. He claimed that DNA had thought of a 'real' answer to life the universe and everything, but he died before he could tell his friends.

No, I refute that. That is absolute hogwash. Either DNA was having a laugh or John Lloyd is. Such revelations are, as is well documented, only possible in a small cafe in Rickmansworth, and he was living in LA at the time. There would have be something seriously wrong with the space-time continuum for the answer to have occurred to him there.

smiley - tongueout


The 42 Emoticon On Facebook,Gone.

Post 35

Icy North

I've got the podcast somewhere. Happy to transcribe Loyd's words, or send you an audio clip (if/when I find it). Loyd was being absolutely serious, though.

The 42 Emoticon On Facebook,Gone.

Post 36

Still Incognitas, Still Chairthingy, Still lurking, Still invisible, unnoticeable, missable, unseen, just haunting h2g2

The only problem I'm currently having with Facebook is it has started addressing me by name..and asking nosy questions.smiley - erm

The 42 Emoticon On Facebook,Gone.

Post 37

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

Isn't there a counterspell for that? smiley - wizard

The 42 Emoticon On Facebook,Gone.

Post 38

clzoomer- a bit woobly


How was the 42 smiley created on FB in the first place? Or perhaps 'who' put it there is a better question.

smiley - huh

The 42 Emoticon On Facebook,Gone.

Post 39

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

smiley - biggrin

It was probably Marvin the Maniacally Depressed Robot
who recognised a sinking ship when he saw one.

BTW, we never got any kind of robot smiley here.
smiley - snowman

smiley - tekcor

The 42 Emoticon On Facebook,Gone.

Post 40

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

smiley - suitcase <!> <?> smiley - bigeyes how come I've never noticed that one before smiley - weirdsmiley - ufosmiley - weirdsmiley - badgersmiley - weirdsmiley - badgersmiley - badgersmiley - badger

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