A Conversation for Ask h2g2

What Good has God Ever Done?

Post 1

Taff Agent of kaos

on the Theist/Atheist debate threads the Atheists allways bring up all the Bad stuff God has ever done in the Scriptures

killing, smitting, curseing and generally being a Big Meaney

can anybody give details of where God has done nice/good, fluffy stuff, like rescue kittens for example????

smiley - bat

What Good has God Ever Done?

Post 2


Might have been two kittens on the ark

What Good has God Ever Done?

Post 3

Taff Agent of kaos

Ark!!!.......Flooding the world and killing everyone????

not quite a good act!!

try again

smiley - bat

What Good has God Ever Done?

Post 4


He provided free drink at weddings and found a loophole in the laws about fishing quotas.

What Good has God Ever Done?

Post 5


Surely the two little puppies sways it...

What Good has God Ever Done?

Post 6

Taff Agent of kaos

KB, that was his kid, the forward thinking new generation,

good acts through the medium of a proxy!!!!! do they count??

smiley - bat

What Good has God Ever Done?

Post 7


Ahhh, right. Well, if that was his kid you're going to have to define "God" a bit more precisely in your question. Some people believe the kid was God too, some believe he wasn't, some believe he was a prophet. So define your terms first. smiley - tongueout

What Good has God Ever Done?

Post 8


(I'm not giving the pro-religion side of the argument here, but it's decidedly shoddy questioning.)

What Good has God Ever Done?

Post 9

Taff Agent of kaos

where it says along the lines of......god did this, diectly atribbuted to god!!! in the smiley - book without applying any dogma

smiley - bat

What Good has God Ever Done?

Post 10


What 'bout creating the world (universe), with the kittens and puppies, the fish to eat and the grapes to make wine

What Good has God Ever Done?

Post 11


But even *that* depends on the translation. It seems like you want to ask "religious people in general" to defend beliefs that most of them probably don't even hold. smiley - weird

What Good has God Ever Done?

Post 12

Taff Agent of kaos

#What 'bout creating the world (universe),#

the world i'll give you, but the universe...no

that was already there!!!! he just moved over the face of the water, theres no evidence he made all the water, and i don't want to know!!!

if you were a all powerfull super being, how would you make a lot of water????smiley - erm

as to the world, he got that arse about face, making days and nights first and then having to bodge a sun and a moon in later, making photosythasing plants before he made a sun!!!not the sort of diety youd want to project manage your creation!!!!

imagine what would happen if you hatched your sea monkeys BEFORE you put the water in the tank!!!!?

smiley - bat

What Good has God Ever Done?

Post 13

Taff Agent of kaos

#It seems like you want to ask "religious people in general" to defend beliefs that most of them probably don't even hold. #

like i said, the Atheists allways point out the negatives

i just want to give the other side a chanche to show the posatives

its not about belief, we all know you can't change a theists belief with words and evidence, it has to come from within

smiley - bat

What Good has God Ever Done?

Post 14


"if you were a all powerfull super being, how would you make a lot of water????"

I'd drink a lot of the free wine at Cana, and give it time. smiley - winkeye

What Good has God Ever Done?

Post 15

Taff Agent of kaos

smiley - biggrinsmiley - ok


smiley - evilgrinsmiley - cheers

smiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - laugh

smiley - bat

What Good has God Ever Done?

Post 16


I got derailed by the kittens. More seriously I have tried to weigh up the good vs the evil but it didn't offer me any satisfactory conclusion, so I rephrased to, would I take it away, if I had the power to make everyone forget religion or their belief in God. And I couldn't do it even though I think it more hassle than it's worth

On a point of order, most things have been in the name of god rather than off the back of gods direct instruction or by gods own hand. So blame for floods and stuff but crusades not really gods fault smiley - biggrin

What Good has God Ever Done?

Post 17

Taff Agent of kaos

# So blame for floods #

there is one flood he claims personal reponsability for!!! thats the biggy

smiley - bat

What Good has God Ever Done?

Post 18


What God are we talking about?

What Good has God Ever Done?

Post 19

Taff Agent of kaos

## most things have been in the name of god rather than off the back of gods direct instruction or by gods own hand.##

in the OP i pointed out that the Atheists use all the bad stuff god has done (personally) to show what a bad egg he is and unworthy of worship

this is the chance for the Theists to redress the balance and point out all the good stuff god has done personally to show what a good guy he is and deserves worship

smiley - bat

What Good has God Ever Done?

Post 20

Not the monkey - Skreeeeeeeeeeeee

I know this isnt somewhere where Im expected to be serious, but indulge me...

Surely the idea of an interventionist, agent God is more-or-less a Christian one - and constrained to certain minority literalist interpretations of Christianity at that? Its alien to Islam, defunct in modern Judaism, and the Hindu gods are a whole different kettle of howsyerfathers. Trust me, Im as militantly Atheist as they come, but it seems silly to laugh at things that people dont even believe.

End with a song:


one of the all time great(opening lines, surely)

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