A Conversation for Ask h2g2

Why do the English hate the French?

Post 121

Lord Sin

Why do the English hate the French?

Im English but dont hate the French or any body come to think of it. There is and always will be bitterness between groups of English and French people, as there will always be Nazis and Jews.
History will keep the bitterness fresh because storys of old wars and scandals will always be told in our schools and playgrounds. Its something that wont go away and to tell the thruth who wants it to?
Without it we would be two nations without something between us, without something to joke about.
Im sure we dont hate each other, we just dont see eye to eye. We have lived with it for hundreds of years that i know of, we'll live with it for hundreds more.

The Seven Years War

Post 122

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

It's all because of the Seven Years war in the later 1700's(I hope this hasn't been referred to beforehand). This was back when England stole New France(Canada) from the French....

But the French got even when they helped out the American Colonies gain their independence!!! God Bless America... smiley - smiley

French humour

Post 123


Remember Agincourt!

French humour

Post 124

Wand'rin star

I'm afraid you're right. Some of the "perfidious albion" stuff comes from Henry V ordering the French prisoners to be slaughtered at Agincourt, this bring to an end any coexistence of chivalry and warfare (which was a pretty daft idea in the first place,if you ask me)

French humour

Post 125

Trillian's child

I still refuse to believe that a person will form an opinion on a whole race of people because of something that happened ages ago and well before their lifetime and which they only ever heard about in a history lesson (which for some reason, most people don't seem to enjoy anyway)

Am I too naive?

French humour

Post 126

Wand'rin star

No, much too sensible for this thread, which I thought would have been long dead by now.

French humour

Post 127


Historical Footnote:

The reason the French prisoners were killed after Agincourt is that the French king had ordered an attack on the English Baggage train, where the pages would have been. Chivalry and medieval warfare dictated that these were sacrosanct and it was not the done thing to attack them, let alone put them all to the sword. Particularly as these boys who probably would not have been older then 12 and more probably younger and had no way of defending themselves. smiley - sadface

French humour

Post 128

Lord Sin

Wow i never knew that!! It's kinda shocking!!!! smiley - sadface

French humour

Post 129


That's war I suppose smiley - sadface


Post 130

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

People can be so ugly and cruel to each other...

I agree with(whoever it was, sorry, fair researcher) who pointed out disgust at the assumption that a whole culture of citizens might hold gruges for something done to them ages ago. I agree.

But it's still everywhere(and certainly, thank goodness, is not taken up by every living being... many have sense enough to fogive and forget)-- some African Americans complain of being treated unjust to this day, the Jews have been persecuted in practically every era(that I've given a look over in classes), not JUST by Hitler, and, to pagans, the witch trials are still a sensitive subject.

Recently, Native Americans showed great upset over Americans celebrating and praising Christopher Columbus(who imprisioned them, and even killed off a great tribe, I've just learned)...

I am sure one can find countless other examples. I think it's appaling that a "different" religion or skin color can create such mistrust and distress, and can even give reason or excuse for slavery , persecution, ridicule-- heartlessness!!!!...

But... it still happens. smiley - sadface

Although the world tries to change(and doesn't fail to), people can't forget the mistreatment of each other. Maybe its appealing to have an excuse for sympathy; but it still remains best not to forget the wrongs we have all done to each other, and to keep from repeating history(I love my history class, by the way... at least for now... hee hee hee)!!! smiley - smiley


Post 131

Blatherskite the Mugwump - Bandwidth Bandit

This post has been removed.


Post 132

Trillian's child

I find it easier not to feel aware that I am talking to someone who is different (i.e. Asian, Russian, American, disabled, coloured, younger, older) if they don't think about the subject themselves but just get on and talk about what we're talking about.

There are probably people who are embarrassed about talking to me because I am what I am, but I am lucky enough never to have been an environment where I was an anomaly and it would never occur to me that I differ from the norm, leaving me free of hang-ups and open to just get on with the rest of the conversation.

There is a car sticker saying - certainly you see it a lot here in Germany - "Everybody is a foreigner - almost everywhere"

Why do the English hate the French?

Post 133


Having just returned from a pleasant trip to a part of France, I took a look at this thread thinking to say 'because its fun', and was absolutely appalled at some of the terrible francophobic stuff disguised in a humour I dont understand, especially in some of the early postings. I thought that the anglo/french antipathy was just a game we played with each other. I have had the good fortune to meet, deal with, and have all sorts of relationships with people of many nationalities. People are people are people; good, bad and indifferent, all over the world.

If you want to find a stereotype to dislike (I can't bring myself to use the word 'hate') then look at the way the English behave outside of their country...is there a worse dressed, ruder (dont bother trying the language) more ignorant, less tolerant of foreign customs etc etc bunch of people anywhere? Go sip a G&T in an expat British club somewhere and cringe in shame.

For the American coming to the UK, Enjoy! (and never ever use that phrase!...please!)

For the beer in London... Fullers ESB, peerless.

Why do the English hate the French?

Post 134


Regarding expats, 'British' is definitely a fairer term to use than 'English' when talking about embarrassing behaviour. Some friends of mine (born in England, brought up in Scotland, sound Scottish) have more than once been seriously embarrassed by the behaviour of a certain (drunken, male) section of the Scottish ex-pat community they encountered in Hong Kong. That's not meant to try and absolve English drunkards (or patronising colonial types) of any blame, but they aren't the only ones.

Why do the English hate the French?

Post 135


This sounds controversial but I feel safer in Twickenham after a rugby international surrounded by drunk men, then I do in Parsons Green after Chelsea have played.

For a woman, I have to say that it is not a nice place to be.

This is way off topic isn't it?

Why do the English hate the French?

Post 136

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

Nahhh... smiley - tongueout

Why do the English hate the French?

Post 137


Yes Potholer, you are quite right, the Scots can equal the English in boorishness when they have a mind so to do. But, as someone pointed out earlier, the Scots dont have the same antipathy towards the French on the grounds that (1) they are not English and (2) they too have spent much of History fighting the English.

I am struggling Abi....You mean because the French usually lose at Twickenham....or the Chelsea team has a lot of Frenchmen in it??? May I venture to suggest that there is a social difference. Rugby types are of a different species to Soccer types. Their body chemistry reacts to alcohol somehow differently.

Anyway, if you can afford to live in Parsons Green you might be better advised to get your green wellies on and audi off to the country for the weekend when Chelsea are at home! Its the price you have to pay!

Why do the English hate the French?

Post 138


I wasn't talking about the French (I said I was off topic). I was just talking about my experiences with boorish drunken people. I have no objection to the Chelsea fans whatsoever, I am just saying that I feel threatened by drunken men high on Adrenalin.

And incidentally I live in a tiny flat on the council estate in Parsons Green. Not a green wellie or Audi in sight my dear. Social generalisation is a very dangerous thing - you should try to avoid it. smiley - winkeye

Why do the English hate the French?

Post 139


I grovel in apology! I was only trying to tease. PG is a nice part of the world, however humble your abode. If I tell you that my local team is West Ham, will you forgive me...please! tis only envy that I have.

Everybody feels threatened by loud male groups, whatever they are fuelled on. Thats why they do it. You are not alone.

If you want an argument about social generalisations/steroetypes etc. have a look at the 'define your terms' thread in the forum 'understanding the opposite sex'. If it doesn't wear you out just reading it.....

Why do the English hate the French?

Post 140


Thats Ok Pheroneous - I should have taken a chill pill. I am just a bit sensitive about being seen as a complete Fulham ra! Cos I am not and to be truthful I find those people very very yucky!

Actually I wish I had an Audi instead of a Y reg Vauxhall Nova but there you go!

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