A Conversation for Ask h2g2

Tell us something funny.

Post 1

Edward the Bonobo - Gone.

In these dreary days, we all need a laugh. So tell us what tickles you. Not jokes - funny events/situations/ etc.

Like when someone trips over one of those 'Danger! Wet Floor' signs. smiley - biggrin

Tell us something funny.

Post 2

minichessemouse - Ahoy there me barnacle!

how about when someone walks into a plate glass window because they dont see it (have been guilty of this one a few times)

minismiley - mouse

Tell us something funny.

Post 3


I've just been giggling at 2 texts sent to me by my daughter. The first was telling me off for screwing on the container at the top of her salad holder, which held the croutons for her caesar salad, too tightly. The second was that it was OK, she'd got Mr Graham to do it. smiley - dontpanic

I think it was just the incongruity and terribly middle-classness of a 15 year old scolding her mother on a caesar salad related matter smiley - weird

Tell us something funny.

Post 4

aka Bel - A87832164

You are right, it should have been the other way round. smiley - winkeye

Tell us something funny.

Post 5


Ok - this isn't exactly answering the question but WTH,

There's a NPR podcast from This American Life at the moment about a Santa War in the US - it's hilarious. If you need a bit of cheering up, this will do it. It's in the middle of the podcast. Just skip over the gloomy retail recession segments on the way.. smiley - smiley


Tell us something funny.

Post 6



Rather than derail the thread completely, what comes to mind is a converation with one of my five year old twins recently. I came downstairs in the morning to see him watching TV munching on a chocolate bar, so he immediately proceeds to hide it under him, just in case daddy didn't spot the brown stain all across his face, the smell of chocolate permeating the room and the involuntary jaw movements as he munches it down..

So I rummage underneath him, pull out the bar, and present the evidence to him. He looks at me for a sec and says "Now how the HELL did THAT get there?"

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