A Conversation for Ask h2g2

Best bands?

Post 1

Marvinia Paranoia

So many it would be hard to choose. I would say that it depends on which era. For example, can't beat Pearl Jam for grudge era. CSN&Y for 70s, Hendrix in the 60s, Eagles for early 80s and so on.

Best bands?

Post 2


Best bands - Although not really heard of in the UK too much, Reef are probably one of my favourites - Their songs are brilliant. I also enjoy Big band music, and anything with a good beat

Best bands? Best singers??

Post 3

Trillian's child

O Good, I'm glad someone started this, it was getting limiting sticking to American music on the other one.

I still stick to Extreme though, and Roxette for good middle-of-the-road entertainment.

And love female singers with distinctive voices - Annie Lennox, KD Lang, Shania Twain (her lyrics are great), Christine Perfect, Gianna Nannini.

Best bands? Best singers??

Post 4


James. A good recorded sound and a good live act.

Best bands? Best singers??

Post 5

Trillian's child

O dear, do I have to ask who James is. I've rather grown out of James Taylor and think James Hetfield has a voice to kill for. This must be another guy? Maybe not even male?

Best bands? Best singers??

Post 6


James are a band, called just James. Why I don't know. They were formed in Manchester, England, in the early 80's and acheived success of a major kind in 91 with the single Sit Down and the album GoldMother.
Indie pop rock if you want some kind of stylistic tag. Best songs Sometimes and Sound. Website http://www.jamestheband.com

Best bands?

Post 7

Knifee, Thingite in charge of stuff you shouldn´t run with. Back from being away

well what about U2, Bon Jovi, Rolling stones and Radiohead for 4 fantastic bands smiley - smiley and thats live as well as recorded.

Best bands?

Post 8


My vote has to be for 'Simple Minds'. Best thing ever to come out of Glasgow.smiley - smiley

*think I should go lie down for a while now*

*passes out*


Best bands?

Post 9

Gandalf ( Got my own Comp Now!! Still Redundant!! )

Two words......TANGERINE DREAM!!!!


Best bands?

Post 10

Trillian's child

Tangerine Dream? do they still exist?

Best bands?

Post 11

Knifee, Thingite in charge of stuff you shouldn´t run with. Back from being away

one word..... Who??

Best bands?

Post 12

TheOkapi - Sensitive Scout...So Do It PROPERLY!

Aaaaagggggghhhh! Sacrilege!!
Well said Gandalf!! Tangerine Dream: top notch 70's / early 80's electronic band who probably influenced more electronic bands world-wide than anybody else. Led by the the very wonderful Edgar Froese...
superb stuff to lie back and listen to whilst getting very quietly intoxicated by way of natural substances.....so I'm told!!!!!
They were actually formed in 1967 by Froese and and a guitarist called Christoph Franke. From Germany, they were really experimental and they signed with Virgin ( thank Richard, once again!)and released the superb album 'Phaedra' in about 1974. 'Rubycon' is one of their best, though I've lost touch with what they're up to these days ( if anything ) but Froese did a solo album and wrote some film music too.
They alos did the music for a remake of the classic 50's movie 'The Wages of Fear' which was called.....DAMN!! Can't remember, but the music was good!
If you like some imaginative, 'avant-garde' sort rock type stuff give them a listen....smiley - bigeyes

Best bands?

Post 13

TheOkapi - Sensitive Scout...So Do It PROPERLY!

Ah, Pegasus...great band! But the best out of Glasgow....?
What of the history....like Stone the Crows or S.A.H.B. ? Now surely THEY deserve a mention....? And what about Bert Jansch, still playing solo today, but formed Pentangle in '67 with John Renbourn? And moving further afield, what of Gallagher and Lyle ? Largs, I believe.
Simple Minds were good, but.....

Best bands?

Post 14

Granny Weatherwax - ACE - Hells Belle, Mother-in-Law from the Pit - Haunting near you on Saturday

Do you guys remember Juciy Lucy?

Best bands?

Post 15

TheOkapi - Sensitive Scout...So Do It PROPERLY!

Juicy Lucy...'Who do You Love'?
Ah me...memory lane! Brilliant band! Wasn't that Vince Crane; he who went on to form Atomic Rooster?

Best bands?

Post 16

Granny Weatherwax - ACE - Hells Belle, Mother-in-Law from the Pit - Haunting near you on Saturday

You've just solved a little nagging question that SWH has been pestering me with every time the old 45's come out. Whatever happened to Juicy Lucy, I can tell him now, Ten Years After with Alvin Lee!!!

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