A Conversation for Ask h2g2

Why do the English hate the French? Britain for visiting Americans

Post 81


Unlike the Belgians, they don't really go for beer in a big way, wine being their main source of alcohol.
Many of the French beers that do exist make a specific point of stressing they're from the Alsace region (NE franc, close to the German border), but I suppose that's understandable, as it seems to be the main brewing area.

'Kronenbourg 1664' is brewed in Alsace, and can be quite good, and several own-brand continental lagers sold in UK supermarkets are brewed in France.

Why do the English hate the French?

Post 82

Dinsdale Piranha

The Czechs (sp?) make excellent beer.

Try Pilsner Urquell or Budweiser Budvar.

In London, a good beer to try is Young's.

(Cue rash of postings from the North - 'Good beer in London? Tha'll be lucky')

Why do the English hate the French?

Post 83


The problem with good beer in London is finding a pub that does it well. (queue londoners with lists of good real ale pubs smiley - winkeye)

Why do the English hate the French?

Post 84


Or a pub that does a good pint at something like a reasonable price...

Why do the English hate the French?

Post 85


At least the local near work does both those things smiley - smiley

Why do the English hate the French?

Post 86


My old uni bar in South Kensington is still fairly cheap, - though in a few week's time I guess there'll be the inevitable influx of midlle class parents delivering the latest crop of 18 year-olds with the time-honoured babbling about 'and what A-levels did *you* get'. Still, if the beer is cheap and decent...

Why do the English hate the French?

Post 87


So which do bar is that, I occasionally go out drinking down in that part of the world.

Why do the English hate the French? Britain for visiting Americans

Post 88

Sho - employed again!

Ah yes. Remember when Boots was "Boots the Chemist?" Now we call it "Boots the Everything shop" (BTE). I love it.

Why do the English hate the French? Britain for visiting Americans

Post 89


The English may not like the French, but they've certainly taken their cue from them.

I'm thinking 'petrol' (=gas) here!smiley - winkeye

Why do the English hate the French? Britain for visiting Americans

Post 90

Is mise Duncan

What I want to know is why the farmers are leading so many of these protests - farmers deisel (aka agricultural or red diesel) is not nearly as taxed as the rest of us thanks to the CAP!

Why do the English hate the French?

Post 91


(for Phil,)
Southside Bar - it's on the south side of Prince's Gardens (just west of Exhibition Road, a little above the V&A and the Mormon chapel. There's a door roughly in the middle of the longest building which opens into an area with chairs & tables (visible from the outside through the windows), and the bar itself is down the stairs just next to the door. I guess it's *probably* really supposed to be students & staff only, but the number of ex-students and Postgrads who drink there mean there's a reasonable continuum of ages, so 30 or 40-somethings don't necesarily stand out too much. Just make sure you avoid it the first few weeks of October.

Why do the English hate the French?

Post 92


Cheers Potholer, I'll have to go exploring next time I'm over that way (a friend lives near there). As for the 30-40 somethings not standing out, when I get there (age wise) I hope I don't stand out smiley - smiley

Why do the English hate the French?

Post 93

Gandalf ( Got my own Comp Now!! Still Redundant!! )


You forgot to mention both Fullers (ESB) ond Wadsworth's (6x)

Both EXCELLENT London pints!!



Why do the English hate the French?

Post 94

Gandalf ( Got my own Comp Now!! Still Redundant!! )

For good beer (guaranteed!) and good food at VERY reasonable prices, try any JD Wetherspoon pub ANYWHERE!!!!

Why do the English hate the French?

Post 95


Is that Wadworths of Devizes, Wiltshire smiley - winkeye

(of and can you please stop shouting G smiley - smiley)

Why do the English hate the French?

Post 96

Dinsdale Piranha

A real Northerner, or an ex-pat, living in Surrey?

There seems to be a kind of brewery event horizon beyond which their beer becomes crap. I fear for King & Barnes (my local brewer). They've just been taken over by a larger concern, and they were on the cusp as it was.

It's best if you can find out what the local 'family' brewery is, and drink their stuff.

How's this for topic drift? Discussing the relative merits of different beers in a forum about hating the Froggies? smiley - smiley

Why do the English hate the French?

Post 97

Gandalf ( Got my own Comp Now!! Still Redundant!! )

sorry Phil.....

Getting my real ales mixed up!
I meant to say Brakespears (Henly on Thames)!!1
smiley - smiley

It's just a beer thing....

Post 98


mmmmm.....beer.... :P

There has been a growth of micro breweries in Canada that produce very good brews, however much of the business is still going towards the giants (Molson and Labatts..ewwwww) I hope that we can develop pub-centric breweries here in the same style that you would find in the U.K.


Post 99

Gandalf ( Got my own Comp Now!! Still Redundant!! )

This post has been removed.

It's just a beer thing....

Post 100

Underground Caroline

I'm glad this conversation has turned to beer - much more sesible topic. Hurray for real ales.

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