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Who thought Live8 was brilliant?
Xanatic Posted Jul 4, 2005
And why was Miss Dynamite there, isn't she quite the one hit wonder? She could at least have done that song about critizising the hip hop attitude. That would have been a bit of social awareness.
Who thought Live8 was brilliant?
Primeval Mudd (formerly Roymondo) Posted Jul 4, 2005
I thought the song was quite an uplifting moment. He was dying on his a**e before that. Much like Ricky G before the dance.
Who thought Live8 was brilliant?
bubba-fretts Posted Jul 4, 2005
I appreciate U2 opened the show and this was never gonna be easy. But they sucked. With or Without Mr Mills McCartney.
But the male dancer with Maddonna who just seemed to spin on his head for an eternity was fantastic. I'd pay to see that done again!
Who thought Live8 was brilliant?
The Groob Posted Jul 4, 2005
I wasn't overkeen on the way Peter Kay introduced The Who.
Who thought Live8 was brilliant?
BDG Posted Jul 4, 2005
The Who showed the younger generation how real music sounds definitely the stars of the concert. Blew every other artist away into oblivion.
Robbie definitely put on a fine performance and knows how to get audience going.
Joss Stone was excellent and a credit to Devon.
Scissor sisters were good.
Roxy music from Berlin sounded dreadful and I'm a big Bryan Ferry fan so I don't know what was going on there?!
Finale was awful.....dreadful singing of great songs.
Agree who were those people in the front rows?.... One chap in a blue t-shirt seemed to be in every other shot along with Victoria Beckham and her lips!!
Who thought Live8 was brilliant?
Primeval Mudd (formerly Roymondo) Posted Jul 4, 2005
I feel sorry for Victoria Beckham - all that pouting and tilting of the head must get very tiresome. The poor lamb must want to smile normally once in a while.
Actually, I don't fell sorry for her at all, I just wish she'd go away.
Thw Who definately rocked. Mind you, it's hard to make a mess of a song as good as 'Won't Get Fooled Again!'
Who thought Live8 was brilliant?
the_evil_tree Posted Jul 5, 2005
I liked REM. The couple of times I've seen them live they didn't play 'Everybody Hurts' (or at least I don't remember them playing it...) but it was good to see it even if it was only on TV. Although as no ones mentioned them before I might've been alone in that
Having never seen the original Live Aid I can't really compare the two but I'd say this was good but not life changing. The funniest thing was the audience forcing Gervais into doing that particular dance with him somehow even managing to do that badly..
Who thought Live8 was brilliant?
JulesK Posted Jul 5, 2005
I didn't get to see it all but I was disappointed that Robbie didn't actually sing very much. He's a great crowd-worker but if you look at how many of the notes he sung and how many he got the crowd to sing for him...I started to wonder if he was protecting a sore throat(Or being lazy - and if so he got away with it if you read the reviews!)
Still remember where I was when LiveAid was on
Who thought Live8 was brilliant?
Primeval Mudd (formerly Roymondo) Posted Jul 5, 2005
Where were you? I was in my parents' living room (13 at the time).
Who thought Live8 was brilliant?
JulesK Posted Jul 5, 2005
Nowhere too exciting - round at my friend's house. I think the adults were having a BBQ in the garden.
I was 13 too!
Who thought Live8 was brilliant?
Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor Posted Jul 5, 2005
I hated the Hey Jude finale.
What was that about?
"You'll never walk alone" would have been better...
Is that Pete fellow, Mr.Kate Moss, famous for anything other than being the arm candy of a supermodel? Whatever, he can't sing, and he looked stoned.
I was shocked at the truly appalling language, especially with the children in the audience.
Most sensible person there appeared to be Gwyneth Paltrow who had adorned her toddler's ears with protective headphones in shocking pink.
I would have been more impressed with the effect of the grown-up Ethiopian girl if it had been just her and Bob - why Madonna had to snog her and try to include her in her act was beyond me, unless it was attention-seeking.
Didn't anyone else want to Mariah Carey for her "here's my new record"
free plug??
I did.
I thought the opening with the 4 dressed up as the Beatles from the Sgt Pepper's LP cover was hilarious. I'm old enough to remember seeing the Beatles dressed like that and it was quite a nostalgia trip.
I was 30 when Live Aid was on and I remember it all. I've resisted getting the DVD up till now - but I might enjoy the nostalgia trip.
I missed Brad Pitt introducing Annie Lennox because I was flicking back to the Wimbledon Ladies final how bad timing was that?
I also missed Bob singing "I don't like Mondays" but I don't mind
Worst performance - heck I didn't even memorize their name but their performance was so awful when they finished they looked surprised not to get any applause but I wasn't, I applauded when they vacated the stage.
Most annoying person - Peter Kay, who must have been drunk, he was trying to wind Wossy up and to sing Amerillo over and over again is unforgiveable.
Who thought Live8 was brilliant?
Primeval Mudd (formerly Roymondo) Posted Jul 5, 2005
GB, I'd forgotten about Annie Lennox. She was wonderful.
But you're such a cynic!*
*mind you, I'm not saying I don't agree.
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Who thought Live8 was brilliant?
- 21: Xanatic (Jul 4, 2005)
- 22: Primeval Mudd (formerly Roymondo) (Jul 4, 2005)
- 23: bubba-fretts (Jul 4, 2005)
- 24: The Groob (Jul 4, 2005)
- 25: BDG (Jul 4, 2005)
- 26: Primeval Mudd (formerly Roymondo) (Jul 4, 2005)
- 27: the_evil_tree (Jul 5, 2005)
- 28: JulesK (Jul 5, 2005)
- 29: Primeval Mudd (formerly Roymondo) (Jul 5, 2005)
- 30: JulesK (Jul 5, 2005)
- 31: Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor (Jul 5, 2005)
- 32: Primeval Mudd (formerly Roymondo) (Jul 5, 2005)
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