A Conversation for Ask h2g2

"Personal motto" (w**k-centric)

Post 41

Gnomon - time to move on

I was going to suggest "Lager macht frei" but that would almost definitely be picked up on.

"Personal motto" (w**k-centric)

Post 42

Taff Agent of kaos

sennelager.....probably the wurst lager in the worldsmiley - erm

smiley - bat

"Personal motto" (w**k-centric)

Post 43

Taff Agent of kaos

can't believe this hasn't shown up yet

"nuke it from orbit!, it's the only way to be sure"

smiley - bat

"Personal motto" (w**k-centric)

Post 44

Trout Montague

On the premise that the law is a don quixote:

"To right the unrightable wrong"

"Personal motto" (w**k-centric)

Post 45

Taff Agent of kaos

smiley - musicalnoteto dream the imposible dreamsmiley - musicalnote

thank you andy williams

smiley - bat

"Personal motto" (w**k-centric)

Post 46

Just Bob aka Robert Thompson, plugging my film blog cinemainferno-blog.blogspot.co.uk

I'm currently very inticed by paraphrasing Charlie Sheen: "I have only one speed, one gear: GO!"

"Personal motto" (w**k-centric)

Post 47

Icy North

Aiming to be the employee-delivered service provider of choice.

No Subject

Post 48

Not the monkey - Skreeeeeeeeeeeee

'No e-mail is so important that it cannot be deleted unread.'

Click, scroll, shift+click, delete. Works for me. smiley - ok

No Subject

Post 49


Lack of forethought on your part does not constitute a crisis on my part

Personal mottos

Post 50

clzoomer- a bit woobly

Presently on my door (I often post quotes or cartoons);

In all the parks in all the cities,
There are no statues for committees.

G.K. Chesterton (para)

It helps that the smallest boardroom is across the hall, where three different groups meet every day.
smiley - laugh

Personal mottos

Post 51


"We have met the enemy and he is us"- Pogo comic strip

Personal mottos

Post 52

Taff Agent of kaos


smiley - bat

Personal mottos

Post 53



Personal mottos

Post 54

Taff Agent of kaos

proper preparation and planning prevents piss poor performance

bullshit baffles brains

smiley - bat

Personal mottos

Post 55


Of course.

But that's 8Ps, shirley:

Proper Planning Plus Preparation Prevents Piss Poor Performance
(something for the weekend, sir?)

Personal mottos

Post 56


' I take wooden nickels'

Personal mottos

Post 57


'I fought the law and... the law won"

Or Judge Dredd? 'I am the law' or something like that.

Or "sues you sir"

Or "It is better to jaw, jaw, jaw than law, law law"

Or "Tax law is my only recreational drug"

There's really no end to the potential basically...


Personal mottos

Post 58


Smile at someone today, it'll drive them all crazy.smiley - biggrin

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