A Conversation for Ask h2g2

What is the Strangest Word to Type?

Post 21

Baron Grim

Oh, got it. Yeah, we usually call it a stroller here.

What is the Strangest Word to Type?

Post 22

Baron Grim

Oh, I just thought of one word that's odd to type.


That string of "swer" is a bit like drumming your fingers on the desk.

What is the Strangest Word to Type?

Post 23


I like to call ours a perambulator just to confuse people...

When I'm older if I'm ever forced into a mobility scooter I'll call it a motorised bath chair.


What is the Strangest Word to Type?

Post 24

Witty Moniker

We call it a stroller, I believe.

What is the Strangest Word to Type?

Post 25

clzoomer- a bit woobly

For all the touch typists out there-


draw, ward, wear, zest, teas, craw, wear, East, vase, wave



What is the Strangest Word to Type?

Post 26

Baron Grim


What is the Strangest Word to Type?

Post 27

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

smiley - yikes

>> bomb <<


smiley - winkeye

What is the Strangest Word to Type?

Post 28

Baron Grim

Nice (except for that incongruous 't').

What is the Strangest Word to Type?

Post 29

Sho - employed again!

clzoomer - I tried those words, they are nice to type because they are all with different fingers. Where I have problems - actually I don't often have problems typing anything - it's if there is too much that should be done with one finger on different keys.

What is the Strangest Word to Type?

Post 30

Baron Grim

In that case, aqua and aluminiumminumum... smiley - evilgrin

What is the Strangest Word to Type?

Post 31

Pink Paisley

If you type the way I do the keyboard doesn't have a left and right. Either the whole thing is middle, or at a push I suppose the q and a could be on the left and everything else on the right.

And word ending 'erty' for instance 'property' starts off being typed slowly but gets faster in the second half.


What is the Strangest Word to Type?

Post 32

Rudest Elf

"I've never heard anyone make a similar claim for the right side of the keyboard. Any ideas?"

The 'Would you resign...' thread had me thinking about the word 'pleb'.

Surprisingly, the letters comprising bumpkin, hillbilly and hoi polli are all right-hand siders. smiley - spacesmiley - bigeyes

smiley - reindeer

What is the Strangest Word to Type?

Post 33

Rudest Elf

Erm... hoi polloi, that is/was.

smiley - reindeer

What is the Strangest Word to Type?

Post 34

Rudest Elf

As are highjump & hymnbook... smiley - spacesmiley - winkeye

smiley - reindeer

What is the Strangest Word to Type?

Post 35

Rudest Elf

Got a bit carried away with highjump, but. smiley - spacesmiley - whistle

smiley - reindeer

What is the Strangest Word to Type?

Post 36

Baron Grim

Am I wrong to suspect that folks that suggest that G, B & T qualify as residing on the right side of the keyboard are "two finger typists"? Now while I might give you B as it does lie on the border, G & T do not.

However, before the backlash, let me tell you about my cousin. She took typing in high school and her grades drastically improved by the simple strategy of moving to the back of the room. At the front of the classroom, her teacher could see her using just her two index fingers. At the back of the room she was free to "hunt & peck" at a rate of, no seriously, 65 wpm. She didn't learn her skill in class but rather chatting on a BBS.

What is the Strangest Word to Type?

Post 37

AE Hill, Mabin-OGion Character of inauspicious repute


there is a mile between the two s's. smiley - run

What is the Strangest Word to Type?

Post 38

Sho - employed again!

Rudest Elf - if, like me, you learned to type in the British Army, Highjump is a righty.

In our system the divide is 5, t, f, v, are the furthest edge of the left hand and 6, z (or y), g and b are the furthest right. I think that's different from the traditional way?

What is the Strangest Word to Type?

Post 39

Nosebagbadger {Ace}

"Am I wrong to suspect that folks that suggest that G, B & T qualify as residing on the right side of the keyboard are "two finger typists"? Now while I might give you B as it does lie on the border, G & T do not."

I'm a touchtyper (this is being done by two fingers, because I don't need to type quickly and I'm tired
smiley - biggrin ) but due to my large fingers my left index fingers are actually sitting on the space between f/g and h/j - which means that if one finger is typing another letter on its side the index finger from the other hand to type it
...sometimes it even has the rest of the hand attached smiley - biggrin

What is the Strangest Word to Type?

Post 40

Rudest Elf

Third attempt smiley - spacesmiley - sigh

Hi Sho smiley - spacesmiley - smiley

I'm a self-taught, two-finger typist (as some may have realised by now smiley - spacesmiley - whistle ), so I don't know why (the) F should be the left hand's limit - of the 15 keys on the A line, F is the fifth smiley - spacesmiley - huh . (My Spanish keyboard has an Ñ to the right of the L, on the A line, pushing the G even further to the left.)

I should read this, I guess: http://edgarmatias.com/papers/ic93/index.html

smiley - reindeer

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