A Conversation for Ask h2g2


Post 21

Pinky Parker-Tourettes

Can think of only 2 applications of the flexi-thumb -
Obviously must help in hitch-hiking (not only indicated that you need a life, but maps the route too)
Also - probably allows you to do some rather impressive and saucy 'gusset typing'

ooh #blush# there's a thought!


Post 22

Pinky Parker-Tourettes

sorry - Freudian slip - for life, read lift (obviously)


Post 23


The crucial question is: can anybody out there do anything weird with their bellybutton???
Count me OUT smiley - tongueout


Post 24

Zorpheus - I'm so hip I have difficulty seeing over my pelvis.

Mine does a spectacular job of collecting lint, but I don't think that's too impressive unless I collected all of it and re-knitted a sweater.

Did Adam have a bellybutton?

Post 25

Mother of God, Empress of the Universe

Adam did, in fact, have a belly button. Not because he was a mamal, or because he needed to be connected to a placenta. As the prototype man, Adam started as a blow-up doll for God to play with. The belly button was the nozzle through which God gave him the breath of life, and since he hadn't yet created the little dongers to plug it with, like a beachball, God just tied him off like a balloon. Had the beachball been created before man, I'm quite sure he would have applied the donger technology. Many a time I've heard him muttering about letting the air out of some windbag or other--especially during election years.

Any further theological questions can be addressed to me directly in the "Mother of God, eh" conversation on my page.


Did Adam have a bellybutton?

Post 26


How cool is this? I post a silly, but nonetheless deep question, can't access my PC for a bit and come back to find many many more answers to things I didn't know I needed to know! Woohoo! I am rather curious about the 101 uses for navel fluff, so I might trot along there now.


Did Adam have a bellybutton?

Post 27


if adam had no belly button and kangaroos have no belly button does this mean that Adam was a kangaroo?

Did Adam have a bellybutton?

Post 28

Pink Paisley

My mate Adam has got a belly button.

He says that he uses it to store salt in when he is eating celery in bed.

Did Adam have a bellybutton?

Post 29

Still Incognitas, Still Chairthingy, Still lurking, Still invisible, unnoticeable, missable, unseen, just haunting h2g2

Have you noticed how many differant kinds of bellybutton there are?

Did Adam have a bellybutton?

Post 30

Pink Paisley


Did Adam have a bellybutton?

Post 31

Still Incognitas, Still Chairthingy, Still lurking, Still invisible, unnoticeable, missable, unseen, just haunting h2g2

You never peek then?


Post 32

Xanatic(phenomena phreak)

This post has been removed.

Did Adam have a bellybutton?

Post 33

Mother of God, Empress of the Universe

My dear, God made all kinds for a reason. Don't worry about your bellybutton--such an insignificant thing. And guaranteed, you are NOT the only outie in the universe. If that's the only characteristic you have to be embarrassed about, count your blessings. Could be much worse smiley - smiley

Did Adam have a bellybutton?

Post 34

Xanatic(phenomena phreak)

Hmm, well I don´t believe in God, so I can´t use that. And my belly isn´t the only thing I´m embarrassed about, far from it. I hate my whole body.

Did Adam have a bellybutton?

Post 35

Mother of God, Empress of the Universe

Just between us, I don't believe in God, either. Hence my name. But if your body does what it is made for, reasonably well, then try to give yourself a break. It's just the thing that carries you around. They're all more or less the same. It's just hard to realize that, at a certain point in life, when so many superficial aspects have such great importance. I think that bodies are there to enjoy the world through. That's all.

Did Adam have a bellybutton?

Post 36

Merdo the Grey, Patron Saint of fuzzy thinking

But marsupial fetuses do have umbilical cords before they are born, so they do have belly buttons at some stage of their development.

But the oviperous mammals like the spiny anteater and duck-billed platypus in Ozzieland probably dont.

That is, assuming that the only cause of the belly-button is an umbilical cord. If the cord connecting the yolk-sack to the fetus in oviperous animals, perhaps the Belly-button isn't a unique feature of mammals.

Did Adam have a bellybutton?

Post 37

Is mise Duncan

Never mind belly button - where did the extra rib (which was used in the construction of eve) come from? Maybe it was a long one round the lower belly which is why men tend towards beer bellies in later life...or as humans are amongst only very few mamals not to have a penile bone, perhaps "rib" is a mistranslation!

Did Adam have a bellybutton?

Post 38

Mother of God, Empress of the Universe

hummmmmmmm.....food for thought. Thanks Duncan! Could be another Peetie God story in that, somewhere smiley - smiley

Did Adam have a bellybutton?

Post 39


I am called Adam, and I have a belly button. It used to be an outy when I was a kid, and now, as I have been ravaged by lager, I have an inny. Like the Adam mentioned previously, I find it very useful for storing salt when eating celery in bed. I can also use it as a candlestick holder when bathing in the dark.

My friend Marcus has no belly button at all. I kid you not. It is quite freaky when he gets his lack of belly button out at parties to impress the ladies.

- Adam

Did Adam have a bellybutton?

Post 40


Grooo! Tummy-tuck?

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