A Conversation for Ask h2g2

"What news story has caught your attention today?" thread

Post 17761

Baron Grim

I hope they use wombat poo.

It's notable because it's cubic! smiley - weird

(how!? smiley - huh)

"What news story has caught your attention today?" thread

Post 17762

Icy North

So, tell me if I've got this straight, the panel has to sniff the poo and guess which part of the Isle of Wight it comes from?

Packham: "Sample 1 definitely contains pan-fried scallops - so I'll go for Bembridge. Sample 2 must be from Newport - smells like a KFC Bargain Bucket."

"What news story has caught your attention today?" thread

Post 17763


I think they should do it the other way round and send celebrities' poos to the Isle of Wight for people to examine: 'Now, which smiley - bleep is the Donald Trump and which the Gordon Brown?'

I'm just surprised that they're shipping the poos to Scotland from the Isle of Wight – aren't there any zoos in Scotland they can get poo from? What happens to all the animal excrement there - is it deep-fried and eaten?smiley - yuk


"What news story has caught your attention today?" thread

Post 17764



Happy Day - Avebury's stone circle is actually square.


"What news story has caught your attention today?" thread

Post 17765

Pink Paisley

Sorry. This one is rather dark but it's been gnawing away at me.

I work in forensic mental health and I STILL have no idea what makes some people tick.

Warning, this story is not for you if you have a weak stomach.



"What news story has caught your attention today?" thread

Post 17766


in that text, vulnerable means with mental health problems?

I also wonder what makes people behave that way. I think it is a long process where empathy, resentment... mix in the minds of that people and they enjoy torture? It´s awful.

I think that they are deeply sick and need professional help. The professional diagnosis could serve to prevent somehow that kind of behaviours.

I´m missing a clinical report from experts that explain what is the process by which a man mistreats and even kills his partner and even his children to make suffer the woman. Some end killing themselves after the murderers.
This is always the same, it belongs to some kind of behavioural pattern that should be studied.

Any kind of violence must be studied deeply.

"What news story has caught your attention today?" thread

Post 17767


take this one. that study on violence should not include the role of some politicians and means of communication on the radicalization of this terrorist?


"What news story has caught your attention today?" thread

Post 17768

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

I suspect vulnerable means some form of learning disability but it's hard to tell,
Sickening story smiley - sadfacesmiley - sadface
I'm working in forensic LD services on my last placement as a student nurse and I have seen and heard about some sad things but this is just sickening

"What news story has caught your attention today?" thread

Post 17769

Pink Paisley

Vulnerable in this case probably means that Mr Prout had one or more of a number of factors going on. Mental illness such as schizophrenia perhaps, learning difficulty perhaps. He may have been a long term drug or alcohol user who's mental ability has become seriously impaired as a result. He will probably have been in decline for many years and it is likely that he was targeted because he was easy pray. The treatment that he received at the hands of these (word blocked by filter) had simply kept him on that path and unable to access or ask for help - even if he recognised that he needed it.


"What news story has caught your attention today?" thread

Post 17770

Baron Grim


This is truly terrifying. The Trump administration's horrendous antipathy to science, its paranoia about an imagined "deep state", and its massive incompetence and disinterest about anything outside their agenda is putting the nation and the world in serious risk.

Putting (p)Rick Perry in charge of the department he couldn't even remember the name of but wanted to shitcan would be comical if it weren't so dire.

"What news story has caught your attention today?" thread

Post 17771


From BBC Science News: Signal may be from first 'exomoon':

Dr David Kipping, assistant professor of astronomy at Columbia University in New York, urged caution, saying: "We would merely describe it at this point as something consistent with a moon, but, who knows, it could be something else."

Ah, the joy of science.

The Arxiv article is written in an approachable manner, too.

"What news story has caught your attention today?" thread

Post 17772

Pink Paisley

I just keep getting the feeling that Trump doesn't really grasp the enormity of the job that he has. He seems to fail to grasp a number of issues. The breadth of the role. The depth of understanding that is required. The limitations of his power (recently I understand that he declared that he had the authority to pardon members of his family if they were found to be in bed with foreign governments interfering with the democratic process. As well as pardoning himself). It seems that he seems not to understand that government is complex but that changes in one area impacts upon another.

It would appear that he THINKS he gets it, whilst to on-lookers, even surely, the most inward looking of his supporters, he just gives the appearance of a one trick pony. Or do his supporters just not get it either? Did they think that being POTUS was so simple that even Trump could do it?

He was totally unprepared and he's just not getting any better.


"What news story has caught your attention today?" thread

Post 17773

Baron Grim

I honestly don't think he CARES!

Seriously, he is only concerned with himself. He is a yuge narcissist.

For example, throughout this whole Russia scandal, he has shown absolutely zero concern about Russia interfering with this country, hacking our infrastructure, spreading literal "fake news" through social and conservative media. When he spoke privately with Comey, the only thing he cared about was that Comey stated "three times" that he wasn't the direct target of any investigations. That's the ONLY thing he cared about. And when the investigations rightfully turned toward him he fired Comey. Now that independent counsel Mueller is looking into financial ties between the Russians and Trump, and those close to him, he is raving about how Sessions properly recused himself from that (and only that) investigation. Sessions has been trampling on the civil rights of Americans and immigrants right and left, but Trump is mad about the one glowing example of Sessions acting ethically!

He demands loyalty from people that should be independent and shows no one any loyalty himself!

He went in front of the Boy Scouts of America and held a campaign style rally bragging yet again about the election and how big a crowd showed up (Hey, Trump, you came to THEIR event, they didn't come to yours!)

The image of him shoving the PM from Montenegro at the NATO meeting perfectly captures his sense of self-importance.

Just look at that nasty smirk on his face.


"What news story has caught your attention today?" thread

Post 17774

Pink Paisley

Yes. I saw that push (on the news I think). The GIF puts it under a microscope of course, but it does rather sum him up.


"What news story has caught your attention today?" thread

Post 17775

Baron Grim

Following up the disorder and chaos in the DoE, here's a look at the State Department.


"What news story has caught your attention today?" thread

Post 17776

Icy North

Villagers from a remote mountain community in Northern Italy are now believed to be the descendants of a defeated 16th-Century Scottish army unit, who got lost and decided to settle there:


"What news story has caught your attention today?" thread

Post 17777

Baron Grim

A fellow I know through mutual friends wrote this story about the bloody origins of chili con carne in San Antonio.


"What news story has caught your attention today?" thread

Post 17778


...and what is chile, but a bbq flavored meat and bean stew...

"What news story has caught your attention today?" thread

Post 17779

Baron Grim

Heh. Texans will bristle twice at that statement. Chili and barbecue are not similar flavors and both are serious business here. And beans in chili will get you disqualified in Texas chili contests.

smiley - laugh

"What news story has caught your attention today?" thread

Post 17780

Cheerful Dragon

And Chile is a country, not a food, so you'll have annoyed a few million people by comparing them to beef stew.

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