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Room rearranging aids

Post 1

Amy Pawloski, aka 'paper lady'--'Mufflewhump'?!? click here to find out... (ACE)

We thought we'd be moving into a larger apartment any time now, but that has fallen through. So now, we need to figure out how to juggle furniture in such a way that we can fit another person in this house the end of Februaryish. Not that the person herself will take up much room, being a newborn, but her stuff certainly will!

Anyway, I usually use the bits-of-graphing-paper method, when the drag-furniture-around-and-end-up-learning-it-was-already-arranged-the-best-way-to-begin-with method is not appropriate, like now, when 1) I'm not supposed to lift more than 20 pounds and, while I won't be *lifting* any furniture, I'm sure dragging/pushing sofas and chairs come under that prohibition and 2) there's 3 different rooms that are possibilities to keep Notepad in (living room, our bedroom, PaperKid's bedroom). Things are complicated by the fact that the heaters are in the most inconvenient spots--right where it would make sense to place a crib.

Does anyone know of any good, free programs for plotting room layouts that allow you to specify dimensions, in case you have peices that aren't a standard size/shape, and that you can put in such features as doorways, windows, heaters, etc? Preferably one I can download and use offline, because I'm stuck with dial-up again.smiley - ta

Room rearranging aids

Post 2


There are some very nice open source, free, all-purpose vector drawing programs, such as inkscape http://www.inkscape.org/

go to the downloads page, and look for the windows builds to download a windows binary

I don't know of any free, specific room design software, but there's a 30 day trial version of room arranger available here: http://www.download.com/Room-Arranger/3000-2131_4-10150366.html?tag=mncol;psum

smiley - goodluck

and felicitations... smiley - bubbly

Room rearranging aids

Post 3


Mo specific tips Amy, but 'end of February-ish', hey? Congrats in advance then!smiley - biggrin

Room rearranging aids

Post 4


smiley - rolleyesOh those typos!! smiley - bleepsmiley - winkeye

Room rearranging aids

Post 5

Amy Pawloski, aka 'paper lady'--'Mufflewhump'?!? click here to find out... (ACE)

smiley - ta

Bothsmiley - winkeye

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