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Ask: Extras, Ricky gervais's new show. What did people think?

Post 61


Patrick Stewart on mobile: "Actually, I'm doing a film that you may be interested in..."

smiley - sadface I even got a little lump in my throat when Andy was shouting at Maggie. Then when he touched her hand! smiley - blush I'm a bit of a sapsmiley - blush

Ask: Extras, Ricky gervais's new show. What did people think?

Post 62


I liked the constant "Make it so" - didn't you ever see Star Trek the Next Generation? and the same replies...*shake head*
And the obsession with breasts.smiley - laugh
Who else spotted the model behind the "too gay" bloke?smiley - wow

"We can offer you a computer..." in the BBC offices?smiley - runsmiley - run

Ask: Extras, Ricky gervais's new show. What did people think?

Post 63


Well keep it down, or else the italics will all be wanting one.

Ask: Extras, Ricky gervais's new show. What did people think?

Post 64


smiley - yikes Was that the last episode of this series?

Ask: Extras, Ricky gervais's new show. What did people think?

Post 65


So I heard...

Ask: Extras, Ricky gervais's new show. What did people think?

Post 66

Mister Matty

It was, yes. It's been a huge success, though. I think it's averaged around 4m viewers per episode so it's almost certain to be back.

Ask: Extras, Ricky gervais's new show. What did people think?

Post 67


It will be back - a second series has been commissioned. I wonder how they'll deal with the end of this episode - perhaps they'll just say the sitcom flopped.

Ask: Extras, Ricky gervais's new show. What did people think?

Post 68

The Groob

As the months have gone by and I've reflected on this show I've come to realise just how bloody annoying Maggie is.

Ask: Extras, Ricky gervais's new show. What did people think?

Post 69


she is... she reminds me of a couple of my friends though. not going to say who though. it could be worse, they could remind me of Brent...

Ask: Extras, Ricky gervais's new show. What did people think?

Post 70

The Groob

Actually I used to work with a guy who was like the over friendly guy. The first time I met him I was out having a fag at the 'fag area' on my own. He came up to me and said "Ullo mate, wanna come out for a drink with me and the wife?" Odd.

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